Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

Cabbage is grown on almost all continents. Considering the area allocated for it, this vegetable is number one among garden crops. The most common among all types of cabbage is white cabbage. This is due to its valuable properties: good taste and nutritional characteristics, resistance to low temperatures, high yield.

Early varieties

white-headed cabbage – one of the most important vegetable crops also because, due to different ripening periods, it is eaten fresh throughout the year. All its varieties (early, mid-season, late) have independent value. To those who are going to cultivate in their garden cabbage, it is necessary to know what are its the best varieties for open ground.

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

Used in salads, soups. Not suitable for pickling. Among them, the most productive grade: June, Malachite, Gribovskaya, Golden hectare, Nakhodka, Yaroslavna, Rosava, Zora; hybrids: Transfer, Aladdin, Express, Pharaoh.

It is possible to harvest early cabbage from the beginning of June. A good and high-quality vegetable is obtained if it is right: they choose grade, a plot for cultivation, prepare seeds for sowing (calibration, drageeing, dressing), grow seedlings, harden them in a timely manner and plant them in open ground, use fertilizers and plant protection products.

Usually the seeds of early cabbage are sown in closed ground in early February at the rate of 8-10 g/m2, the width between rows is 4-5 cm, the depth of the hole is up to one centimeter. Plants dive at the stage of the first true leaf into seed boxes or into a greenhouse in a container with peat with a diameter of 6×6 cm. Hardened seedlings (55-60 days old, with 5-6 leaves) are planted in open ground. For this best Dates: end of March-beginning of April.

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

To obtain a crop at an earlier date, the plants are planted under a film. This speeds up the maturation of the heads by about 15 days. Seedlings are planted in wide rows, between which 45-65 cm, between plants in a row 35-40 cm, to a depth of the first true leaf. Care must be taken not to damage the core of the sprout.

They take care of the plants in the future, feeding them in a timely manner with organic fertilizers (manure diluted with water 1:5, bird droppings – 1:10) or ammonium nitrate (10-25 g per 30 liters of water) – they start five to six days after planting. Approximately 0,5-0,9 liters of the working solution goes to one plant. Every 7-10 days, row-spacings are fluffed to a depth of 8 cm, if necessary, watered, then they fight pests and diseases, and also destroy weeds.

They are fed once or twice, depending on how the soil is enriched with nutrients, watered 1-7 times (depending on the weather): in the first growing season per 1 sq. m. – 25-30 liters of water, in the second – 35-40 liters. Plants spud before the formation of cabbage heads – due to this, an additional root system is formed, their resistance increases. Harvest selectively when cabbage reaches approximately one kilogram in weight. Cut off hard heads with 2-3 cover sheets.

Medium-ripening varieties

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

The crop of mid-ripening cabbage is harvested in late July-early September. Use these grade mostly fresh and after cooking, they are suitable for fermentation. The best mid-season grade: Gift, Stolichnaya, Slava 1305, Braunshveitskaya, Belorusskaya 455; hybrids: Hermes, Haniball, Megaton. seedlings with open soil is planted in a permanent place immediately after harvesting early cabbage and at the same time as late cabbage (May 15-June 20, depending on the region).

Part of the seedlings of these varieties are usually grown indoors, and the other – in the open, in special nurseries. Mid-season plants grade (age 50 days) are planted in a permanent place according to the scheme 65-70 cm x 45-50 cm, to a depth of the first true leaf, in the afternoon, if necessary, watered (per plant up to 0,5 l of water). After 5-7 days, they check whether they have taken root. To provide the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture, the covered pits are sprinkled with dry earth, peat, etc. after irrigation. In the future, they take care of mid-ripening cabbage in the same way as for early ones. Mid-ripening cabbage is harvested when dense heads weigh an average of 3-5 kg, always with two or three covers. Plant residues are immediately removed from the bed, using them for feeding animals or for compost.

Video “Grow cabbage”

Planting_cabbage. Growing_cabbage_in_the_garden

Late varieties

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

The group of late cabbage varieties is one of the most widespread and occupies up to 80% of the area allocated for this crop. It is the late cabbage provides the population with fresh and processed products in the autumn-winter and spring periods.

The highest yielding are grade: Moscow Late, Blizzard, Geneva, Sugarloaf, Kamenka, Snow White, Caliph, Turquoise plus; hybrids: Extra, Aros, Amager, Bartolo.

Late cabbage is grown by seedlings and sowing seeds. The correct choice of varieties, the timing of sowing or planting seedlings in the ground is important in increasing the productivity and shelf life of a vegetable. If seeds are sown or seedlings are planted too early, cabbage heads may crack at the end of the growing season, impairing their storage and marketability. Delay in planting plants leads to the formation of small and loose heads, which means that the crop is partially lost.

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

For planting seedlings best terms – the last decade of May-first half of June (in the southern regions – the second decade of June), and for sowing seeds – the end of April. Seedlings, which are 40-45 days old (5-6 true leaves), are planted in a permanent place with a row spacing of 55-90 cm and a distance between plants in a row of 45-60 cm. To a depth of 6-7 cm (to the first leaf). Water if necessary. Overgrown and damaged seedlings should not be used.

Throughout the growing season cabbage up to two times it is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, organic fertilizers are applied to the site (and part of the phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the rest of the mineral fertilizers – in the spring for cultivation). Under the cabbage, which is going to be stored, you should not apply a lot of nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the heads will rot.

Late varieties through sowing seeds are grown on soils that are clean from weeds. Before this, fluffing is performed ground and level its surface. Sown according to the scheme of planting seedlings. 4-6 seeds are laid in a nest to a depth of 1-2 cm. Sprinkled with humus or peat on top, which contributes to their good germination. Emerging shoots are treated with pesticides. Delay in processing for a day or two can lead to the death of plants. At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, plants are thinned out – they are left in the nest best (up to 4). In the phase of 6 true sheets, thin out again, leaving the strongest. Care in the same way as for seedlings. At the beginning of the growing season, plants are watered at the rate of 300-400 liters of water per 10 square meters. area, and during the period of active growth – 500 liters per 10 square meters.

Cabbage: the best varieties for open ground with a photo

Late cabbage tolerates temperatures down to minus five or six degrees. However, the heads intended for storage must be collected before freezing, preferably in one go. Watering is stopped 15-20 days before this – this prevents cracking of the heads and improves the storage of the vegetable. If you are late with the harvest, the heads may freeze slightly and will not be stored well. Intact dense heads of cabbage are selected for storage, leaving up to five cover sheets and an outer head up to three centimeters long on them. well kept cabbage, uprooted from the ground.

Store late grade in trenches, special storage facilities at -1+1 degrees and relative humidity 90-95%. The room must be ventilated. The selection of the best varieties of white cabbage, the optimal time for planting seedlings or sowing seeds, proper plant care ensure the conveyor supply of vegetables to the table.

Video “Timing and features of planting Chinese cabbage”

These varieties are best suited for growing in Our Country. How to choose the best view – learn from the video.

Beijing cabbage. Different planting dates. Tips for gardeners.

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