Cabbage Kolobok

Gardeners who grow various varieties of white vegetables are guided by the timing of ripening and application features. Cabbage variety Kolobok has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity. It is grown not only in summer cottages for personal consumption, but also in large farms for sale.

In the article we will talk about the features of the Kolobok variety, the advantages and rules of cultivation.

A bit of history

Created a hybrid Kolobok Moscow breeders. In the late 90s of the last century, it was included in the State Register of the Federation.

Attention! Beginning in 1997, cabbage began its march through all regions of Our Country and the former republics of the Soviet Union.

The popularity of Kolobok cabbage has not fallen over the years, on the contrary, it is growing every year. As proof – a huge production of grown products. You can judge the productivity by the number of seeds sold – almost 20 tons in 40 years!


Cabbage variety Kolobok is grown in all regions. This is a hybrid of the first generation, it is impossible to obtain seeds from it, since the varietal qualities will not be preserved. Cabbage Kolobok mid-late ripening. Technical ripeness occurs 115-120 days after planting seedlings in the ground.

The hybrid Kolobok has dark green leaves with a whitish inner surface, smooth, rounded with wavy edges. Each leaflet is obovate and covered with a waxy coating. There are veins on the cabbage, but they are not thick.

Heads of the Kolobok variety are dense, rounded, weighing up to 4,3 kg. The inner stalk is medium in size. When growing cabbage on a large scale and observing all agrotechnical standards, up to 1000 centners per hectare are obtained.

Since the hybrid is for universal use, the use of Kolobok cabbage is varied. It is not only salted, fermented, pickled, but also used for salads, stews, soups and borscht. After all, on the cut, the vegetable is white.

Cabbage Kolobok

The rosette of leaves is large, raised. Height is not less than 34 cm. The diameter of the fork with technical ripeness is on average about 50 centimeters. Heads are dense, rounded, weighing up to 4,3 kg. Cabbage Kolobok, according to the description of the variety, the presented photos and reviews of gardeners, subject to all agrotechnical standards, gives up to 1000 centners per hectare.

Characteristic of the variety

To understand whether to grow this hybrid on the site or not, the description is not enough. Therefore, we will present our readers with the characteristics of the cabbage Kolobok F1:

  1. The yield of the variety is stable, up to 15 kg are obtained on one square, if the agrotechnical standards of cultivation are fully followed.

    Cabbage Kolobok

  2. Excellent taste properties and wide culinary use add popularity to the Kolobok variety.
  3. Long shelf life within 7-8 months, while useful properties are not lost.
  4. Excellent transportability of heads, presentation at a height.
  5. Even before ripening, Kolobok cabbage does not crack.
  6. It boasts resistance to cabbage diseases in front of its “relatives”.

The advantages of the Kolobok F1 variety make the white vegetable popular. Indeed, of the shortcomings, only the high demands of cabbage for irrigation and soil fertility can be noted.

Methods of reproduction

Gingerbread Man can be grown in different ways: seedless and seedling. Consider each of them, indicate the advantages and disadvantages.

seedless way

Important! Cabbage Kolobok is suitable for any regions.


  • firstly, the seedlings are strong and hardened;
  • secondly, the technical ripeness of a white vegetable comes earlier by 10-12 days;
  • thirdly, heads of cabbage turn out large.

The disadvantage of this method is the high consumption of seeds, because some of the sprouts will have to be removed.

In a seedless way, you can grow seedlings of the Kolobok variety in open ground or in peat pots. In a hole or a separate container, 2-3 seeds are sown to a depth of one centimeter. The holes are made at a distance of 70 cm. Then they are covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.

When the seedlings grow up, and 4-5 true leaves appear, choose one strong seedling. All others are removed. Watering as the soil dries.

Attention! Sowing seeds of cabbage Kolobok in the ground is possible only in the southern regions of the country.

Seedbed method

When growing cabbage varieties Kolobok F1 seedlings, you will have to start sowing seeds 50 days before planting in a permanent place: in mid-April. This is not surprising, because the variety of late ripening.

Cabbage Kolobok

Soil Preparation

Seeds of cabbage Kolobok are sown in prepared fertile soil. You can use ready-made balanced soil. But many gardeners prefer to prepare the soil themselves. In its composition:

  • peat – 7 parts;
  • humus -2 parts;
  • sod land and mullein 1 part each.

Such fertile soil will allow the plants to sprout faster, and the technical ripeness of cabbage will come earlier by 12-14 days.

Before sowing, the soil and the nursery must be spilled with boiling water with potassium permanganate. The solution should be dark pink. Then add wood ash and stir. This natural fertilizer will not only make up for the lack of trace elements, but also protect future cabbage shoots from the black leg.

Seed preparation

Cabbage seeds of the Kolobok F1 variety must be disinfected and hardened before sowing. To do this, heat the water to 50 degrees and lower the seed in gauze for a third of an hour. After that, they are placed in cold water. Then laid out on a dry napkin and dried to a loose state.

Important! Seeds of the Kolobok variety are placed in the soil 1 cm deep, it is not necessary deeper, otherwise the seedlings will not appear soon.

Planting is carefully watered so as not to wash the seeds. It is best to carry out this procedure with a spray gun. To speed up the germination of cabbage, the nursery is covered with glass or film.

Further care of seedlings consists in moderate watering with cool water. When shoots appear, it is necessary to provide the plants with excellent illumination, otherwise the quality of the seedlings will decrease due to stretching, and the heat will be up to 20 degrees.

Cabbage Kolobok

It is necessary to dive seedlings of cabbage Kolobok at the age of 2-3 true leaves. You can seat them at a distance of 6 cm, but it is better in separate cups. In this case, when transplanting to a permanent place, the plants will be less injured. When the seedlings of cabbage of the Kolobok variety are accepted, they are taken out into the open air for hardening.

Important! By the time of planting, the plants should have 5 to 6 leaves.

Seed dressing

According to the description, cabbage of the Kolobok variety is demanding on nutrition. Before planting in the ground, it must be fed at least two times:

  1. The pickled seedlings of cabbage after 10 days are fed with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (10 g), superphosphate (20 g), potassium sulfate (10 g). This is a composition for 10 liters of water.
  2. 10 days before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, prepare the following composition: 25 g of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium sulfate. If desired, the solution can be strengthened with copper sulfate and potassium permanganate, 0,2 g each. After feeding, the seedlings are shed with clean water so that there are no burns on the leaves.
  3. If you do not want to use mineral fertilizers, you can feed Kolobok cabbage seedlings with mullein infusion before planting in the ground. Add a tablespoon of infusion to a liter of water.

Outdoor care

Cabbage is planted in holes at a distance of 60×70 cm. It is best to use two-line plantings. This will make it easier to take care of.

For the successful cultivation of cabbage, Kolobok does not require special knowledge, all agricultural technology is similar to other varieties of white vegetables. If the soil was fertile during planting, then it remains to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

Features of watering

Variety Kolobok is demanding on watering. There should be at least 10 liters per square meter. Watering is necessary, based on their weather conditions. It should be remembered that the lack of moisture adversely affects the yield of cabbage.

At the initial stage, the plants are watered around the root. In the future, along the grooves or from above. In this case, pests and their larvae will be washed off. The cabbage variety Kolobok responds well to sprinkling.

Advice! Stop watering 10 days before harvest.

Loosening and hilling

In order for the roots of the plants to receive enough oxygen, the soil must be loosened after watering. Hilling cabbage is also a mandatory procedure. Thanks to it, the root system is strengthened due to the growth of lateral processes. The first time they raise the soil three weeks after transplanting. Then every 10 days.

Sustainable immunity

In the description and characteristics, as well as, according to gardeners, it was indicated that the variety is resistant to many diseases of cruciferous crops, in particular, Fusarium, white and gray rot. Cabbage heads are also not damaged by bacterial, fungal and viral diseases.


Cabbage of any variety is harvested in dry sunny weather. First, the side leaves are cut off, then the heads of cabbage are cut down. They are laid out on boards or bedding to dry, and then put away for storage.

Cabbage Kolobok

When the time for harvesting white cabbage Kolobok for the winter approaches, the forks are salted, sour, marinated, depending on preferences. The remaining heads of cabbage are removed to the cellar or basement, where the cabbage is stored for a long time without loss of taste and presentation.


Victor, 40 years old, d. Kirovograd
Last year I bought white cabbage seeds Kolobok F1. The variety was liked for its productivity and great taste. My wife and I fermented cabbage, it turned out to be a crispy and appetizing snack. As for the shelf life, I can’t say anything about them: we ate it in salads right after the New Year.
Svetlana, 52 years old, Trans-Baikal Territory
For as long as I can remember, I have always grown white vegetables of different varieties. But about 10 years ago, cabbage seeds Kolobok F1 caught my eye. Since then, I have not parted with her. Cabbage is good in any form, this is facilitated by the versatility of the destination. I grow heads of cabbage weighing more than four kilograms. On the cut, the cabbage is white, dense. Differs in juiciness and excellent taste. Keeps well. I advise everyone.

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