Buttock massage for adults
Many people spend most of the day sitting. Therefore, the gluteal muscles are in a state of constant tension, muscle spasm can cause lower back pain and stiffness in the legs and hips. Massaging the buttocks can help relieve pain and tension

Gluteal muscles are needed not only for sitting. In fact, they contain the largest muscle in the body, the gluteus maximus. With insufficient activity or injuries, they can cause pain in the knees, hips and lower back. You can eliminate discomfort in the buttocks and adjacent areas with the help of massage. When performed by a professional and properly, buttock massage offers many benefits for improving movement and relieving pain throughout the body.

The gluteal muscles are involved in almost all sports and activities. Buttocks that don’t “work” or activate properly can reduce speed, strength, power, and agility. They can also increase the risk of injury. A good massage therapist can determine why the buttocks are not working properly and resolve any muscle issues with targeted massage.

Buttocks also play a big role in daily activities, such as when you squat to pick up a big box or stand up from a seated position. If your buttocks are tight or not working properly, you are likely to experience discomfort and even weakness.

When you have pain or limited movement in your hips or lower back, a massage therapist can first determine if there is a problem in your buttocks and then prescribe the appropriate course of massage therapy to address the problem.

An imbalance caused by inactivity or a spasm in one of the buttocks is a common cause of knee pain. Chronic knee pain is the first sign of a lack of activity in the gluteal muscles. If your knees are constantly hurting – in everyday life, as well as during training or playing sports – most likely the problem lies in the buttocks. Along with glute exercises, massage can help relieve tension in the buttocks and thighs, which can increase pain.

According to a 2018 study in the journal Pain, 39% of adults worldwide can expect to experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Tight buttocks put pressure on the lower back and are often the cause of pain. Sciatica, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, is another common form of back pain caused by tight gluteal muscles and a tight piriformis muscle underlying the gluteal muscles. The spasm puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs through the piriformis muscle. Shooting pain in the lower back through the hips and even into the leg is a sure sign. Massage of the buttocks relaxes the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, relieves pressure from the sciatic nerve. Massage also releases endorphins, pain-fighting hormones, into your bloodstream, which can temporarily relieve pain.

Benefits of buttocks massage for adults

Massage of the buttocks has a number of useful properties.

Improves blood circulation. Massage can lead to improved muscle function and a stronger immune system. When the blood circulates actively, it gives the body a chance to become healthier in many ways.

Reduces muscle recovery time. When you use your muscles, they need time to recover. Otherwise, they will become tight, painful, and can be stretched. By massaging the buttocks, you will improve the health of your muscles.

Reduces pain and stress. This massage will not only relieve pain in the gluteal muscles, but in many cases will also solve other problems throughout the body. Sometimes people don’t realize that back or leg problems are the muscles in the buttocks.

Harm of buttocks massage for adults

During the acute phase of sciatica or soreness of the gluteal muscles after an injury, even the touch of clothes on the lower back can be painful. With this condition in mind, it does not make sense to use aggressive techniques (deep pressure and strong stretching) in the lower back and buttocks, where the risk of aggravation outweighs the benefit. It is necessary to wait until the patient’s acute pain stops, and proceed to the course of massage.

Contraindications for buttocks massage for adults

There are a number of restrictions and contraindications, against the background of which adult massage of the buttocks is not performed. These include any acute processes (including fever, colds, flu), exacerbation of any form of chronic pathologies, as well as skin damage, rashes in the massage area.

Do not massage the buttocks during menstruation, problems with the kidneys and heart, after operations in the buttocks until the wounds heal, with varicose veins on the thighs, allergies to oils or massage creams. Also relevant is the general list of contraindications for all massages.

How to massage the buttocks for adults at home

Even though the muscles of the buttocks are important, we certainly do not attach much importance to them. We blame them for being too big, too fat, too saggy and even too stiff. But without the buttocks, we would have problems. Give your loved one a buttocks massage following the instructions – this will help improve health.

Include the buttocks in a full body massage that starts at the neck and shoulders, continues down the back, and then reaches the buttocks and legs. Maintain skin contact at all times so that the person can relax and feel comfortable during the session.

Kneel next to the person, turning diagonally towards their body and head. Place your hands on top of your buttocks and spread them out like a fan, respecting the natural roundness. This relieves tension from the spine, opens the tense muscles of the lower back.

Rub your buttocks in a circular motion. Pull up on the sides and knead the fleshy areas on top. Get down on his legs. Press your palm against her lower thigh, up to about her knee. Push up, all the way into the buttocks. Repeat the same with the other side.

Make small circular motions to the pressure points around the triangle at the base of the lower back. Maintain contact and continuous movement throughout the massage. Any pauses or “downtime” worsen the effect.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about buttocks massage with professional massage therapist with 14 years of experience Alexander Kholmogorov.

How effective is buttock massage for adults?

Massage of the buttocks relaxes and improves blood circulation. It stimulates lymphatic drainage in the legs and relaxes the back, dilates capillaries and increases metabolism. Such a massage is effective and useful for people who spend a lot of time on their feet or sit for a long time, straining the muscles of the buttocks. Massage effectively relieves spasms, improves muscle tone. It will be useful for athletes and people with early stages of varicose veins.

How often should adults massage the buttocks?

Self-massage can be done at least every day, it will only benefit. If we are talking about therapeutic massages, no more than 10 sessions are needed, and the course is repeated as needed, usually 2 times a year. If this is an anti-cellulite massage, after a professional course, you need to supplement it with home effects of mittens, cups, brushes or a massager. The study of the buttocks should be done together with the hips.

To whom and when, for what problems is such a massage prohibited?

You can not massage with acute pain and trauma, with fever, SARS, severe varicose veins and skin diseases. Plus all the general contraindications.

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