cabbage stone head

The choice of cabbage variety depends on the application. Even white cabbage can be used for salad or pickling purposes, with different ripening dates. This makes it difficult to choose a vegetable if you do not know their descriptions and characteristics. But it is even better to grow a variety on your site for testing.

Many varieties of white vegetables fell in love with the s. For example, cabbage Stone Head (a description of the variety and characteristic features will be given in the article below) has been popular in Our Country for more than 10 years. A vegetable from the Polish selection was entered into the State Register of our country in 2006. White cabbage is a universal purpose, but it tastes best in salted, sauerkraut or pickled form.


Stone head is a white variety of mid-season ripening. Technical ripeness of cabbage occurs after a maximum of 126 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground.

The marginal and integumentary leaves on white cabbage are juicy green, small in size, slightly concave inward. They have a wax coating. The leaves that form the head are dark at first, bleaching as they grow.

The variety stands out with rounded forks, weighing up to 4 kg, up to a maximum of 6 kg, very dense. Do not crack during maturation. The inner leaves do not have thick veins, tender, thin. The stump inside the head of this variety is small. But the outer one is thick, able to withstand the weight of cabbage.

cabbage stone head

It is difficult to cut the forks, it is clearly seen on the cut that the leaves fit tightly to each other, forming an almost uniform surface. White cabbage of the Stone Head variety, according to the reviews of those who cultivate it, is distinguished by its excellent taste and special sweetness.

Important! The variety, like all types of mid-season types of white cabbage, cannot be called juicy.


Why is the cabbage variety Stone Head, according to gardeners and consumers, a success? The reason for the popularity is in the benefits.

Pros of the variety

Let’s start with the merits:

  1. Cabbage Stone head, according to the description provided by the photo, does not crack even in technical ripeness.
  2. Low temperatures in spring and autumn do not affect the presentation and quality of the vegetable.
  3. The yield of cabbage of this variety does not fall even in hot and dry summers. You can consistently get tight and tasty heads of cabbage weighing up to 5-6 kg. Up to 11 kg are collected from a square meter.
  4. Forks of white cabbage varieties are fully consistent with their name.
  5. The purpose of the variety is universal. You can harvest for the winter, eat fresh, cook various dishes.
  6. Excellent taste, presentation.
  7. High keeping quality allows you to keep the variety fresh almost until March when you create the right storage conditions.
  8. Cabbage can be transported to any distance.
  9. Care is simple, because the Stone Head variety practically does not get sick, thanks to its high immunity to fusarium and rot.


Gardeners dealing with the Stone Head variety do not note any negative aspects. The only drawback of cabbage has already been noted in the description – not juicy leaves.

Moving to the village – The best varieties of cabbage!

Features of agricultural technology

The variety of white cabbage Stone head belongs to cold-resistant, light- and moisture-loving crops. In the zone of risky farming, it is grown in seedlings, in the southern regions it can be sown in the ground.

Growing seedlings

Since the variety is late ripening, seedlings should be dealt with in April-May. The greenhouse is prepared in advance. Compost is laid in it, and on top – fertile soil with sand. The soil is poured with boiling water, potassium permanganate is added for a greater effect. This trace element works in two directions: disinfects the soil, provides additional nutrition.

Grooves are made in the cooled soil and the seeds of white cabbage are sown at a distance of two to three centimeters. According to agrotechnical standards, 3-4 grams of seeds will be required per square meter of nursery.

Comment! When sowing seeds in a seedless way per square meter, from 0,15 to 2 grams is needed.

Before sowing, cabbage seeds of this variety, if they do not have a special protective shell, are disinfected in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then dried to a loose state.

Attention! Potassium permanganate kills spores on the seeds of the most dangerous disease – the black leg.

cabbage stone head

With any method, the seeds are buried in the soil by about one and a half centimeters. With a greater immersion of the seeds in the ground, the germination time is delayed. Sometimes they may not rise at all. Experienced gardeners recommend, after the appearance of the first leaf, pollinate cabbage seedlings and soil with dry wood ash. Seedling care is easy. Basically – watering and loosening. It is not necessary to strongly moisten the soil, otherwise the roots may rot.

If necessary, seedlings are seated in separate pots. In this case, the root system grows better.

cabbage stone head

Landing in the ground

When the seedlings grow to 15 centimeters, it will have 5 or 6 leaves, you can start planting in open ground.

Comment! White cabbage with 5-6 leaves is not afraid of single night frosts down to -5 degrees.

It is necessary to plant seedlings of cabbage of the Stone Head variety early so that it has time to take root well before the start of the summer of the cabbage fly. As a rule, in May-June the soil warms up to 10 degrees. Many gardeners are guided by the sowing calendar. It is even welcome. Since the climatic conditions on the territory of Our Country differ, it is necessary to take into account the features.

It is very important to choose the right plot of the garden. According to agrotechnical standards, it is better to plant any varieties of white vegetables in the beds where legumes, eggplants, and onions grew. Not a bad return of the crop after pumpkin, zucchini. Tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley should not be planted next to Stone Head cabbage. These crops are demanding on nutrition, they will draw all the juices out of the ground, and cabbage will get nothing.

Fertilize the soil for seedlings before planting. It is better not to use fresh manure, as it may contain helminths. As organic matter, compost, rotted manure or peat is used. From mineral fertilizers, preference is given to superphosphate.

cabbage stone head

Holes are made according to the scheme 50×60 or 70×70, preferably in a checkerboard pattern. Seedlings of white cabbage Kamennaya head are planted in two rows to facilitate further care.

Wood ash is added to each well and poured with boiling water. When the ground cools down, seedlings are planted. The lower cotyledon leaves are cut off. Bury seedlings to the first true leaf. If the plant “pulled” down after watering, it must be immediately raised.

If frosts are expected according to the forecast, the planted seedlings of cabbage can be covered with a film or agrofiber. Planting is done in the evening, so that the plants have time to move away from stress during the night.

Helpful Care Tips

  1. White cabbage Stone head is a disease-resistant variety. But for prevention, you can plant marigolds, calendula, bitter wormwood, mint nearby. These plants contain essential oils that repel harmful insects.
  2. Cabbage should be planted in a sunny area. The slightest shading reduces the quality of heads. Instead of dense heads, loose “brooms” of leaves are obtained.
  3. Every 2-3 years it is desirable to change the plot for cabbage, because in the soil, despite the processing, spores of diseases and pests can accumulate.
  4. Watering is carried out early in the morning, before sunrise or late in the evening, preferably with cold water. Heads of cabbage are perfectly tied at a temperature of +20 degrees, but if the summer is very hot, sprinkling of cabbage beds is recommended.
  5. At first, the plants are watered gently under the root, adults over heads of cabbage. Watering is stopped 15 days before cutting the forks.
  6. The first top dressing is carried out 10-12 days after planting in the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. If you are against chemistry, you can prepare an infusion of mullein, chicken manure. In the future, you can feed with “green” fertilizer from fermented grass.
Warning! It is not recommended to cut the leaves on the white cabbage Stone head before the forks ripen, since they get food from the air.


By the end of September, beginning of October, late-ripening cabbage of the Kamennaya head variety reaches technical ripeness. Small frosts will not affect the cabbage. On the contrary, experienced gardeners wait for the heads of cabbage to be slightly beaten with frost. This will add crunchiness and whiteness to the vegetable.

Important! If the heads of cabbage are intended for long-term storage, then they are cut off without waiting for frost.

It is necessary to remove the Stone Head in dry weather. After cutting, the heads are left to dry in the sun, then they are removed to the cellar. Storage temperature from 0 to +5 degrees.

cabbage stone head

View of truckers

Margarita, 30 years old, Kursk region.
White cabbage of the Stone Head variety is the main vegetable in my cabbage beds. After all, it is universal. We pickle part of the cabbage, and store the rest in the cellar. Last year, the last forks of cabbage were taken out in early May. Everyone likes the variety, but the seeds with low germination. To speed up germination, I soak them in a solution of baking soda overnight, then rinse and dry. A glass of hot water (50 degrees) will require a teaspoon of baking soda. I can’t say why, but after such treatment, the seeds of the Stone Head variety sprout almost all on 3-4 days. This method was suggested to me by my beloved mother-in-law. She is an experienced gardener.
Artem, 56 years old, Novosibirsk
I have been planting the Stone Head variety for over 10 years and am satisfied with everything. Cabbage is fruitful, lying, tasty. Compared to other varieties of white vegetables, it practically does not get sick. Fully corresponds to the description and characteristics. I advise you to grow a variety of cabbage Kamennaya head.
Valentina, 29 years old, Samara region
Sometimes gardeners say that there are varieties of cultivated plants for which there is minimal care. This is just about the variety of cabbage Stone head. In addition, dense heads of cabbage are perfectly stored in the cellar for eight months. You can always cook a vitamin salad. Sauerkraut is also excellent – white, crispy.

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