Cabbage Nozomi F1

In spring and at the very beginning of summer, despite the general awakening and flowering of nature, a rather difficult period begins for a person. Indeed, apart from the earliest greens and radishes, practically nothing is ripening in the gardens, and all winter preparations have either come to an end, or are already a little boring, and you want something fresh and vitamin. The real salvation in this case will be the cultivation of the earliest ripe varieties of cabbage on your plot, which can ripen just in time for the end of May and the beginning of June and provide the whole family with early vitamins. And if such cabbage is still fruitful, unpretentious and tasty, then it simply will not have a price.

Nozomi cabbage is an amazing representative of the cabbage kingdom, which meets all of the above requirements. Of course, it is a hybrid, but gardeners rarely get their seeds from cabbage, because for this it is necessary to leave several plants for the second year. Therefore, the cultivation of this cabbage will surely appeal to both experienced craftsmen and novice gardeners.

Cabbage Nozomi F1

History of origin

Cabbage Nozomi f1 was obtained at a breeding station in France, and it was these seeds that were allowed for official registration in the State Register of the Federation in 2007. Although if a person who purchases seeds in their original packaging reads the information printed there, he will be surprised to see that Nozomi cabbage seeds are produced by the Japanese company Sakata. There is no contradiction in this.

Attention! The Sakata company, founded more than a hundred years ago in the Japanese city of Yokohama, opened a breeding station in France back in 1998, and in 2003 moved its head office from all over Europe to France.

Thus, many of the seeds that we receive from this company can be produced in France and other European countries.

Nozomi cabbage seeds were recommended for use in the North Caucasus region. Despite this, the Nozomi cabbage hybrid is grown in many regions of our country, including under spring film shelters.

Cabbage Nozomi F1

Description and features of the hybrid

Nozomi cabbage is one of the earliest in terms of ripening. After only 50-60 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, you can already harvest a full-fledged crop. Of course, cabbage seedlings themselves are grown for about a month from sowing. But all the same, you can traditionally sow cabbage seeds for seedlings in March and enjoy a fresh vitamin vegetable at the end of May.

But early ripening is not the main characteristic of this hybrid. Another thing is more important – its yield and characteristics of the formed heads. The yield of Nozomi cabbage is quite at the level of mid-ripening varieties of cabbage and is about 315 c/ha. For an ordinary summer resident, it is more important that this hybrid is able to form dense heads of cabbage weighing up to 2,5 kg each. The Nozomi hybrid is also distinguished by a rather high yield of marketable products – it is 90%. Heads of cabbage can remain on the vine for quite a long time without losing their attractive presentation.

Cabbage Nozomi F1

Comment! This hybrid is also good for transportation.

In addition, Nozomi cabbage is resistant to Alternaria and bacterial rot.


Plants of the Nozomi hybrid are strong, have good growth vigor and relative unpretentiousness to growing conditions. The leaves themselves are small, gray-green in color, bubbly, slightly wavy along the edge, have a wax coating of medium intensity.

The hybrid forms attractive glossy heads of cabbage having the following characteristics:

  • The shape of the heads is rounded.
  • The density of cabbage is high – it is 4,5 points on a five-point scale.
  • On the cut, the heads of cabbage may have a yellowish-white tint.
  • The inner stalk is of medium length, the outer one is very short.
  • The mass of a head of cabbage averages 1,3-2,0 kg.
  • Heads are resistant to cracking, even with excessive moisture.

    Cabbage Nozomi F1

  • The taste of Nozomi cabbage is rated as good and excellent.
  • Heads of cabbage are not stored for a very long time and are intended primarily for fresh consumption.
Comment! Although, judging by the reviews, many hostesses create many dishes from Nozomi cabbage, stew, pickle, and even salt it, however, for momentary consumption.

Testimonials from truck drivers

Gardeners who grew Nozomi cabbage talk about it with enthusiasm, so much so that its characteristics differ for the better from many other varieties of early cabbage.

Cabbage Nozomi F1

Alena, 39 years old, Belgorod
Last year I decided to try to grow two hybrids of early cabbage Parel and Nozomi. Before that, I had already been disappointed in early cabbage, because either there were very few heads of cabbage, or it did not ripen at all early, and if heads of cabbage were tied, they were loose and tasteless. To be honest, I thought that this was a feature of early cabbage and it could not be otherwise. And last year I grew seedlings of Nozomi and Parel. And now I understand what early cabbage can be. Both hybrids pleased with large, dense and juicy heads of surprisingly delicate and pleasant taste. Nothing really hurt, which was also good. At first, I grew seedlings in a greenhouse so that it would come out strong and stocky, because in the house it turns out to be elongated and weakened. And already in early May, she landed her in open ground. Covered at first with return frosts with lutrasil. But the cabbage did not care about any frosts. And already in June I enjoyed a real juicy cabbage.
Anna, 43 years old Krasnodar city
I really like Prestige seeds lately. Everything that I planted, and cucumbers, and tomatoes, and peppers work out perfectly. And varieties of cabbage surprise the most. For the first time in my life, I managed to grow even cauliflower, which had never made me happy before. I especially want to talk about white cabbage Nozomi. She just amazed me. Of all the types of white cabbage known to me, it is the earliest. I planted it first in early April with seedlings, and then at the end of April immediately into the ground. This cabbage hybrid is amazingly resistant to all adverse weather conditions and other misfortunes, such as fleas and various pests. Although, of course, I sprinkled the seedlings with wood ash and covered the insects with thin lutrasil. But the Nozomi hybrid endured all the misfortunes very steadfastly and this did not affect its further harvest. And when the heads of cabbage ripened, I was amazed at how juicy and plump they were. Their taste was also more than good. Throughout June, our family enjoyed a variety of cabbage dishes almost every day: I made salads, salted it, and then made cabbage soup from sauerkraut, pickled it. They even took it to the market once to sell it, so much of it has grown. My husband even joked that it was time to open a business on early cabbage. But there were only 20 seeds in the package – and what a harvest! Nothing is missing.
Pavel, 47 years old, Voronezh
I have been doing cabbage for a long time. I grew different varieties, including for sale. But after I tried Nozomi, I basically don’t plant another early cabbage. It’s better to grow one thing, but it’s reliable and you know for sure that it won’t let you down. And in taste it can not be compared with other early varieties – sweet, juicy. When I put her dense cabbages on the market, people all the time ask what kind of variety it is and wonder how this early cabbage can look like that. And those who buy, come back again. I sow it for seeds at the earliest possible date, from March to early April. Immediately after germination, I put the boxes outside, especially if the weather is sunny. And at night, if there are no severe frosts, I leave it in a greenhouse, covering it with another layer of transparent covering material. But the seedlings turn out to be healthy, squat, no hardships are terrible for her. After the appearance of the first true leaves, I feed them with organic matter and humates. I dive seedlings immediately into the ground under the arcs in April. Deepen necessarily to the first true leaves. I spray with some kind of growth stimulant until it finally takes root. And then it grows by leaps and bounds. It remains only to water and feed. And it ripens quite amicably, so it remains to be hoped for a quick implementation. But I like that the heads of cabbage do not crack at all when ripe. Even if I don’t have time to remove everything right away, then the remaining heads of cabbage can stand for another week and nothing.


Cabbage Nozomi collects positive feedback from both amateurs and professional gardeners. No one can pass by its full-fledged heads of juicy taste, and unpretentiousness in cultivation can give hope to grow it even for those for whom cabbage is still a secret with seven seals.

Nozomi F1 cabbage (Sakata) seminar Sakura

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