Cabbage Megaton: variety description

Cabbage Megaton: variety description

Cabbage “Megaton” belongs to the mid-late varieties. This hybrid appeared thanks to the efforts of the breeders of the Dutch company Bejo Zaden. Due to its high yield and ease of care, the variety is very popular in our country and takes root well in all regions, except for the Middle Volga region. But the hybrid also has several disadvantages that you should be aware of before planting.

Description of cabbage variety “Megaton”

You can recognize Megaton by a fairly large socket placed horizontally. The leaves of the hybrid are large, round in shape and slightly wavy edges. The color is light green. The foliage surface is shiny, as if covered with a waxy coating. The covering leaves are blue in color and are also covered with small wrinkles.

Cabbage “Megaton” is one of the highest-yielding varieties

Heads of cabbage “Megaton” are quite large, reaching an average weight of 3-5 kg. But with increased attention and adherence to all agrotechnical measures, you can easily grow cabbage with a mass of 10-15 kg

Megaton has a rather small stump. Even in the largest heads of cabbage, it does not exceed 15 cm. The hybrid belongs to the mid-late varieties. After the appearance of the first shoots and before harvesting, it takes about 100-140 days. Caring for the plant is quite simple: you need to periodically weed and water the beds.

Characteristics of Megaton cabbage

The main advantage of such cabbage is its increased yield, which significantly exceeds the performance of other varieties. About 9 kg can be collected from one square meter. At the same time, the heads of cabbage have an excellent taste. The hybrid is well transported and does not deteriorate during transport. In addition, “Megaton” is quite unpretentious in care and has increased resistance to various diseases, including gray rot.

The leaves of this variety contain a lot of sugar, which makes them quite tough. Therefore, for the preparation of fresh salads and cabbage rolls “Megaton” is not suitable. But sauerkraut from a hybrid is perfect.

With all its advantages, the variety has one significant drawback – a short shelf life. Megaton remains fresh and usable only 1-3 months after harvest.

Cabbage “Megaton” not in vain has earned the love of the majority of gardeners in our country. After all, this variety has significant advantages with a minimum of disadvantages. In addition, a minimum of effort is required to get a large crop yield.

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