- Valentina Nedospasova, 21 years old
- Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
- Evgenia Samoshkina, 32 years old
- Oksana Svetikova, 22 years old
- Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
- Alexandra Volkova, 27 years old
- Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
- Tatiana Anfilogova, 30 years old
- Nadia Abubikerova, 35 years old
- Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
On February 19, the second open fitness bikini championship took place in Volgograd. In the Alex Fitness club, 11 spectacular beauties with stunning figures took the stage. Moreover, according to the girls, each of us can achieve the same results. Unless, of course, he is lazy and takes note of the little secrets of the slender girls in Russia. Take your pick! Which exercise and which recipe do you find most interesting? To the author of the most original commentary – a prize – invitations to the concert of singer Danko on March 7 at the NewsPab restaurant & dances!
Valentina Nedospasova, 21 years old
Deep lunges with dumbbells
Has been involved in fitness since 2014. Works as a gym instructor at Alex Fitness. Single. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: deep lunges with dumbbells. Lunges give the buttocks a nice shape. When done correctly, we “pump” the buttocks, quads and hamstrings. The technique is as follows: starting position – feet shoulder width apart. Then step forward with one leg while keeping your lower back straight. Bend your extended leg forward until the angle between the lower leg and thigh is straight. The other foot is fixed and does not move. The knee does not touch the floor. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the second leg. Ideally, you need to do 5 approaches 15 times for each leg. Yes, beauty is not easy and simple to achieve!
Fitness recipe: I advise those wishing to eat right and eat fish. For example, you can grill a red fish. Take salmon or salmon steaks. Pepper and pour with lemon juice. You cannot add salt. She retains water and is the enemy of harmony. We serve a fitness garnish with the fish – any vegetable salad. Season it with olive oil. It is better not to add mayonnaise. Also, avoid tomatoes – they also retain water.
Has been engaged in fitness since 2013. Graduates from VolGASU, studies to be a monumental artist. Designer. In a civil marriage. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: deadlift with dumbbells. This is a great exercise for beginners. It works great on the back of the thigh and buttocks. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, socks apart, dumbbells at the sides. We begin to bend over. The back should be arched at the lower back (if you cannot fully bend over without hunching your back, make the bend less). We try to pull the back of the thigh as much as possible. Leaning all the way down, push ourselves up with the buttocks. The exercise needs to be “felt”. We make support on the heels. We carry out 4 approaches 15 times.
Fitness recipe: chicken breast is the basis of the fitness menu. I love oven baked chicken breast. For cooking, you need 2 breasts, 100 ml of soy sauce, spices (no salt!). Marinate the breast for about 30 minutes. Then wrap it in foil or put it in a baking bag. We keep in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Serve with vegetables and rice.
Has been involved in fitness since 2011. Works as a master instructor at the Prime club. Single. Represents Moscow.
My exercise of the day: bridge lying on the fitball. This exercise primarily engages the sciatic-popliteal and gluteus maximus muscles. Perform it in 3 sets of 50 times, feeling in each repetition the muscle tension at the top of the pelvic lift. For beginners, you can make a bridge on the floor. It is more difficult on fitball – you still need to maintain balance.
Fitness recipe: Cheesecake. For the “dough”: 400 g fat-free cottage cheese, 3 egg whites (yolk is not needed), 3 bags of sweetener, coconut flakes, 100 g of oat flour (grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder). We mix everything and bake in a cake tin in the oven. For pouring: a bag of gelatin, frozen pitted cherries and blackberries. When the cake has cooled, put the berries on top and fill with gelatin. The cake should stand in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that the gelatin has time to harden.
Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
Has been engaged in fitness since 2012. Works as a consultant in the “Elegant” store. In December 2014, she became the winner of the first fitness bikini competition in the history of Volgograd. Married. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: swing legs. Starting position: emphasis on the wall. Feet shoulder width apart. Keep your foot parallel to the floor. We take the bent leg back and straighten it. Raise your straightened leg as high as possible. Exercise works great on the gluteus medius muscles. We perform 4 approaches 15 times on each leg.
Fitness recipe: “Perfect breakfast”. We take 300 g of oatmeal, 100 g of shelled walnuts, 100 g of almonds, 6 tablespoons of honey, dried fruits (to taste), a little cinnamon. Mix everything and caramelize in the oven. Stir every 5 minutes so that the mixture does not burn. As soon as it is caramelized, we take it out. This mixture should be poured over with milk or low-fat yogurt. Both tasty and healthy!
Evgenia Samoshkina, 32 years old
Has been involved in fitness since 2014. Works as a gym instructor in the FitnessMania club. Married, mother of three sons. Presented by Kamyshin.
My exercise of the day: wide squat with dumbbells. This is a classic exercise in which the abdominal muscles, glutes, stabilizers of the spine and back muscles are excellently trained. Starting position: legs one and a half times wider than shoulders, toes turned outward. When performing squats, the knees should be directed towards the turn of the socks. Squat deep enough to be comfortable. In this case, the ass must be taken back. The number of executions is 3 sets of 15–20 times.
Fitness recipe: chicken with Adyghe salt. Adyghe salt is salt with spices and seasonings: garlic, pepper, dill, coriander, parsley. We need a chicken breast, 1 egg and a pinch of Adyghe salt. Roll the breast in an egg mixed with salt. Place the plates in a mold and place in the oven for 6-7 minutes. Serve with boiled green beans and lettuce.
Oksana Svetikova, 22 years old
Has been involved in fitness since 2010. Works in the catering industry. Single. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: Bends with weights. Stand straight, arch your back. Perform forward bends with dumbbells or pancakes. At the same time, we do not slouch. We look only in front of ourselves. Try to bend as low as possible. The lift is carried out by compressing the muscles of the buttocks, and not the back. In the upper position, we bring the shoulder blades together. The legs remain straight throughout the exercise. We perform 12-15 times, 4 approaches.
Fitness recipe: chicken rolls. You will need chicken breast, Viola melted cheese, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. The breast needs to be beaten off a little. Cut the mushrooms into cubes and mix with the cheese and halves of cherry tomatoes. Wrap a spoonful of the mixture in the breast. We pin it with toothpicks. We put in a double boiler for 40 minutes – an hour. Serve with vegetables.
Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
Has been involved in fitness since 2014. Works as an administrator at the Alex Fitness club. Married. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: Squats with a barbell on the shoulders. Starting position: legs are at a distance slightly wider than shoulder width, bent at the lower back. We squat, taking the pelvis back. As if you are trying to sit on the edge of a chair. We do not lift the heels off the floor even at the lowest point of the squat. These squats form a beautiful butt. We carry out 4 sets of 15-20 times.
Fitness recipe: tilapia in foil. This is a lean and very tasty white fish. Pepper, in no case salt the carcass or fillet of tilapia. Pour with lemon, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve with vegetables.
Alexandra Volkova, 27 years old
Has been engaged in fitness since 2013. Works as a master instructor at the Prime club. Single. Represents Moscow.
My exercise of the day: swing your feet on the floor. Exercise develops the sciatic-popliteal muscles and the gluteus maximus muscle. Starting position: we lean with our arms bent at the elbows on the floor. One leg is bent at the knee, the second straight leg is taken as high as possible. No need to hurry. If you do swings by inertia, the exercise will not bring any sense. We perform 25-30 times on each leg. We do 3 approaches. The exercise can be made more difficult by hanging a weight on the working leg.
Fitness recipe: dietary cake “Anthill”. Mix oat flour (grind ordinary oatmeal in a coffee grinder) and 10% sour cream. Add fructose or another sweetener. You should get an elastic dough. We roll it into several balls and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we grate the dough and put it in the oven. As soon as it turns golden, take out. While it cools down, make a cream: mix pasty low-fat cottage cheese and honey. We crush the pastries into this mass, mix and form a slide. From above, our anthill can be decorated with grated bitter chocolate or candied fruits.
Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
Tatiana Anfilogova, 30 years old
Has been involved in fitness since 2012. Business lady: owns an eyelash extension salon. Not married, raising a son. Represented by Volgograd.
My exercise of the day: swing your legs. Swings are performed with a straight leg. First back, and then to the sides. For convenience, we lean against the wall. Keep your foot parallel to the floor, lift your leg as high as possible. Exercise works great on the gluteus medius muscles.
Fitness recipe: salad with tuna and arugula. We need a can of tuna, arugula, cherry tomatoes, pine nuts, olive oil. Knead the tuna with a fork, cut the cherry in half. We mix everything. Very tasty!
Nadia Abubikerova, 35 years old
Has been involved in fitness since 2000. Works as a gym instructor in the FitnessMania club. Not married, raising a son. Presented by Kamyshin.
My exercise of the day: Barbell Lunge. This exercise primarily engages the gluteus maximus muscle. Starting position: legs together, barbell on shoulders. We take a breath and then step forward. We keep the body straight. During the lunge, the forward-moving thigh should stabilize in a horizontal position. Make sure there is a right angle between the knee and the floor. Do not touch the floor with your knee. Also, the knee should not extend beyond the toe. We exhale, returning to the starting position. We repeat 20 times on each leg. We master 3 approaches!
Fitness recipe: salad with squid and tuna. We take two squid carcasses, a jar of tuna, lettuce. We throw the squid into boiling water for 2 minutes, and then cut it into small rings. Mix with tuna and spread on lettuce leaves. Garnish – boiled black or brown rice. It is not as high in calories as regular white.
Leaning forward while standing on one leg
Has been involved in fitness since 2012. Zebra Fitness Gym and Group Instructor, Master of Sports in Tumbling. Single.
My exercise of the day: bends forward, standing on one leg. Strengthens muscles and helps you lose weight. Standing on the left leg, we need to take the right back, lowering the upper body to the floor. Hands are relaxed and down. When the body is strictly parallel to the floor, we fix the body in this position for a few seconds and return it to its original position. It is good to do this exercise with dumbbells in both hands. We do 20 times for each leg. It is necessary to complete 3 approaches.
Fitness recipe: protein cake. We take 10 eggs (10 proteins and 2 yolks), chicken breast, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, herbs, lettuce, ¼ glass of low-fat kefir. Fry three egg pancakes in a non-stick skillet. Cook the breast separately, lightly salt and pepper. Cut into cubes. We mix cottage cheese with herbs and kefir. We spread it in a mold: first, a protein pancake, on it – a layer of cottage cheese, chicken, lettuce. Repeat the layer. We close everything with a protein pancake. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak.
Vote which fitness tips you think are the most interesting! Poll on page 5!
The poll is completed! Three prizes are awarded to:
1st place. Oksana Svetikova goes to Oksana Svetikova (45%, 113 votes) bracelet “Blue Night” made of large beads from Volgograd master Olga Zhinzhikova.
2nd place. The set of glossy magazines from the site goes to Nadia Abubikerova (25%, 63 votes).
3rd place. Olga Nedorezova will read five books from the “Life is Beautiful” series about fashion, beauty, personal care, healthy food (44%, 12 votes).
Prizes can be collected at the editorial office. Please contact our brand manager 8-961-661-54-85 (Anastasia Arkhipova).
Special prize-gift for March 8 from NewsPab restaurant & dances! An invitation for 2 persons to the concert of the popular Russian singer Danko with the mega-hits “Moscow Night”, “Baby” will go to Mira Ironova. Thank you for the original recipes and tips! Restaurant & Dances NewsPab is waiting for you at the concert, and tickets can be picked up at the editorial office of the website (contact the brand manager).
Whose fitness tips do you find most interesting?
Nadia Abubikerova
Anastasia Dziuba
Maria Tyapkina
Marina Romanyuk
Evgeniya Samoshkina
Valentina Nedospasova
Irina Agadjanova
Tatiana Anfilogova
Olga Nedorezova
Oksana Svetikova
Alexandra Volkova
Marina Shevchenko, Maria Loseva