Ammon cabbage was bred by the company Seminis relatively recently. This is a hybrid variety that is suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of Our Country, except for the most northern ones. The main purpose is cultivation in open ground with the possibility of transportation and long-term storage.
Description of cabbage Ammon
Heads of cabbage Ammon have a round or slightly flattened shape. The diameter can vary from 15 to 30 cm. Their weight reaches 2-5 (rarely 4-6) kg. The color of the outer layer of the leaves of the head is gray-green. It is slightly whitish on the inside.

The leaves on the stem of Ammon cabbage are dark green, covered with a noticeable waxy coating.
Leaf plates are thin, tightly adjacent to each other. The stalk is short, occupying about a quarter of the diameter of the head. The taste is pleasant, fresh, completely without bitterness.
The variety belongs to late-ripening. Growing terms are 125-135 days from the moment the seedlings hatch. In cold regions, they can reach up to 5 months, and the culture will have time to mature.
Pros and cons of cabbage Ammon
The positive properties of the variety include:
- excellent keeping quality and transportability;
- long-term preservation in the field;
- high productivity and a small percentage of non-marketable fruits;
- resistance to fusarium and thrips.
Of the minuses of Ammon cabbage, it should be noted:
- the need for frequent watering and fertilizing;
- the difficulty of acquiring seed material.
According to the combination of characteristics, the Ammon variety is one of the most promising for growing almost throughout Our Country.
The yield of cabbage varieties Ammon
The yield of the hybrid cabbage Ammon F1 is very high: up to 600 centners per hectare, that is, 600 kg per hundred square meters. Such indicators make it possible to attribute the hybrid to industrial crops that can be grown in agriculture for commercial purposes.
There is only one way to increase the yield of Ammon cabbage – by increasing the planting density.

Reducing the distance between heads or rows of less than 40 cm is not recommended, as the culture will be crowded
Increasing the rate of fertilizer application has practically no effect on yields.
Planting and caring for cabbage Ammon
Like all cruciferous, Ammon cabbage feels good in fertile soil of moderate moisture and medium looseness. For landing choose a sunny area, protected from the wind. Preliminary preparation is carried out in the autumn of the previous year. 500 g of lime and half a bucket of peat and humus per square meter are added to the soil.
Seeds are planted in the spring, usually at the end of April. Landing is carried out in rows located at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other. Seeds are placed in each of the grooves at a distance of 2-3 cm. After sowing, the plot is mulched with humus and watered abundantly.
In the future, as soon as the sprouts appear, they are thinned out, leaving the strongest at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.
With earlier cultivation, seedlings are sown in mid-February. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for half an hour in water. As a substrate for growing, you can use ordinary soil from the garden. The seeds are buried in it by 1,5 cm and the container is covered with a film or glass, maintaining a constant temperature around + 20 ° C. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are sent to a cool room (not higher than + 9 ° C).

2-3 weeks after germination, seedlings dive into small individual pots.
Landing in open ground is carried out in early May. By this time, the seedlings have 6-7 leaves.
Ammon cabbage care requires regular watering and fertilizing. From time to time, plants need hilling (the height of the stem from the ground to the head should not exceed 10 cm).
Watering is carried out every 3 days, while not too waterlogged the soil. It is best to produce them in the morning, but you need to make sure that water does not fall on the heads of cabbage. After watering, it is desirable to loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm.
Fertilizers are applied once a month. It can be both organic and mineral supplements:
- humus;
- peat;
- superphosphate;
- nitrophoska, etc.
Organics has a standard dosage – about 2-3 kg per 1 sq. m. The application rates of mineral fertilizers range from 20 to 35 g per 1 sq. m. m depending on the planting density.
Diseases and pests
In general, the hybrid has a high resistance to many diseases, but some of them still appear on the beds at regular intervals. For cabbage varieties Ammon, such a disease will be a black leg. It is an infection caused by a fungus of the Ervinia family.

The symptomatology of the disease is quite stereotypical – the appearance of brown, and then black spots on various parts of the plant.
Stems are mainly affected, most often at the seedling stage.
There is no treatment for the disease. Damaged specimens are dug up and burned. The soil after removal of foci of infection is sprayed with a 0,2% solution of potassium permanganate in water. Prevention of the disease helps well – it is recommended to treat the seeds before planting with Granosan (100 g of the substance is enough for 0.4 g of seeds).
The main cabbage parasites – thrips and cruciferous fleas almost never attack the cabbage hybrid Ammon F1. Of the serious pests, the usual white butterfly remains. The second and third generations of this insect (appearing in July and September) can significantly reduce the yield of Amon cabbage.

Caterpillars of cabbage whites affect all parts of the plant – leaves, stems, heads of cabbage
Despite the abundance of external enemies, the population of this pest is very large, and if you miss the moment, you can forget about a good harvest.
An effective remedy against whites are Fitoverm, Dendrobacillin and Baksin. In addition, plants should be regularly inspected for the presence of clutches of adult butterflies and destroyed in a timely manner.
Ammon cabbage has a universal application. It is consumed fresh in salads, boiled and stewed, in first and second courses and, of course, canned (sauerkraut).
Ammon cabbage has high yields and good disease resistance. This culture has excellent taste indicators and is distinguished by a high head density. The shelf life of Ammon cabbage, subject to the conditions, can reach up to 11-12 months.