Cabin Filter
There is a detail in the car that is often overlooked. And, nevertheless, the health of the driver and the work of many components of the car depend on it. In this article, we will talk in detail about the cabin filter: its various types, how to replace it and what will happen if this is not done.

How often do you seriously think about the dangers of exhaust gases? This is a well-worn topic: we constantly hear about harmful substances and carcinogens that surround us on the streets of large cities. That is why we are already accustomed to perceive such information as background noise. It seems that this is something abstract and distant that will not affect any of us – at least not in the near future. 

But already now the problem of toxic emissions primarily affects the car owners themselves. Exhaust gases are quite dangerous, they can even lead to fatal poisoning if you breathe them often in an enclosed space – for example, in a car with poor air circulation. Of course, this is the most unfavorable outcome, it is quite rare. Usually we do not even notice the effects of inhaling toxic fumes or get used to them.

What exhaust gases consist of, and how exactly they harm us:

  • Nitrogen dioxide. It is an extremely poisonous gas that affects the respiratory tract and organs of vision. It reduces the sensitivity of the eyes, causes irritation of the mucous membranes, can lead to asthma and adversely affects the balance of hemoglobin in the blood. Scientists at the University of Heidelberg have been studying the issue of harm and concentration of exhaust gases for a long time. According to them, pedestrians near the roads breathe air in which the concentration of nitrogen dioxide exceeds the norm by 2 times. At the same time, some drivers are in conditions in which the concentration of the substance is 10-11 times higher than normal. 
  • Carbon monoxide. It is extremely dangerous because it has no smell. This gas is less toxic than nitrogen dioxide, but can cause headaches, breathing difficulties, dizziness, nausea, and unconsciousness. On busy highways, the concentration of carbon monoxide significantly exceeds the norm.
  • Soot. The soot particles are so small that they enter the lungs through the upper part of the respiratory system without hindrance. Soot contains carcinogens – substances that accumulate in the body and at some point can provoke the formation of cancer. Diesel engine exhausts are especially dangerous – they contain 50-100 times more soot than gasoline counterparts.

And the higher the traffic on the road, the dirtier the air on it, around it and inside the car. Of course, we cannot influence the number of cars – often circumstances force us to be in the thick of traffic. 

But there is a way to protect yourself and your car from external threats – you just need to change the cabin filter in time. And do it right. Most often, choosing and replacing a cabin filter seems like a simple process, but we invite you to learn more about them. 

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What is a cabin filter for?

Not so long ago – about thirty years ago – cabin filters began to be used in cars. Previously, there was no need for this, because there were not so many cars with their exhaust gases. In addition, issues of comfort were given a little less importance than now. 

But in modern models, this detail is always installed – and this is not an excess, but a necessity. It prevents hazardous substances, dust and debris from entering the car through the air intake.

If there were no cabin filter, the interior of the car would constantly get: 

  1. Dust. Cars on busy roads kick up whole clouds of dust. This not only makes it difficult to see, but also harms human health. Regularly inhaling dust, especially industrial and road dust, is dangerous – it poses a threat to the respiratory and nervous systems.
  2. Traffic fumes. A lot has already been said about their harm. It is important to consider that not all types of filters reliably protect against exhaust gases. 
  3. Tobacco smoke. Many have heard of “passive smoking” – this is when a person is next to a smoker and inhales cigarette smoke. It enters the body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the eyes and skin. Smoking—even passive smoking—leads to lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema. 
  4. Parts of plants and insects. During the replacement of the cabin filter, you can often see seeds, dried leaves and small insects. 
  5. Harmful bacteria. Many microorganisms can not only penetrate the interior of the cabin – they also accumulate on the filter itself. To avoid this, you can purchase a cleaner with an additional antibacterial layer.
  6. Pollen. In some people, it causes allergies, dizziness, skin rashes and a general deterioration in well-being.
  7. Resin evaporation. Tar is used in the construction and repair of roads. The sun’s rays and the friction of the wheels heat up the road, and the resin begins to evaporate. It is dangerous for her to breathe – it harms the liver and lungs. 
  8. Mold spores. They enter the respiratory system and settle deeply in it. Mold toxins can lead to serious lung disease.
  9. Other harmful elements. Asphalt grains, worn parts of tires and brake pads – all this is also present on the road and can end up in the interior of the car. 

The filter protects the person from all these dangers, and the interior from pollution. It would be more difficult to clean the car without a cleaner – at least, you would have to wipe everything from dust much more often. However, this is not all, because this device has another useful property.

The cabin air filter keeps the A/C evaporator clean and healthy. Without it, the stove and air conditioner would wear out and become dirty faster. Over time, a lot of dirt and dust would accumulate on the evaporator, and these are very favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms. It is because of them that the cabin smells of charm or a “wet rag”.

Therefore, it is not necessary to remove the filter in the cold season. Some car owners get rid of it in winter – in their opinion, the heater works better this way. But it’s better to just replace the filter before winter – the new device will not interfere with the stove and air conditioner, but will protect them. 

Types of cabin filters

Filters of different sizes are made for different brands and models of cars. This is the first thing to consider when choosing a device. The second important criterion is the type of cabin filter. There are several main types, they differ in their properties, principle of operation and the number of layers. 

simple cabin filter

It is also called mechanical because it filters out dust particles like a sieve, but passes air through its pores. These filters are light – they are made of paper or synthetic fiber. There are two main types of mechanical filters:

  • Single layer. This is a regular paper or synthetic filter that blocks dust. It is also called a “barrier” filter. It helps to weed out large debris, dirt and dust.
  • Multilayer. In addition to the first layer, it has at least one more – electret or electrostatic. It attracts the smallest particles that, together with the air, managed to pass through the paper barrier.

Simple filters protect the cabin and evaporator well from dust and dirt. The holes in them are about 0,5 microns in size – only the smallest dust particles will overcome them. 

But gases, unlike solids, easily penetrate even into small pores. This is due to the fact that gaseous substances are broken down into individual molecules, and do not collect in grains, like dust. It is impossible to weed them out mechanically. 

Coal cabin filter

It is also called an adsorption filter. Its layers are black, and the design itself is slightly heavier than a simple filter. This is because it uses activated charcoal, a substance that can absorb gases. The adsorption filter protects the passenger compartment from external unpleasant odors and harmful volatile substances.

The best carbon filters filter out almost all nitrogen dioxide. In addition, they successfully cope with other dangerous impurities: hydrocarbons and benzapyrene. But adsorption filters do little to stop carbon monoxide. 

The carbon filter wears out faster in big cities. The active layer of coal is covered with pores, which eventually fill with harmful gases. When the filter becomes very dirty, it will begin to “return” them to the environment, and they will enter the cabin. Therefore, it is important to change the carbon filter on time.

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What other cabin filters are there?

There are anti-allergic cabin filters. They have an extra layer that blocks pollen, mold spores and other common allergens. These purifiers are similar in appearance to ordinary filters and can be either carbon or simple. 

Some manufacturers make biofunctional cabin filters. This is a three-layer cleaning device: the first stage removes debris and dust, the second removes odors and dangerous gases, and the third removes harmful bacteria. The last layer is impregnated with a special substance that prevents microorganisms from getting inside the cabin or remaining on the filter. 

Where is the cabin filter

It depends on the make of the car. The location of the cabin air filter can be found in the owner’s manual. The most common are these three options:

  1. Behind the glove compartment. Or under it – as in Renault Logan. Most often, it is in this area that the cabin filter is located. It is installed behind a special plug, which can be seen after parsing the glove compartment. This arrangement is found in Toyota, Mitsubishi, Opel, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Skoda Rapid, Kia Rio, Chevrolet Lacetti and many others.
  2. Under the dashboard. The cabin filter can be located under the dashboard of the car: at the feet of the driver or on the side of the front passenger seat. This option is found in most Ford cars, as well as in Lada Vesta, Nissan Qashqai, Fiat Palio and others. 
  3. Under the hood. Some cars have a cabin air filter installed under the hood. The exact location depends on the vehicle model, but most often the wiper is located closer to or below the windshield. This category includes Lada Granta, Lada Kalina, Citroen C4 and Skoda Octavia 3.

In the first case, the filter is easy to replace – most likely, you won’t even need a screwdriver for this. But if it is installed under the dashboard or under the hood, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. 

How to change the cabin filter with your own hands

If the windows in the car began to fog up, an unpleasant smell appeared in the cabin, and the heater and air conditioner work poorly, it’s time to change the cabin filter. 

Which side to install the filter

First of all, you need to deal with the arrows that are drawn on the side of the multilayer filter housing. They often cause confusion because manufacturers of different filters use similar markings for completely different indications: 

  • If the filter says “UP” (up), you need to put it with the arrow up. This designation indicates the top of the filter, that is, its outer layer, which should block large dust particles and debris. 
  • If “Air Flow” is written on the case, the arrow will indicate the direction of air movement. It usually goes from top to bottom – from under the hood to the cabin and climate system. Therefore, the filter with such an inscription must be placed with the arrow down.

Sometimes the filters are arranged vertically. But this is not a problem – the installation principle is the same. Air moves from the front of the car to the back. Therefore, the outer layer of the filter will be in front, and the arrow with the inscription “Air Flow” should be directed towards the rear seats of the car. 

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How to change the cabin filter behind the glove compartment

As already mentioned, it is easy to replace the filter if it is located behind the glove box. An exception can be considered a Mazda 3 car, in which it is quite difficult to change the cleaner. To do this, you need to remove both the glove box, and the fuse box, and the heater rheostat. 

But in many other models, the algorithm is much simpler: 

  1. First you need to remove all things from the glove compartment and from the front passenger seat so that they do not interfere with disassembling the structure.
  2. Then you need to remove the glove box. Sometimes you will need to unscrew the screws for this, but most often it is mounted on latches or clips. They are located at the bottom or top of the tank, on the left and right walls.
  3. When the glove compartment is removed or lowered down, access to the protective plate will open. This is a rectangular plug behind which the filter is located. Most often, it is also attached to the latches – just unfasten them and pull the cover towards you. 
  4. This will give you access to the filter. In many car models, it is installed horizontally. First you need to get the spent filter. In this case, the tray may be dirty or dusty – then it should be wiped with a microfiber cloth. If you neglect this, the “fresh” filter will quickly become dirty.
  5. Now you can install a new cleaner. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the arrows, otherwise the filter will be installed with the thinnest and weakest layer up. It will work worse and wear out faster.
  6. At the end, everything must be assembled in reverse order. 

For different car models, this algorithm will differ slightly. You can find out the exact and correct procedure in the service manual or look for video instructions. 

How to change the cabin filter under the hood

Filters located under the hood are usually longer. The surface of their layers is rectangular and elongated, not square. They are most often located under the windshield, near the partition of the engine compartment. Replacing such a filter on your own can be difficult.

The general procedure is as follows:

  1. First you need to open the hood and securely fix it.
  2. Then you need to find the place where the filter is installed. Most often, it is located under the windshield on the right, that is, from the side of the passenger front seat. 
  3. The filter can be located in a special “hatch” behind a protective cover. It must be removed, and then – unfasten the filter, which is usually fastened with latches. 
  4. Some cars have a filter contamination sensor – it is important not to damage it when removing the device. 
  5. Now you need to thoroughly clean the filter seat. Microfiber cloths are suitable for this, which do a good job of removing dust.
  6. After that, you can install a new part, while taking into account the direction of the arrows on its body.
  7. The last step is to assemble the structure in reverse order. 
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As in the first case, the procedure for different machines may differ. For example, in Peugeot 2008, the filter is located under a special decorative grille. You need to press on its clips to gain access to the cleaning device.

What to do if the filter is located in a different place

If the filter is located under the dashboard – for example, at the right foot of the driver – it is best to contact specialists to replace it. There is no single algorithm here, and replacement methods for different models can vary greatly. For example, in the Ford Focus, the filter is installed under the steering wheel, and to replace it, you must remove the gas pedal.

To change such filters yourself, you need to know the exact location of the part and a clear sequence of actions. Most often, it is necessary to unscrew the screws and remove the special plate, which is located below the driver’s side or the front passenger seat. The filter can be installed behind the plug. You may need a screwdriver again to remove it. 

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Is it possible to just clean it instead of replacing the filter

Trying to shake, clean or blow out the filter instead of a full replacement is a bad idea. In most cases, this is not just a paper web that has become dirty. Dust and other small particles linger on the filter due to electrification. And over time, this property of the layers weakens – the filter can no longer work as efficiently as before. 

Periodic cleaning of the instrument is beneficial and prolongs its service life. But do not expect that cleaning the filter will breathe new life into it – it is better to just buy and install a new one. It is not recommended to save on this, since the part is inexpensive, but it is very important both for the car and directly for the driver with passengers.

Popular questions and answers

For answers to the most frequently asked questions from readers, the editors of Healthy Food Near Me turned to Vyacheslav Avanesov, General Director of Engineering Ro-Bot LLC.

How often do you need to change the cabin air filter in your car?
– It is recommended to change the cabin filter on average every 15-20 thousand km. But a lot depends on the operating conditions, – says Vyacheslav Avanesov. – If the car often drives on dusty roads (for example, in a village or near a construction site), the cabin filter will have to be changed much more often – after about 5 thousand km or even earlier. Sometimes one trip on a very dusty road is enough for the device to become dirty. In any case, even if the miles are very short, it is still recommended to change the filter, as it absorbs moisture and dust from the air.
What happens if you drive with a dirty filter?
– If the cabin filter is rarely changed or not changed at all, this can lead to problems with the heater’s performance. In addition, the air in the cabin will be much dirtier, which can affect the well-being of the driver and passengers. Also, in a car with a dirty filter, the windows will fog up faster. Clogged layers increase the resistance to air flow, and because of this, the load on the fan motor increases. This can lead to its rapid wear and failure. Airflow is also deteriorating and the overall performance of the heater system is declining,” added Vyacheslav Avanesov.
How to choose a quality cabin filter?
– When choosing a filter, you should be guided by the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not try to install the wrong cabin filter. When choosing between filter manufacturers, preference should be given to those who have already proven themselves well. If you purchase a filter from an unknown brand, you may encounter unreliable and low-quality products. It should be borne in mind that there is an average price for the products of a particular brand. Too low a price may indicate a counterfeit, warns Vyacheslav Avanesov. – You also need to know that there are two main types of filters: carbon and conventional. Coal has a layer of coal, as the name implies, and also has a higher density. It better retains harmful suspensions and gases. Other things being equal, the density of the material affects the cost of the filter. The denser – the more effective and more expensive. To simplify the choice, you can contact the experts.

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