Buzulnik Rocket is one of the tallest varieties, reaching 150-180 cm in height. Differs in large yellow flowers collected in spikes. Suitable for planting in sunny and shady places. A characteristic feature – blooms from July to the end of September.

Description of the buzulnik Rocket

Buzulnik Rocket (The Rocket, The Rocket) is one of the most beautiful hybrid varieties. It got its name thanks to the beautiful yellow flowers that gather in spike-shaped inflorescences up to 20 cm long (the total height of the bush is 150-180 cm). From afar, they resemble beautiful yellow rockets. Ears begin to appear in July, and flowering continues into September.

Rocket inflorescences always rise above the main part of the bush, so visually they are well highlighted. The yellow color is in harmony with the rich green in which the leaves are painted. They are heart-shaped, rather wide (15-20 cm). The leaves are pointed, with serrated edges. At the same time, the stems are very strong, well resist even strong winds. The shoots have a smooth surface of a dark brown color.

Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

Buzulnik Raketa is a winter-hardy variety that can withstand frosts down to -35 ° С

This variety can be grown not only in the middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Important! Bushes must be covered for the winter, otherwise they may not withstand a long drop in temperature below -25 ° C.

Varieties of the variety series Buzulnik Rocket

Buzulnik Rocket is represented by such varieties:

  1. Buzulnik Little Rocket (Little Rocket) – a hybrid that is a reduced copy of the Rocket variety. The total height is 2-3 times lower – usually up to 60 cm. It gives yellow flowers collected in ears. The leaves are large and dark green in color. In autumn, the foliage transforms, changing color to burgundy.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  2. The Rocket variety is bred on the basis of an unattractive natural narrow-headed buzulnik. The selection species of the Rocket is distinguished by beautiful carved leaves resembling grape or maple. In autumn, their color changes from green to purple, which also makes the plant decorative even in the absence of inflorescences. The height of the culture is significant – up to 1,8 m.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

Application in landscape design

Buzulnik Rocket is a very large, attractive bush, which is often used in single plantings. Variety Rocket looks good in the background of a flower garden, on an open lawn and under powerful trees. Revitalizes abandoned areas, creates a kind of centers of gravity.

Several interesting options with a photo of using the Rocket buzulnik in landscape design will help transform any site:

  1. Single landing next to the road. The plant will not only please the eye with bright colors, but also protect the house from dust.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  2. Planting a buzulnik in rows (hedge). With the help of culture, you can create the appearance of a fence or fence off an area for relaxing in the garden.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  3. Buzulnik Rocket looks spectacular on the coast of a small reservoir. This planting is doubly beneficial: the plant will be lush, but it will not require additional watering.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  4. Rocket variety can be used in composition with hostas and other ornamental plants. The flower bed must be collected according to the height of the crops planned for planting.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  5. Buzulnik Rocket on the lawn. Culture will enliven the territory with its bright spikes.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

Features of reproduction

Buzulnik Rocket can be propagated by seeds and division of the bush. Seeds are collected independently from inflorescences (at the end of September) or purchased in a store. They are dried, and then (in October) they are planted before winter to a depth of 2 cm. At the same time, it is not necessary to cover the Rocket variety – the seeds will undergo stratification in natural conditions. The first shoots of buzulnik will appear in the middle of next spring. And they can be transplanted to a permanent place in August.

The seed method of propagating buzulnik is quite effective, but laborious. New plants may not inherit parental traits. Therefore, Rocket buzulnik is often propagated by dividing an adult bush (at least 5 years old). In early spring, they dig it up and cut it into several divisions (each should have 2-3 healthy shoots). Then transplanted to a permanent place.

Planting and care

Buzulnik Rocket is easy to plant and breed, as it is an unpretentious plant. The bush successfully takes root even in strong shade and requires only minimal care.

Recommended dates

There are two terms for landing the Rocket buzulnik:

  1. In spring – at the end of April or at the beginning of May.
  2. In autumn – in the last days of September or in the first decade of October.

Experienced summer residents often stop at spring planting, since the seedlings will have time to take root during the warm season, and then winter well. In the southern regions, you can also choose an autumn planting.

Site selection and soil preparation

Buzulnik Rocket is desirable to plant in partial shade. Although it can grow well even in an open area or in shading (for example, under a tree or shrub). When choosing a place, pay attention to several points:

  1. The site should not be located in a lowland where moisture constantly accumulates.
  2. If possible, the area should be protected from constant drafts.
  3. They also pay attention to decorativeness: the Rocket buzulnik can be planted next to the house, recreation areas, in a separate place (at some distance from the flower garden).

The site is cleaned and necessarily dug up – the plant loves loosened soil. If the land is infertile, apply a complex mineral fertilizer of 50-60 g per 1 m2.

Landing algorithm

Planting a buzulnik Rocket is easy. Sequencing:

  1. Several fairly deep holes are formed on the site (the rhizome should fit completely). Maintain a distance between adjacent plants of 1-1,5 m. Although you can plant them at intervals of 80 cm to create a beautiful green hedge.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  2. A small drainage layer (5-7 cm) is laid, consisting of small stones, pebbles, broken bricks.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  3. Root the seedling.
  4. Sprinkle with earth so that the growth buds remain on the surface.
  5. Lightly compact the soil and water abundantly.
  6. Mulch with peat, humus, sawdust or other materials.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

Watering and fertilizing schedule

Buzulnik Rocket refers to moisture-loving plants. Therefore, watering should be regular and plentiful, but the soil should not be excessively moistened. In the usual case (light rains) watered once a week. If a drought is established – 2 times. If it rains periodically outside, additional moisture is not needed. Water should be warm and settled.

Important! In the first season after planting, Rocket buzulnik bushes should be watered weekly. If the summer is hot, the leaves are sprayed with water (late evening or early morning).

If the soil is depleted, and when digging it was not fertilized, then a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium salt should be filled into the planting pit. In the future, they begin to feed from the next season:

  1. In the spring, liquid organic matter is given – an infusion of mullein, a solution of bird droppings or slurry.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

  2. In mid-August, when the flowering of the Rocket buzulnik begins to decline, humus is introduced.

    Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

Loosening and mulching

Like many other flowers, Rocket buzulnik prefers light soil. Therefore, it is desirable to loosen the soil before each watering, several times a month. To keep the earth moist longer, a layer of mulch (peat, humus, spruce branches, hay, straw) is laid on it. You should also periodically weed the near-trunk circle so that weeds do not take away water and nutrients from the main crop.


Pruning is carried out 2-3 times a year (depending on the region):

  1. In the spring, all damaged branches are removed.
  2. At the end of summer, wilted flower stalks are cut off.
  3. In autumn, the Rocket buzulnik is pruned only in areas with severe winters. It is necessary to carry out a total pruning under the stump, leaving 4-5 cm above the ground.

Preparation for winter

In the south, buzulnik can not be prepared for winter, i.e. do not even mulch or cover with fiber. In the middle lane, it is recommended to spud a bush.

Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

If the winter can be too harsh (below -25 ° C), they carry out a total pruning and mulch with a high layer of fallen leaves, spruce branches, straw

In the Urals and Siberia in the autumn, the branches of the Rocket buzulnik must be completely pruned, mulched and covered with sacking or spunbond on top. Fix the edges to the ground with heavy stones.

Important! In the spring, the shelter should be removed in March so that the plant does not rot under a layer of mulch and burlap.

Diseases and pests

Buzulnik Rocket rarely suffers from diseases, but sometimes a whitish coating may appear on the bushes – powdery mildew. To prevent this from happening, as a preventive measure, the plant is treated with any fungicide:

  • Fundazol;
  • “Topaz”;
  • “Score”;
  • “Profit”;
  • “Maksim”;
  • Bordeaux liquid.
Buzulnik Rocket (Rocket): photo and description

When the first signs of the disease are detected, chemicals are used

Of the insects, no one threatens the buzulnik. But slugs (mollusks) pose a certain danger. To cope with their invasion, small stones, needles, walnut shells or chicken eggs can be poured around the plantings (should be crushed first). With a small number of slugs on the site, they can be collected manually.


Buzulnik Rocket fits well into any design concept. This is an unpretentious plant that needs only regular watering and loosening the soil. With proper care, the culture will delight with lush, spectacular flowers, directed to the sky. It is most convenient to breed a variety by dividing an adult plant. The seed method does not guarantee the preservation of the decorative qualities of the culture.

Buzulnik narrow-headed Rocket. Brief overview, description of ligularia stenocephala The Rocket

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