Caesar salad with shrimps. Video recipe

Caesar salad with shrimps. Video recipe

Caesar salad is one of the most common dishes on the menu of catering establishments around the world. Absolutely everything in it captivates: it is hearty, tasty, looks beautiful, and its name is very noble. There are many variations of this salad. Caesar with shrimps deserves special attention.

Caesar salad with shrimps: recipe

Caesar salad: a little history

Many things that later became legendary were created unexpectedly and, as a rule, from what was at hand. So it happened with the Caesar salad. Most importantly, he has nothing to do with the Roman Empire. His homeland is the town of Tijuana, located in hot Mexico. The author of the salad is a chef with Italian roots, Caesar Cardini. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, he emigrated to Mexico, where he opened a small restaurant.

Caesar admirers were Jean Harlow and Clark Gable himself

In the 20s, prohibition reigned in the States, so on holidays in the city of Tijuana, which is located near the border, many Americans came to get a good drink. According to legend, in 1924, on Independence Day, the Cardini restaurant was full of guests. There were many Hollywood stars and businessmen among them. They quickly ate all the snacks and began to demand the continuation of the feast. Then Cardini had to come up with a dish literally on the go from what was at hand. He rubbed a plate with garlic, put lettuce on it, sprinkled it lightly with olive oil and seasoned with ground pepper, then added eggs, cooked in a special way, grated Parmesan, wheat croutons and topped off with lemon juice. He mixed the ingredients casually and served. This is how the Caesar salad was born.

The Cardini dish made a splash among the guests. Many began to come to the Italian restaurant specifically to order his culinary improvisation. Subsequently, the salad has successfully debuted around the world.

The secret of Caesar’s popularity

“Caesar” is loved by many. Its taste is delicate and unique. In addition, this salad is figure-friendly. Nutritionists consider it a very healthy and easy-to-digest dish. Its ingredients are rich in the elements the body needs. Parmesan is a good source of calcium, olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol levels, and lettuce leaves are full of vitamins PP, E, A, fiber, and folic acid. “Sea” variations of this salad, in particular with shrimps, will also become a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which are not produced by the body, but are always necessary for it.

Caesar salad and proper nutrition are quite compatible concepts. 100 g of this dish contains about 310 kcal. A salad can be a great dinner or a hearty snack throughout the day.

Shrimp Caesar Salad Recipe: Ingredients

– 300 g of shrimp; – a bunch of lettuce; – 40-50 g Parmesan; – 6-7 pieces of loaf; – garlic clove; – 5 tbsp. l. olive oil.

For the sauce: – 2 eggs; – 2 garlic cloves; – lemon; – 2 tsp mustard; – salt, vinegar and pepper to taste.

How to cook Caesar with shrimps: step by step preparation

Prepare the shrimp marinade. Chop a clove of garlic and place in a small bowl. Pour in olive oil, pepper, salt and stir everything.

Boil the shrimp until tender. To do this, place them in boiling water for five minutes. Drain and let the seafood cool.

Remove shells and heads from the cooled shrimp. Place the shrimp in the garlic marinade and let it rest for half an hour.

Prepare the sauce. To do this, boil the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Mash the latter with mustard until sour cream. For this sauce, it is better to undercook the eggs a little.

Pass the garlic through a special press or rub it on a fine grater. Add the garlic mixture to the yolks. Mix everything.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and add it to your future sauce to taste. Send salt, ground pepper and vinegar there. Stir all the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate the sauce.

Prepare croutons. Cut the loaf into cubes and fry in hot olive oil until golden brown. For flavor, you can add some garlic to the oil before frying.

The history of Caesar salad

Grate the Parmesan on a fine grater. Instead of Parmesan, you can safely use any hard cheese. The most important thing is that it is salty.

Caesar salad with shrimps will be a good addition to a glass of beer, and under the influence of a glass of dry wine, the dish will fully reveal all the facets of its gastronomic bouquet, without leaving a single shade of taste a secret.

Rinse the lettuce leaves and place them on the bottom of the dish where you are going to serve Caesar to the table. They should be crispy and firm. Only then will the leaves create an airy flair for the other ingredients in the salad. Top with marinated shrimp.

Pour the sauce over the salad, sprinkle with grated cheese and croutons on top. The dish can be decorated with halved cherry tomatoes or whole olives. “Caesar” with shrimps is ready! Delicate shrimps, perky crunchy croutons and spicy splashes of Parmesan will create a unique taste of the legendary salad.

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