Cactus roots: how to plant a cactus without roots

Cactus roots: how to plant a cactus without roots

The shoots that form on the stems of adult cacti are great for breeding new plants. The procedure for planting them has some peculiarities and requires special care, otherwise the plant may die.

How to properly plant a cactus without roots

A good time for planting rootless shoots is spring or summer. The processes are carefully removed with a sharp knife. If a small piece is left on the mother, the process will not take root and die. The separated part is not immediately planted, but placed in a darkened place to dry.

The best time to plant a rootless cactus is spring or summer.

In order for a cactus without roots to take root well, you must adhere to some rules:

  • use sandy soil;
  • apply the cut of the appendage to the ground, without sprinkling;
  • water the plant carefully so that it does not budge.

After the roots appear on the process, it is transplanted to a permanent place. A small hole is made in the middle of the pot, a shoot is installed in it, lightly sprinkled with a substrate, while it is impossible to press in and fill it with earth. For the first time after transplanting, the cactus must be sprayed every day. For irrigation, use water that has settled for several days. As it grows, the number of waterings is gradually reduced to once a week, and the plant is transferred to a well-lit area.

For sterilization, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate or steamed. The landing containers are placed in water to moisten the earth, after which the excess liquid is drained.

Small seeds are placed on a leveled soil surface with a distance of several centimeters between themselves, and large seeds are sprinkled a little. Seed containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in a dark place.

After about 10-15 days, the seeds sprout. Then the film can be opened a little and the sprouts can be moved to a lighted place so that the sun does not fall on them. After the appearance of small thorns, the film is removed completely.

Cacti require regular watering, otherwise they die from lack of moisture. But you should not get carried away with this: from stagnant water, the roots begin to rot

Cacti grow rather slowly: about 2 cm per year. When the thickness of the stem reaches 5 mm, they must be dived. In the first year, the procedure is repeated at least 10 times. For this, the roots of the cactus are partially cut off to form lateral processes. After that, the seedlings grow more intensively. The transplant is carried out exclusively in dry form.

Reproduction by shoots is much faster, but some species do not have them. In this case, planting seeds is the only way to grow a cactus. The quality of plants grown from seeds is much higher, they are characterized by maximum vitality.

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