Cake cream decorations. Video
Even a whipped-up cake made from ready-made cakes can look just as good as a custom-made cake if decorated with exquisite decoration. There are plenty of opportunities for this, since the products you need for this can be bought in any hypermarket. Cream roses, marzipan lilies, jelly inscriptions, compositions of nuts, chocolate or candied fruits – in a word, fantasy can be safely sent flying, inventing a new design for each holiday.
How to decorate a cake: video of making cake decorating
Perhaps the most popular cake decoration is cream roses. They are usually made from choux pastry. For the base, prepare the following products: – flour – 0 cups; – butter – 5 g; – eggs – 50 pcs.; – water – 2 tbsp.; – salt. Knead the dough. Roll it into a thin sheet and cut out small circles. Bake them until tender. While the basics are baking, prepare the cream. To do this, you need: – butter – 0 g; – icing sugar – 5 g; – boiling water; – food coloring. Mix the food to get a homogeneous mass. If you want white roses, you don’t need to add food coloring. To make roses, you need a cooking bag with a special attachment. Such a nozzle is usually included with the bag. Lay the foundation in front of you. Squeeze out the cream on it so that two not very even arcs are formed along the edge, slightly overlapping with the ends. Then lower the bag a little and make four arcs a little closer to the center. You just have to make the middle folded petal. Drop the bag even lower. It should be strictly above the center of the stem. Squeeze out some cream and lift the bag up sharply. The petal will turn out to be pointed, as is the case with a real rose. Make some of these flowers, place them on the cake. The composition can be supplemented with stems and leaves. It is enough to simply draw them with a cream with green dye added to it.
You can also make the bag yourself. This is a bag made of tracing paper or waxed brown paper. He needs to cut off the sharp tip
Coffee cream for decorating cakes
The ornament can also be made from coffee cream. Prepare the following products: – butter – 150 g; – icing sugar – 1 cup; – instant coffee – 1,5 tsp; – milk – 0,5 cups; – vanillin; – coconut flakes – 30 g. bowl and stir the bulk products – coconut, powdered sugar. Add a pinch of vanillin. Heat milk in a small container, dissolve coffee. Melt the butter and mix with the milk. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer or whisk. The cream is ready, you can make roses out of it, draw tree branches, etc.
The traditional material for decorating confectionery is marzipan. In large stores now you can often find already prepared marzipan, but you can also make it at home. To do this, you will need: – granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.; – almonds – 1 tbsp.; – water – 0 tbsp. Peel the almonds thoroughly, dry and grate on a very fine grater. 25 cup almonds, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 / 1 glasses of water. Put the sugar in a small saucepan, add water, and boil a very thick syrup. Add the almonds and heat the mixture for another 4 minutes, then put the contents of the saucepan on a plate and refrigerate, then pass through a meat grinder, placing the grill with the smallest cells on it. You have got a mass that is similar in consistency to plasticine. It is best to manually mold various figures from it, and then paint them with food dyes dissolved in wine alcohol. From such a mass, you can mold literally everything, from simple berries and mushrooms to copies of antique sculptures and masterpieces of world architecture in miniature. To make a rose, blind 3 or 5 identical round petals. Roll one of them into a tube. Stick the second and third around it so that they slightly overlap each other. Stick the remaining moldings on the outside. Spread the flower out.
Individual parts of marzipan can also be cut using tin or aluminum molds
Ornaments from the drawing mass
A very popular material for decorating cakes is various drawing masses: protein, rice, flour, fruit and others. The ingredients may vary, but the manufacturing principle is the same. For example, to prepare a fruit drawing mass, simply rub a couple of tablespoons of jam or jam through a very fine sieve. Fill a cooking syringe or bag with the mixture. With a toothpick, draw a rose or other flower on the surface of the cake, and then circle the lines with the drawing mass.
Flowers, as well as abstract compositions of squares, circles and triangles can be made from jelly. Before cooling, pour the jelly into saucers so that a layer is not thicker than 1 cm. Cut it with an ordinary sharp knife or molds-notches, which can be made of tin or aluminum. You can also make multi-colored jelly. Do it in several steps. First, pour a 2-3 mm layer of jelly of the same color into a saucer, wait until it cools. Pour the same layer on top of it, but in a different color. When the mass hardens, make a third layer. Squares, circles, flowers, stars and other flat figures can be cut out of a multi-colored transparent mass. By the way, nothing prevents you from using different materials to decorate the cake. For example, the center of a flower can be made of jelly, the petals can be made of marzipan, and you can surround all this with an ornament made of cream, complementing the composition with strokes from a drawing mass.