
Useful properties and application of cactus

Description of the cactus


Cactus is an interesting plant that prefers dry forests, grassy plains and deserts. Beautiful rainforest cacti have a green bare stem with few ribs and small short spines. Its flowers can be white, pink or scarlet. They have an incredibly pleasant aroma. Cacti of dry forests are covered with numerous spines located on stems with ledges.

Low-growing plants of the grassy plains are spherical in shape and have many growths in the form of warts. There are very small spines on each top. The flowers of these species form interesting wreaths. Spherical mountain cacti boast columnar elongated stems with powerful spines. All desert species have deeply ribbed stems and long spines or leaf-like flat stems.

The birthplace of this popular family is considered exclusively America. Often such wonderful plants are found in the desert expanses of Mexico, Jamaica and Cuba. Today, various types of cactus are widely cultivated in many countries. The flowers and stems of the plant are harvested for medicinal use.

Useful properties of cactus

The tissues of some types of cacti contain various substances and alkaloids, which have an excellent antibacterial effect. These trace elements are able to suppress the negative processes of development and growth of numerous pathogens, protozoa and fungi. Cacti show their unique healing properties in the effective treatment of many inflammatory processes in the human body. Various preparations based on cactus are shown to solve problems in the reproductive system.

A number of ready-made preparations are indicated for the gentle treatment of the mild stage of cardiac arrhythmia and the activation of blood circulation. Also, experts have proven a powerful positive effect on the body with angina pectoris. Previously, for fractures of the limbs, the Mexicans used the crushed dry stems of this amazing plant in the form of compresses. Cactus juice is successfully treated today for rheumatism. For various cardiovascular diseases and hypotension, it is recommended to use alcohol and water extracts of the plant.

It should be noted that almost all species have a fairly powerful diuretic effect. Only the cactus variety Opuntia vulgaris boasts fixing properties. The juice of the plant perfectly helps with a hangover, relieves severe headaches and quickly restores the body’s strength. Often, various cactus-based preparations are used for indigestion and the treatment of neurological diseases. In addition, they boast an excellent hemostatic effect, due to which even extensive wounds heal very quickly.

It has been proven that any type of cactus neutralizes the harmful effects of conventional electromagnetic radiation from a TV, computer and other household appliances. To improve overall well-being, it is enough to place two small plants on the sides of the device.

cactus application


Various medicines containing cactus sap are used to treat heart problems. Some of them are indicated for angina pectoris, as they activate blood circulation. A special homeopathic remedy is indicated for neurosis and weakness of the heart muscle. In addition, it is used for flatulence, spastic pains, painful menstruation, as well as various digestive disorders. Dilutions of D2 and D3, or the original tincture, are considered the optimal form of a homeopathic remedy.

Due to the content of alkaloids, the cactus has an antibacterial and hemostatic effect in the treatment of wounds and fractures. Regular intake of cactus juice is shown as a tonic. Moreover, it perfectly relieves fatigue and restores proper metabolism. Some varieties of plants have long been used to quench thirst.

To activate the immune system and prevent influenza, you need to mix a few fresh cactus flowers with three small partitions. This mixture should be poured with 500 ml of ordinary vodka. The remedy will be infused for approximately three or four days. For effective treatment of wounds, cactus juice is indicated, which must be combined with fresh horseradish root juice in a ratio of 2: 1. We impregnate the usual gauze bandage with the resulting mixture and apply it to the wounds. This procedure is also indispensable for purulent conditions.

To solve problems with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, we take one glass of sugar for crushed 70 grams of Opuntia cactus stalks. The mixture must be infused in a fairly dark place for about 72 hours. After that, add at least 1 glass of good red wine, and again put in a dark place for a day. The resulting miraculous medicine is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. twice a day before meals. A suitable treatment period should be 1 month. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage.

With a strong cough, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as with tuberculosis, you can use a special anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. marshmallow juice, 1 teaspoon cactus juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey. This remedy is also indicated for chronic bronchitis. In addition, we can recommend a cactus tincture in milk. Two tablespoons of chopped cactus parts are enough for one liter. We insist the mixture for at least 12 hours, and then takes half a glass three times a day.

types of cactus

The extensive popular Cactus family has over 3000 species. They are divided mainly into three subfamilies, which differ in their structure. Pereskovy cacti have round stems and flat leaves, in the axils of which straight, hard spines are located. They usually bloom in single inflorescences on pedicels. In this subfamily, the fruits are considered edible. They contain small seeds with a black fragile shell. In room conditions, such plants practically do not grow.

The prickly pear subfamily is distinguished by juicy small leaves that fall off quickly. In addition to the spines, the areoles contain small tufts of serrated brittle bristles, which are special modified leaves. Plants have segmented succulent stems. The segments of different plants can be flattened, cylindrical, thickened or potato-shaped. Single large flowers have the correct shape and different colors from white to carmine. The edible fruits contain white hard seeds.

The third largest subfamily is called Cereus. It is characterized by the absence of glochidia and leaves. This subfamily includes both dwarf and giant cactus species. The structure and shape of the stem is serpentine, candle-shaped, tuberous, cylindrical, spherical or with small papillae. Many species have sharp spines. Edible fruits develop hard seeds with a fragile seed.

How to care for cacti? The most unpretentious plants are considered succulents. Often it is they who live on the windowsills and feel quite comfortable. The amount of light directly depends on the temperature and dryness of the soil. The less sunlight, the drier the soil, and the air in the room is cooler. Watering cacti like moderate. With improper wintering, the plant can form small spines and twisted stems. With conscientious care, cacti always bloom. It is necessary to feed the plant once every two weeks, from March to early October.

Indoor cactus species are recommended to be replanted no more than once every 3 years, and large specimens only every 5 years. Every spring it is necessary to pour a little fresh earth into the pot.

cactus flowers

Cacti usually bloom every year, after which they bear fruit with seeds. Abundant flowering is considered the main indicator of proper care. It should be mentioned that flower buds are laid in winter, when the plant is resting. In winter, the plant needs to be watered very rarely, but you can spray it once a week so that the flowers appear large and bright. Small tubercles of flowers often appear between the papillae or on the lateral areoles. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to move the pot.

Abundant watering can also provoke a suspension of bud development. In order for the cactus to bloom quickly, it is only necessary to regularly spray the plant with fairly warm water and occasionally moisten the ground. The flower will open fully only in bright sun. The duration of flowering in different types of cacti is always different. It can range from two days to a week.

Cactus seeds

Seeds are the main method of plant propagation. Sowing seeds directly depends on humidity, temperature and light. Often they sprout at a temperature of 25 to 35 ° C. High humidity is also considered an important factor in seed germination. Proper growth and full development of seedlings is facilitated by light and heat exposure. Some species are unpretentious, and easily give in to artificial lighting. Experts recommend preparing a suitable substrate for growing cactus in advance.

Cactus oil

The seed oil of this wonderful plant is considered the most valuable product. It is usually made in the modern first cold pressing process without further processing and filtration. This product is widely used in the cosmetic field. The oil is included in skin care products due to its unique moisturizing and nourishing properties. It perfectly restores the cells of the epidermis, and also protects the skin from the dangerous and aggressive effects of direct sunlight.

Regular use of hair products based on cactus oil eliminates hair fragility, increases their density, while activating the work of all frozen follicles. Moreover, such a tool will help to quickly get rid of dandruff and saturate the scalp with essential trace elements.

Due to the pleasant smell, this tool is used in modern aromatherapy. It causes a calming and tonic effect.

Contraindications cactus

There are no side effects and contraindications for use.

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