Cactus blooms for money: how to read houseplants
Believe it or not, flowers can predict the future in some way.
Judging by the number of folk signs, indoor plants have long enjoyed a mystical reputation. Some flowers are considered to be useful and bring good luck to the owner, others are rumored to be harmful and create a negative atmosphere in the house. And what does it mean if a plant in a pot for no reason has thrown off its foliage, or, conversely, burst into lush bloom? This is what the people say about it.
As you know, there are a great many varieties of this exotic representative of the arid places of the planet. Cacti look bizarre and different, but their nondescript appearance is immediately transformed with the appearance of beautiful flowers. True, this happens very rarely and under certain conditions. Most varieties grow at home for years without buds. Therefore, if a cactus suddenly bloomed, then be kind.
Here is how the phenomenon is interpreted by folk signs:
an unmarried girl can get married;
a yellow cactus flower predicts the appearance of a baby in the family;
financial well-being is expected for the family – the more buds, the higher the profit;
a blossoming cactus bud will protect the house from the negative energy of ill-wishers,
if the cactus has bloomed in the office, the employee will have career growth;
the flower protects the room from negative energy, protects it from ill-wishers.
By the way, there is a good sign about the type of cactus, which is popularly called the “Decembrist”. If a flower did not bloom at its usual time, in the last month of the year, but in spring or autumn, this also portends good news and pleasant chores.
But if the cactus has rotted, then this is bad news, parting, loss.
The flower is called “female happiness” for a reason – it is believed that it has magical properties: it brings happiness to both young girls and older women. A healthy plant means mutual understanding and a supportive atmosphere in the home. If the spathiphyllum has blossomed, it means that an unmarried girl will meet her love, a marriage proposal awaits her. For a married lady, flowers can portend an early pregnancy. For a family in which there is a long-standing conflict, the suddenly blossoming buds of “female happiness” will help to find mutual understanding and strengthen relationships.
If the money tree bloomed
Admit it, have you ever seen a fat woman bloom? An African guest on our windowsills feels comfortable, but is in no hurry to please with buds. However, with or without special care, to the great surprise of the owners of the house, Crassula (this is her real name) is covered with a cap of snow-white inflorescences with a sweetish aroma. What can the owner of the plant expect during this period? Of course, monetary gains, successful major acquisitions, or even winning the lottery. Another fulfillment of desires – while the money tree is blooming, a portal is open for the owner of the plant to fulfill the plan. But if the fleshy leaves of the fat woman began to fall off, wait for the financial trick of fate: losses, expenses, fines will come.
If a Chinese rose has bloomed
The Chinese rose, or hibiscus, itself is a strong talisman in the house. The rose pot should be placed at the entrance to the house or in the children’s room. The flower keeps the family, builds relationships after a quarrel, protects from the evil eye and helps raise children. At the same time, it is considered an especially good sign if a room rose bush is covered with flowers. For household members, there is a favorable time for the implementation of their plans, a kind of streak of luck. But if the plant withers, sheds foliage, it means that it is trying to protect it from negative influences: most likely, there is a hostile person near you, or the circumstances are not in your favor.
It is not known how this ascetic tropical plant annoyed people, and flower growers in particular, that deserved such fame. They say a lot of bad things about sansevieria: they were popularly nicknamed “mother-in-law”, and for the rare flowering they were recognized as a messenger of bad events. Like, if a peduncle was formed in spring or summer, this is not the worst thing, but if in autumn and winter – expect trouble, illness, quarrels. In the office, the blooming “mother-in-law’s language” also hints at imminent conflicts between colleagues and problems with the authorities. But do not take the “horror stories” from folklore for the pure truth, besides, the peduncle of sansevieria appears extremely rarely, one from each outlet and blooms once in a lifetime.
And with saintpaulia, there are other signs. The fact is that with proper and simple care, the plant will bloom for a long time and profusely. But a lot can be predicted by its appearance, the presence of flowers, the color of the petals. So, a fluffy hat made of flowers means that there is sincere love and prosperity in the family. Rare leaves and inflorescences, on the contrary, signal a hidden conflict, misunderstanding, lies, and maybe the mistress’s illness. It is believed that Saintpaulia helps with problems with the thyroid gland, neuroses, and if the plant grows poorly, rarely blooms, some of the residents have health problems.
The flower symbolizes strength, power, energy and financial well-being. Therefore, it is also called “male happiness”. In families that do not have financial difficulties, Anthurium feels great: it has lush dark green leaves and long flowering periods. If a person constantly has problems with money, the anthurium will not delight with flowers for a long time. They also say that when the plant suddenly bloomed, this is a betrayal or betrayal of a loved one. Withering leaves may indicate a disease not only of the plant, but also of its owner.