Cabbage Parel F1

In spring, vitamins are so lacking that we try to saturate our diet with all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and herbs as much as possible. But there are no more useful products than those that are grown with their own hands. That is why each site should have a place for ultra-early varieties and crops. These include the cabbage variety “Parel F1”. This hybrid literally 60 days after germination is able to form a beautiful, fresh head of cabbage, filled with all the necessary vitamins. Growing such ultra-early cabbage is not at all difficult. We will try to give all the necessary recommendations for this and a complete description of the variety in our article.

Cabbage Parel F1

Description of cabbage

Variety “Parel F1” was bred by Dutch breeders. Thanks to the crossing of several productive varieties, it was possible to obtain an ultra-early vegetable with excellent external, marketable and taste characteristics. In Our Country, the Parel F1 variety has been grown for over 20 years. During this time, cabbage has proven itself only from the best side. It is cultivated in small gardens and large agricultural fields. It is worth noting that the fast-ripening Parel F1 cabbage can be an excellent means of generating income, because the first seasonal vegetables cost a lot of money on the market.

When creating the Parel F1 cabbage variety, the breeders tried to minimize the ripening time of the forks as much as possible. And it is worth noting that they succeeded. Under favorable conditions, cabbage of this variety ripens in just 52-56 days. This indicator in comparison with other varieties can be called a record. After rapid maturation, a head of cabbage can be in the garden for a long time (1-2 weeks) without loss of external and taste qualities. This property is very important for summer residents and farmers who cannot regularly monitor the condition of each vegetable.

Variety “Parel F1” forms compact, round heads. Their weight is small and varies from 800 g to 1,5 kg. Cabbage leaves have a fresh, appetizing green color. On them you can see a thin layer of wax coating, which seems to melt at the first touch of the hand. The edges of the leaves of the cabbage “Parel F1” are loosely closed. Inside the head there is a very short stalk, which minimizes the amount of waste in the process of cooking the vegetable.

Cabbage Parel F1

The main advantage and advantage of Parel F1 cabbage is its excellent taste. Its leaves are very sweet, juicy and crispy. They are the epitome of freshness. When cutting cabbage, you can feel a barely noticeable, delicate, pleasant aroma that lasts for a long time.

Important! Thanks to its taste, Parel F1 cabbage is an ideal fresh vegetable option for the average consumer.

Cabbage “Parel F1” can be grown in open and protected ground. When using a heated greenhouse, vegetables can be harvested all year round. At the same time, regardless of the cultivation conditions, cabbage retains an excellent appearance and does not crack. The yield of the variety is high and can reach 6 kg / m2

Important! Variety “Parel F1” is resistant to flowering.

The use of the variety in cooking

Cabbage “Parel F1” will be a storehouse of vitamins if eaten fresh. The variety has an excellent taste, contains a lot of fiber, sugar and vitamin C. It is great for making salads, adding to first and second courses. The only restriction on the use of cabbage is the inability to ferment it. Like all other early ripening varieties, Parel F1 cabbage is not suitable for sauerkraut.

Cabbage Parel F1

Resistance to low temperatures and diseases

Like many hybrids, “Parel F1” has some genetic resistance to diseases and pests. But relying only on the immunity of the culture is not worth it, because, depending on the stage of growth, vegetables can be partially damaged by various pests:

  • At the initial stage of cultivation, cabbage is attacked by leaf beetles, cabbage flies and cruciferous fleas.
  • In the process of tying a head of cabbage, the activity of cabbage whites is observed.
  • An already mature head of cabbage can be attacked by scoops and cabbage aphids.

You can deal with the invasion of insects prophylactically or upon their detection. For this, there is no need to use chemicals at all, because folk remedies in the form of decoctions and infusions can eliminate pests and preserve the quality and usefulness of vegetables.

Cabbage Parel F1

In addition to insects, fungal and bacterial diseases can pose a threat to cabbage. For their timely detection and elimination, it is necessary to know the signs of diseases:

  • stem rot is a symptom of blackleg development;
  • growths and swellings on the leaves signal the spread of the club;
  • spots and uncharacteristic plaque on the leaves indicates the presence of peronosporosis.

It is possible to ensure the protection of plants from these diseases at an early stage, even before sowing the crop. So, most viruses hide on the surface of cabbage seeds. You can destroy them by heating the grains at a temperature of + 60- + 700C.

Important! With significant damage to cabbage plantings, only treatment with special preparations can become an effective measure to combat the disease.

The Parel F1 hybrid is resistant to adverse weather conditions and gives consistently high yields year after year. Spring frosts are also not able to damage young plants, but during prolonged cold snaps, it is recommended to protect cabbage in the open field with covering material.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Breeders, unfortunately, have not yet succeeded in deducing the ideal cabbage. They still have work to do, but the Parel F1 variety can also be considered successful, since there are a lot of positive qualities in its description and characteristics. So, the advantages of the Parel F1 variety include:

  • ultra-early ripening period of vegetables;
  • excellent presentation and ideal external qualities of forks;
  • high resistance to transportation;
  • high level of productivity;
  • friendly ripening of heads;
  • good immunity to diseases;
  • excellent seed germination;
  • crack resistance.

With such a variety of advantages, some disadvantages of the Parel F1 variety may be lost, but we will try to identify them:

  • cabbage “Parel F1” is unsuitable for ripening;
  • the yield of the variety is lower than that of some other varieties;
  • small head size;
  • the keeping quality of vegetables is lower than that of late-ripening varieties.

Cabbage Parel F1

When choosing seeds, one should take into account the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, as well as clearly define the purpose of the grown vegetables. So, in order to get a useful product as soon as possible, the ultra-early Parel F1 variety is ideal, but for winter storage or ripening, it is recommended to consider the option of planting late-ripening varieties. Experienced gardeners combine these varieties on their site.

Cultivation of cabbage

Cabbage “Parel F1” is unpretentious and can be grown by breeding seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the ground. These growing technologies have significant differences that are worth remembering.

Growing cabbage seedlings

Seedlings allow you to speed up the ripening process of the already ultra-early cabbage variety “Parel F1”. The method is effective if there is a greenhouse or greenhouse on the site. You can start growing seedlings as early as March. To do this, prepare the soil mixture and disinfect it. Sowing seeds is recommended to be carried out immediately in separate containers in order to avoid intermediate dives.

Important! If necessary, dive plants should be at the age of 2 weeks after the emergence of sprouts.

Cabbage Parel F1

Optimal growth of seedlings is observed in good light and temperature + 20- + 220C. It is recommended to water the Parel F1 plants once a week. To do this, you can use warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For the entire growing period, seedlings should be fed 1-1 times with nitrogen fertilizers. Secondary feeding is necessary if the cabbage leaves are pale green in color. A few days before planting seedlings in the ground, you need to additionally apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers to enhance root growth. Cabbage seedlings should be planted in the garden at the age of 2-3 weeks.

Seedless growing method

Sowing seeds directly into the ground will slightly slow down the process of obtaining a crop, but at the same time will not cause much trouble to the agrarian. A place for sowing cabbage must be selected and prepared in the fall. In a sunny area, you should dig up the soil, fertilize and form ridges. On top of the prepared beds, you need to put a layer of mulch and a black film. Such flooring must be removed with the arrival of the first spring heat. The ground beneath it will quickly thaw and be ready for the seed to sow. Grains should be sown according to the scheme of 4-5 seedlings per 1 m2 of the earth.

Cabbage Parel F1

Already grown cabbage seedlings should be regularly fed with nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. A nutrient and at the same time protection against pests for cabbage is wood ash.

Important! In the phase of leaf thickening, it is not recommended to carry out top dressing of cabbage, in order to maintain the environmental safety of vegetables.  


The cabbage variety “Parel F1” opens up new opportunities for farmers. With it, you can grow the very first and most useful vegetables with your own hands. This will not pose any difficulties, and some farmers will even enjoy it, because good seed germination, adaptability to adverse conditions and stable yields are the main features of this hybrid, which means that success in cultivation is guaranteed.


Kristina Kuznetsova, 39 years old, Samara
Every year I plant several forks of the Parel F1 variety. This cabbage quickly ties heads, perfectly resists bad weather and diseases. This first spring vegetable is good in salads and cabbage soup. For storage and fermentation, an additional variety “Kolobok” is grown, since from “Parel” sauerkraut is obtained slimy.
Alina Stomina, 27 years old, Kostroma
I love spring vegetable salads with Parel F1 cabbage. It is so crispy and sweet that you can simply take it apart into leaves and eat it. The variety is simply magical, my favorite. Mom knows about it. She grows these wonderful heads of cabbage for us. We buy her seeds and thank her for the early harvest.

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