By knocking on the coffin, the 36-year-old interrupted her own funeral

Rosa Isabel Cespedes Callaca, 36, from Peru, died in a car accident. Or at least that’s what the doctor said. What was the family’s surprise when she knocked on the lid of the coffin during the funeral. The media have described the cases of the so-called the syndrome of Lazarus, when the deceased suddenly “came to life”.

The surprising event happened at the end of April. The funeral was attended by the family and relatives who wanted to accompany the 36-year-old on her last journey. The relatives were all the more devastated by death, because her brother-in-law also died in the accident, and three nephews were seriously injured. The ceremony was interrupted when shocked family members heard a noise from the coffin. After opening the lid, they rubbed their eyes in amazement. Rosa was alive and watched the mourners with wide eyes. The recording of the event is a sensation on the Internet.

“She died” a second time

In a short video, you can see policemen, surrounded by mourners, carrying a coffin with a woman lying inside. The 36-year-old went to a local hospital. The medics immediately began treating the “risen” woman. However, after a few hours, the woman died. This time for real.

  1. Doctors declared him dead. Suddenly the body bag began to move

The family of the deceased announced that they would want to find out who and why prematurely considered their relative dead. The relatives suspect that the woman fell into a coma after the accident. This would explain the doctors’ problems with accurately determining her health. The 36-year-old’s aunt told local media that she wanted to know why her niece was misdiagnosed, writes “The Sun”.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

Lazarus syndrome worked?

History knows a similar case. Two months ago, we covered the story 91-year-old Janina Kołkiewicz from Ostrów Lubelski, who, despite her death, was alive. This is technically known as Lazarus syndrome. To put it simply, it is a phenomenon where the blood circulation is automatically restored in a person whose heart has stopped beating. Research conducted over the years shows that 82 percent. Lazarus syndrome and relapse occurred within 10 minutes of resuscitation completion.

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