Not many gardeners can boast of an excellent crop of cabbage. The formation of healthy and tasty heads of cabbage is the key not only to good care, but also to the correct choice of variety. Among vegetable growers there are already favorite types of cruciferous, but this is not a reason to skip new crop hybrids. These include Vestri F1 cabbage, which, with proper care, can please with a high yield with excellent taste and commercial qualities.

Vestri F1 cabbage has an attractive appearance and is in great demand in the market
Description and characteristics of Vestri cabbage
Vestri F1 cabbage is a hybrid variety, the progenitors of which are wild European and African species of this crop. According to history, they first began to grow it in Ancient Spain, then it appeared on the territory of Greece and Egypt. Culture was no less common in Our Country, where farmers treated its cultivation with special trepidation.
As a result, the development of the variety was taken up by the Dutch breeders of the Monsanto company, who improved its main qualities, improving the yield. The Vestri hybrid was entered into the State Register of Our Country in 2006, it was zoned for the Central, Volga-Vyatka regions, as well as for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia.
Cabbage variety Vestri F1 is distinguished by a large head of cabbage with a raised rosette. Stalk of medium length, leaf blades are large and thin, with a wavy edge. Their color changes from dark to light green with a white wax coating.
Heads of cabbage are formed almost all of the same size, rounded in shape, their weight reaches approximately 5 kg. Density is rated 4 out of 5.
The root system of the Vestri plant is strong, medium deep. But the variety is still considered whimsical, requiring proper care and timely watering.
The taste qualities of Vestri F1 cabbage are highly rated. The leaves have almost no bitterness. It is versatile in application. Cabbage can be consumed fresh or cooked. It is suitable for frying, stewing, boiling and sourdough.
The Vestri F1 cabbage variety is mainly grown for industrial purposes. The productivity of the hybrid showed high, on average it brings up to 1-55 tons from 75 ha. The highest yield of cabbage was noted at 87 tons from 1 ha.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
According to the description of the Vestri F1 variety, it can be understood that cabbage has many positive aspects, among which it is worth highlighting high taste qualities. The vegetable does not lose its properties even after heat treatment.

Cabbage Vestri F1 quite juicy and crispy
- the plant easily tolerates changes in weather conditions and is not afraid of low temperatures;
- heads of cabbage are formed uniform and uniform;
- fruit weight can reach 8 kg;
- high yield;
- excellent taste;
- good presentation;
- not afraid of long-term transportation;
- cabbage is not prone to fusarium (infectious) wilt;
- universal application.
- whimsicality and demanding care;
- needs regular watering;
- has a low keeping quality compared to other varieties;
- Vestri does not grow well in greenhouse conditions.
Peculiarities of growing
Vestri F1 cabbage is grown in seedlings. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that in closed beds the plant develops slowly, and when planted in open ground, its productivity decreases.
Growing through seedlings
Sowing seeds of Vestri F1 cabbage for seedlings, depending on the region, begins from mid-March to mid-April. The preparation of seed material consists of several stages:
- Calibration is a procedure for screening out unsuitable seeds. Perform it by soaking in a saline solution. If, half an hour after lowering into the water, a certain number of seeds have surfaced, they are removed, and those that have sunk to the bottom are used for sowing.
- Disinfection – for this, Vestri seeds are wrapped in several layers of gauze and dipped for 20 minutes in warm water up to 50 ºC, then placed in cold water for 2-3 minutes.
- Soaking is a procedure necessary to accelerate germination. To do this, the seeds are dipped for 12 hours in a solution of nitrophoska.
- Hardening, in which the seeds, wrapped in gauze, are placed in the refrigerator overnight, and left at room temperature during the day. The procedure is repeated twice.
After preparing the seeds, they begin to sow them. To do this, prepare containers with a substrate. You can take it universal from a specialized store or mix it yourself by combining equal parts of earth and humus with the addition of wood ash.
Seeds are distributed in 2-3 pieces. on one container, deepening by 0,5-1 cm. The soil mixture or sand is sprinkled on top, then it is well moistened with a spray bottle. The container with crops is covered with polyethylene or glass.
After 5-7 days, as shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the sprouts are transferred to a room with a temperature of +15 to +18 ºC, providing regular watering. And two weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings begin to harden. In the second half of spring, seedlings are transplanted into beds.
seedless method
If it is impossible to grow seedlings, you can sow seeds immediately in open ground. Landing is carried out in mid-May, when the temperature will stay at +18 ºC. Seeds are sown evenly, maintaining a distance between rows of at least 50-60 cm. Plants should also be placed at least 40 cm apart.

Seeds are deepened into the soil by 1,5-2 cm, then sprinkled with soil and watered well.
Diseases and pests
Vestri F1 cabbage has good immunity to diseases, but the plant must be protected from pests.
The most dangerous disease for culture is considered to be keel. This is a fungal infection that requires immediate removal. After the soil around the Vestri cabbage bush is sprinkled with lime. If the disease is detected, it is recommended not to grow cruciferous plants in this place for the next year and the next five years.
Among insects harmful to Vestri, it is worth noting:
- aphids and butterflies;
- cruciferous flea;
- cabbage leaf beetle (babanukha);
- cabbage moth caterpillars;
- barid;
- whitefly.
The main method of preventing the appearance of insects is the careful preparation of the beds for Vestri. Spraying cabbage bushes with burdock infusion also helps. When any of the listed insects appear, they are first mechanically removed; an invasion in large numbers requires the use of insecticides.
Further Care
The hybrid variety of cabbage Vestri F1 is quite whimsical. For the full development of the plant and getting a good harvest, regular watering and top dressing is important.
After transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is necessary to moisten the soil 2-3 times a week. And during the formation of heads of cabbage, watering is carried out daily, but weather conditions are monitored. If it is cloudy or it often rains, then irrigation is stopped until the topsoil dries out.
A month before harvesting, watering needs to be reduced to 1-2 times every ten days, and two weeks before harvesting the heads of cabbage, it is completely stopped.
After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil, which will provide easy access to oxygen to the roots. Weeding is also done to remove weeds.
Hilling is necessary to stimulate the development of adventitious roots, which are necessary to increase plant nutrition during the formation of heads. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times per season.
Fertilizing Vestri F1 cabbage during the vegetative period is performed about three times. Ten days after transplanting into open ground, seedlings are fertilized using a solution of mullein or chicken manure in a ratio of 1 to 10. When heads are formed, the plant is fed with potassium-phosphorus compounds.
Harvesting and storage of crops
The technical maturity of Vestri F1 cabbage reaches already 85 days after planting in open ground. Harvest begins in late July to early August. Heads of cabbage are cut with a sharp knife, previously disinfected, 3-5 cm from the surface of the earth without capturing the lower leaves. The collected fruits are placed on a pallet covered with straw or paper bedding.

The best way to store cabbage at home is to hang it
Heads are stored in wooden boxes, wrapped in parchment paper or cling film beforehand. The optimal temperature for storage is considered to be from 0-3 ºC, the recommended air humidity is up to 90%. The room must be well ventilated. Under such conditions, heads of cabbage can lie without loss of quality for up to 2-3 months.
Vestri F1 cabbage, despite the whimsicalness in cultivation, is able to please with a large number of healthy heads of cabbage. In addition to the high yield, this variety is also famous for its excellent taste, so the hybrid is often cultivated specifically for industrial purposes.