In the fight against discomfort, all means are good. And in some situations, doctors even agree with folk recipes that have saved millions of women for tens, if not hundreds of years.
Paloma Faith
Paloma Faith, 39, is a famous British actress and singer. Recently, the artist again experienced the happiness of motherhood, having given birth to her second child – a daughter, whose name is still carefully hiding from the public.
And although Paloma does not show her newborn heiress to numerous followers, she generously shares other details regarding her experience of childbirth.
So, the artist showed pictures taken in the operating room during her childbirth. And the star also kept the so-called “Pregnancy Diary” on her Instagram, which has now turned into “Diary of a Young Mother”.
An important point in the new notes is breastfeeding. Unfortunately, this process did not start smoothly. Paloma was diagnosed with acute engorgement of the mammary glands, which caused severe soreness and hardening in her chest.
“My breasts are hard as rocks! It hurts so much … I’m trying to do something, but my child is still too young to drink all the milk and relieve me of the torment, ”says the star.
Indeed, such a diagnosis is often associated precisely with too active production of breast milk and overcrowding of the mammary glands. Most often, it is just newly-made mothers, whose body has not yet had time to get used to the new “duty”, encounter it.
And yet Paloma managed to alleviate the situation at least a little. And in this she was not helped by massage, not a hot shower and not pumping, but just … cabbage leaves, attached to the breast.
To many Internet users, this method seemed rather strange. Apparently, among Western mothers, cabbage compresses are not as widespread as in Russia, where this method seems to be familiar to absolutely everyone.
Surprisingly, doctors do not even try to criticize the effect of cabbage leaves. They admit that there really is an effect of such lotions in the breast area.
“Their effect is similar to a standard compress. A cold cabbage leaf gradually heats up from body heat, and with the help of this, the ducts of the mammary gland expand, and milk flow improves, “explains the oncologist-mammologist of the clinic
In addition, cabbage leaves are bactericidal and help to heal cracks and micro-wounds on the chest. All thanks to the composition of the green vegetable, which is rich in important vitamins and minerals.
It is thanks to this that the specialist does not see any harm in the use of cabbage leaves in case of feeding problems. But only if such compresses are used as an aid before the obligatory consultation with a doctor.
“As such, cabbage leaves cannot cope with stagnation. This requires constant pumping and attachment of the baby to the breast, as well as other, already therapeutic measures. Also, do not diminish the importance of ultrasound of the mammary glands in order to exclude the development of purulent mastitis. With this diagnosis, any warming techniques (including cabbage compresses) are strictly prohibited and will only worsen the situation, ”warns the mammologist.
Have you ever done cabbage compresses for your chest?
Фото: @palomafaith/Instagram, Getty Images