Cabbage varieties Yubileinaya: description, planting and care, reviews

Anniversary cabbage is a mid-early variety used mainly for fresh cooking. Due to the rather long shelf life, the vegetable retains its taste until the beginning of January. The culture has a high resistance to diseases and pests, which is also confirmed by the description of the Yubileinaya F1 217 cabbage variety.

Description of the cabbage variety Yubileinaya

The originator is the agricultural company “Semko”. The main goal in breeding the Yubileinaya F1 cabbage variety was to obtain a hybrid that has a relatively short ripening time and, at the same time, can be stored for a long time. In general, the originator coped with the task. The ripening period of Yubileinaya cabbage is from 90 to 100 days. You can store it for 5-6 months.

Cabbage varieties Yubileinaya: description, planting and care, reviews

The number of outer leaves in the Yubileiny variety rarely exceeds 5-6 pieces.

Outwardly, it is an ordinary white cabbage, which has a round or slightly flattened shape of a white-green color. The leaf blades are slightly oblong, with a firm seal at the base. The diameter of the heads is about 22 cm. The mass of ripened cabbage is from 1,5 to 2 kg.

Attention! In some cases, the outer leaves of the Yubileinaya variety have a slightly corrugated structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive properties of the hybrid include:

  • relatively short maturation periods;
  • storage time up to six months;
  • excellent taste in raw and pickled form;
  • high resistance to almost all diseases;

The negative properties are:

  • deterioration of taste during heat treatment.

Anniversary cabbage is a typical representative of salad vegetables. It is practically not used for cooking hot dishes and baking.

Cabbage yield Anniversary F1

The yield of the Yubileinaya cabbage variety with private cultivation ranges from 200 to 400 kg per hundred square meters. The ways to increase it are standard – increasing the planting density, using fertile soils for cultivation, and intensifying agricultural technology.

Attention! According to gardeners, 800-1000 kg per hundred square meters declared by the originator are an overestimated figure.

Planting and caring for Yubileinaya cabbage

It is recommended to grow Yubileinaya cabbage in open ground. When planting seeds in mid-April, the crop will be obtained in the second decade of July. If earlier cultivation is required, the seedling method is used.

In this case, the seeds are planted in boxes in early March. Sowing material is deepened by 1 cm. As soon as shoots appear, seedling boxes are placed in a bright place with a low temperature (from + 5 ° C to + 8 ° C). Landing in open ground is carried out on the 35-40th day after pecking the seed. Landing pattern – 60×50 cm or 60×70 cm.

Cabbage varieties Yubileinaya: description, planting and care, reviews

Landing in open ground is carried out when three or more leaves appear in the hybrid

Caring for cabbage Anniversary consists of watering and fertilizing. It also requires tillage in the form of loosening and hilling as needed. Watering is carried out at intervals of several days, while being guided by the moisture content of the upper soil layer. Recommended norms – up to 20-30 liters per 1 sq. m.

Top dressing is done three times per season. The first is carried out in early May. At the same time, organic fertilizers are used in the form of a solution of mullein or chicken manure. The second is performed in about a month, using the same composition. The third top dressing is mineral (phosphorus-potassium mixture in a standard concentration for cabbage, not more than 50 g per 1 sq. M). It is applied 1-2 weeks before the expected harvest date.

Important! Application times shown are for crops planted outdoors. When grown in seedlings, they are performed earlier by 1-1,5 months.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease affecting the hybrid is cabbage keel. External manifestations are the withering of the leaves and the subsequent death of the plant.

Cabbage varieties Yubileinaya: description, planting and care, reviews

The cause of the disease is a fungus, leading to the appearance of growths on the rhizome

There is no treatment, affected specimens must be dug up and destroyed off site. Preventive measures to counteract the disease include pre-planting soil treatment with slaked lime (up to 500 g per 1 sq. M) and other ways to reduce its acidity. On alkaline soils, keel does not appear.

The main pest of the Yubileinaya variety is the cabbage moth. Given the timing of maturation, the plant can be affected by the first and second generation of the insect.

Cabbage varieties Yubileinaya: description, planting and care, reviews

Cabbage moth larvae make large holes in the leaves of the Yubileinaya variety

Pest control is carried out with the help of chemical and biological preparations. An effective remedy against moths will be Butizan or Decis insecticides. The bacteriological preparations Bitoxbacilin and Dendrobacilin have also proven themselves well.


It is mainly used fresh or canned. The Yubileinaya cabbage variety is used in the preparation of salads, as well as for sauerkraut.


The description of the Yubileinaya cabbage variety confirms that the variety in question is a mid-season hybrid created to fill a niche in the ripening period between early and mid-late varieties. The vegetable has an excellent taste and almost six months of storage. It is used mainly fresh, also used for fermentation.

Reviews about cabbage Anniversary

Pavlov Alexander, 40 years old, Orel
Among the early and mid-ripening varieties, it is almost impossible to meet those that are stored for a long time. Nevertheless, the Yubileinaya cabbage variety is just one of those. This hybrid ripens only about three months, that is, by July it can be harvested. It is stored almost until the New Year. A nice bonus for any gardener is that this variety can be grown outdoors without any problems, and, despite the cold spring, it is able to produce large yields. The size of the heads of Jubilee cabbage is also optimal – almost all heads are perfectly round and have the same weight, rarely exceeding 2 kg. I recommend this hybrid to anyone who wants to get a quick and long-lasting harvest without spending a lot of time on it.
Matvienko Svetlana, 35 years old, Lipetsk
Cabbage is a vegetable that must be in the garden. And the Yubileiny variety is the best mid-season option. Before that, I grew exclusively late varieties, since they were stored longer, they could be taken fresh from the cellar even in February-March. But the Yubileiny variety, having a short ripening time and excellent taste, also has more than sufficient shelf life. Anyway, after the New Year, any cabbage is not the same, so an extra one and a half to two months practically does not solve anything. In addition, most often we do not store this vegetable, but put it into sourdough. And here the Yubileinaya variety has a huge advantage over any late-ripening variety – excellent taste.

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