Caipirinha (Caipirinha) – “folk” Brazilian alcoholic cocktail

Translated into Russian, Caiparinha means “drink of the peasants,” but his recipe turned out so successful that now the Caiparinha cocktail is considered the hallmark of Brazil, it is made in bars around the world. You can’t download that the taste of the drink is very refined, but it cools and invigorates well, which is much more important in the hot season.

Caiparinha (Caipirinha) is a 25% Brazilian sweet and sour cocktail made from cachaça, lime, cane sugar and crushed ice. Served in glasses of the “Rocks” type, with a volume of 350 ml. The taste of the drink is close to another famous cocktail – Mojito, but without mint.

Historical information

The Caiparinha cocktail was invented by slaves who worked on the cane plantations of the Portuguese. They prepared alcohol from improvised means – brought cane juice to fermentation, and then kept lime slices in it.

Until the beginning of the XNUMXth century, few people outside of Brazil knew about Caiparinha. Everything changed when high-quality Cachaca appeared on the European and US markets, and Brazil itself became open to tourists. On the local beaches, the refreshing and quick-to-cook Caiparinha has become a real hit. Returning to their homeland, people ordered this cocktail in the bars of their cities, which contributed to its popularization.

Caipirinha recipe

Composition and proportions:

  • cachaca – 50 ml;
  • lime – 1 half;
  • cane sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • crushed ice.

Cachaça is a Brazilian cane moonshine that tastes like rum. Previously sold only in Brazil, but now it can be purchased in America, Europe and Russia. Since cachaca remains a very rare drink, it is often replaced in cocktails with rum, vodka, or even gin.


1. Cut half a lime into 4 parts and put the slices in a glass.

2. Add sugar and crush the slices with a small rolling pin or spoon. The lime juice should dissolve the sugar.

3. Fill the glass to the top with crushed ice.

4. Pour in the cachaca (rum, vodka) and mix well.

5. Decorate the cocktail with a lime wedge, drink through a straw.

Caipirinha (Caipirinha) – “folk” Brazilian alcoholic cocktail

Alternative Caipirinha Recipes

First of all, cachaca in a cocktail can be replaced with rum or even vodka. In the bars of Europe, the rum caipirinha (dubbed Caipirissima, although its composition is nothing more than a Daiquiri cocktail) is more popular than the classic version. The proportions remain the same. By adding high-quality vodka, you will get a Caipiroska drink, the taste of which is not much different from the original.

Caipirinha (Caipirinha) – “folk” Brazilian alcoholic cocktail

You can also prepare Caipirinha with fruit by replacing the lime with an orange slice, strawberries, blackberries, grapes or other fruits. Thanks to this, the sour taste of the cocktail is removed, and it becomes sweet.

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