CA 125 study – indications, interpretation of results, price. What is the test and what are the standards?

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The CA 125 antigen is present in the body in a physiological state. Elevated levels of its concentration may indicate neoplastic changes or some inflammation. However, the CA 125 test is performed mainly for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

CA 125 – what is it?

CA 125 is a glycoprotein, a neoplastic antigen that frequently appears on the surface of cancerous ovarian cells. It is therefore an ovarian cancer marker. A high level of its concentration occurs in 80 percent. women diagnosed with this type of cancer. Determining CA 125 at the start of treatment allows you to degrade the chances of a quick and, importantly, permanent cure.

CA 125 antigen is also present in normal tissues, especially in the reproductive organ. Therefore, it is also present in the body in physiological states, i.e. not affected by the disease.

CA 125 study – diagnostics

The CA 125 test is used to determine the concentration of CA 125 tumor antigen in the patient’s body. Its high level may indicate the appearance of neoplasms such as:

  1. epithelial ovarian cancer,
  2. lung adenocarcinoma,
  3. pancreatic cancer,
  4. endometrial shelf,
  5. breast cancer
  6. esophageal cancer
  7. liver cancer,
  8. stomach cancer.

In addition, the high concentration of CA 125 antigen detected in the test may indicate:

  1. pericarditis,
  2. heart failure
  3. various liver diseases,
  4. connective tissue diseases,
  5. pneumonia,
  6. inflammation of the pancreas,
  7. diabetes
  8. cirrhosis,
  9. pericardial or pleural effusion
  10. ascites,
  11. inflammation in the abdominal cavity,
  12. inflammation in the pelvis,
  13. ectopic pregnancy,
  14. uterine fibroids,
  15. uterine fibroids,
  16. ovarian cysts,
  17. endometriosis.

CA 125 testing may indicate an increased level of antigens, not only in neoplastic and inflammatory processes, but also in physiological cases, such as menstruation or pregnancy.

Check your CA 125 levels by completing the Cancer Diseases – Female Risk Assessment package.

Also read: “Preventive removal of ovaries and breasts saves lives?”

CA 125 study – what is it?

CA 125 gynecological examination is used mainly in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, as well as in the control activities during its treatment. It is also used for screening women at risk of developing ovarian cancer in order to detect neoplastic changes as early as possible. Regularly analyzed CA 125 antigen concentration allows to test the effectiveness of the therapy.

What does the CA 125 study look like? The concentration of tumor markers is analyzed on the basis of the patient’s blood sample taken into an EDTA tube. The procedure is routine and its formula does not differ from the usual blood donation. To perform the CA 125 test, blood is drawn from a vein in the arm, disinfecting the skin and putting on a tourniquet. The procedure takes up to a few minutes.

How to prepare for the CA 125 test? There is no need to take any unusual actions. It is worth doing the test in the morning, well rested and rested. There is also no need to be fasting. The CA 125 test, however, is worth doing some time after eating. Before the blood collection procedure itself, you may drink a little water. It is strongly recommended to rest and sit for about a quarter of an hour before the CA 125 test.

Do you know that…

CA 125 Study Complementary? Before it is performed, gynecological examinations and ultrasound are performed.

CA 125 Study – ROMA Algorithm

One of the methods of detecting cancerous lesions is the CA 125 test. HE4 is the second cancer marker that helps in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Taken together in the so-called ROMA algorithm gives a more reliable and precise result.

The ROMA model is based on the simultaneous determination of both tumor markers in the patient’s blood serum. The paired determination of CA 125 and HE4 is distinguished by better diagnostic parameters than the results of separate analyzes. It is worth noting, however, that out of these two determinations, the individually interpreted CA 125 test provides much less diagnostic possibilities.

The mathematical calculations of CA 125 and HE4 together with the analysis of the patient’s hormonal status are used to establish the degree of the probability of the malignant nature of the examined lesions. This, in turn, leads to the choice of the correct therapy. In the case of prophylactic subjects, the joint analysis of CA 125 and HE4 allows the classification to the appropriate risk group and taking optimal preventive measures.

CA 125 test – standards

Due to the fact that CA 125 is present in the body of healthy people, the test will always show its presence. Normal antigen concentration does not exceed 35 U / m. Of course, it will be variable due to the current hormonal status of the patient.

It is for this reason that in the CA 125 tests, the lowest range of the norm is considered to be 65 U / ml. In this way, it is possible to prevent false-positive results and exclude some of the respondents from further diagnosis and treatment.

CA 125 test – results

What does the CA 125 test and result mean? If it is a diagnostic test, exceeding the acceptable norm may indicate cancer or inflammation. However, the combination of the CA 125 test with the HE4 test and hormonal status will provide more certainty.

In monitoring the treatment of neoplastic lesions, the test is crucial to assess its effectiveness. A decrease in the CA 125 concentration level in subsequent treatment cycles indicates its success. Conversely, a persistence or even increase in antigen levels may suggest the presence of tumor remnants, the appearance of metastasis, or a relapse of the disease.

You don’t have to wait long for the CA 125 test result. Usually available within 3 business days.

CA 125 study – for whom?

The CA 125 test is recommended for patients with suspected ovarian cancer or those already struggling with malignant ovarian cancer. In the second case, the test will determine the effectiveness of the therapy.

In addition, people who should decide to have the CA 125 test are people with the so-called risk groups, i.e.

  1. carriers of the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations,
  2. patients who have had breast, colon or uterine cancer in the past,
  3. Relatives of someone who has or has had ovarian cancer.

The CA 125 study is not performed in low-risk groups. This is due to the fact that the obtained positive result of the analysis may indicate the presence of other diseases or neoplasms.

Do you want to do the CA 125 examination, as well as other parameters, thanks to which you will make a comprehensive package? We recommend diagnostic blood tests for women – verify the work of the most important organs and take care of the prevention of breast and ovarian cancer.

CA 125 Study – When To Do?

The concentration of the CA 125 antigen varies in the body of a healthy person. It is higher during menstruation or pregnancy. Thus, testing CA 125 during the period will give false results. It is similar if a woman has a long delay in menstruation, which may herald pregnancy. On which day of the cycle the CA 125 test will give the most reliable results. Ideally, it should be the time of the fertile days.

Find out more about the menstrual cycle: «Fertile days calendar. How to calculate fertile and infertile days? «

CA 125 study – price

The CA 125 test is associated with a patient’s cost of approximately PLN 90. However, it is worth knowing that it is financed by the National Health Fund. The reimbursed CA 125 test can be performed on the basis of a referral from a specialist doctor who also indicates a specific facility. However, in order for the refund to be possible, the oncologist or gynecologist must have a contract with the National Health Fund. A referral for CA 125 examination cannot be issued by a primary care physician, i.e. a general practitioner (GP).

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