Byzantine purist: care, planting
Chisetz is a flowering herb that is used to decorate the garden, complement the compositions of landscape decor. During flowering, it will give the site delicate shades of flowers, but its decorative effect remains throughout the summer cottage due to the beautiful shaggy leaves.
Byzantine Chistess: description
This plant is very diverse, there are about 400 species of it. But only a few with the greatest decorativeness gained particular popularity. These include the Byzantine variety. This perennial plant has strong stem branching. They are straight and quite tall – up to 60 cm.
Chisel grows quickly and forms a grassy carpet
Its distribution came from Asian countries. It belongs to the ground cover plants, as it grows very quickly.
He won the love of gardeners primarily with his unusual leaves: they are densely covered with silvery hairs. For this feature, he will receive the popular name “sheep ears”
The leaves themselves are oval, oblong. They are tapered at the ends, gray-green in color. There are varieties with yellow leaves. Stems are even and straight, tetrahedral.
Blooms in August for a month. Flowers are not as decorative as leaves. They are small, lilac or pink in color, collected in inflorescences about 30 cm long.
Planting a cleanser and caring for him
The grass loves sunny places, the area for it should be open to light. The composition of the soil is not demanding, but it should be loose and well-ventilated, without stagnant water. The plant tolerates drought well, but from excessive humidity it can get sick and die.
Cleaning the cleaner is simple:
- In the spring, you need to remove rotten and dry leaves;
- Most of all, he does not like moisture, in the summer he can not be watered, and he does not need additional fertilizing;
- When forming peduncles, they can be removed by cutting out shoots under the base;
- This grass is frost-hardy and tolerates winter well; it does not need a protective shelter.
It is planted with seeds. You can do this directly in open ground in May or June. There is an option for planting in the fall – in September. If you decide to plant seedlings, you need to sow seeds in boxes in March or April, and plant ready seedlings in early June. We leave the distance between the seedlings at 20 cm, assuming that the bushes will soon grow.
There are other ways to reproduce it: by dividing the bush, cuttings, and even the cut off the lower part of the stem can take root.