
Buttermilk is a by-product obtained from the production of butter. By and large, this is low-fat cream, less than half a percent. Buttermilk is very useful for those who follow their figure and prefer low-calorie foods. Buttermilk contains the same nutrients as milk, the same vitamins and minerals. It is from buttermilk that dietary low-calorie cottage cheese, low-calorie soft cheeses, and many sour-milk drinks are made.

Once upon a time, buttermilk was made from the liquid that remained after the production of butter. Now it is produced in a different way: for this, skim milk is taken and special bacteria are added to it. The result is a thick drink, somewhat similar to ryazhenka, only with a spicier taste.

In fact, buttermilk is skimmed cream, which is why it is often called butterdish by the people. Even though it is a by-product of the production of other dairy products, it contains quite a lot of useful substances and, accordingly, provides beneficial properties for the body.

Use in different countries

In Australia, there is a special recipe for butter, which is made from buttermilk. Such butter not only has a much lower fat content, but also a much higher plasticity and durability. It does not freeze like natural fatty butter and is a great replacement even for sandwiches, as it spreads easily and is good for people who need diet food.

In Bulgaria, a huge number of different fermented milk drinks are made from buttermilk, adding a wide range of bacteria for fermentation, depending on the type of which different drinks are obtained. In Hungary, for example, sweet buttermilk is very popular; to create such drinks, it is pasteurized, then sourdough and the necessary flavors are added. In Germany, not only buttermilk itself and drinks from it are widely used, but also cottage cheese and cheese made from buttermilk. It is especially popular in those countries where the climate is very hot, for example, in the east.

How to store

This fermented milk product should not be kept at room temperature for more than 60 minutes. The same applies to dishes that have added buttermilk. If you are going to store it for a long time, you can put it in the refrigerator, but not in a metal container to avoid oxidation. Be sure to cover the dish with a lid or cling film, as any dairy product absorbs odors very easily, and buttermilk can become unpalatable.

Remember that when frozen, it loses most of its beneficial properties, so give preference to a fresh drink.

In any case, even in the refrigerator, it will not be stored for a long time due to the high concentration of bacteria that have a short lifespan.

Composition of buttermilk

Buttermilk is high in protein and a variety of vitamins, including the A vitamins, B vitamins, and vitamin C. The fat content is relatively low, but the fat it does help absorb the fat-soluble vitamins found in buttermilk. One of the most important advantages is that it contains phospholipids, which our body needs in order to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and normalize the absorption of fat. Regular use can protect the internal organs from the accumulation of fat around them, is used for diseases of the liver or kidneys, and helps with atherosclerosis.

The composition of buttermilk (per 100 g)
Mixed23,6 mg
Vitamin PP0,598 mg
Vitamin H3,2 μg
Vitamin E0,09 mg
Vitamin D0,05 μg
Vitamin C1,5 mg
Vitamin V120,4 μg
Vitamin V95 μg
Vitamin V60,05 mg
Vitamin V50,4 mg
Vitamin V20,2 mg
Vitamin V10,04 mg
Vitamin A50 μg
Strontium17 μg
Lead13 μg
Aluminum50 μg
Cobalt0,8 μg
Molybdenum5 μg
Fluorine20 μg
Chrome2 μg
Selenium2 μg
Manganese0,006 mg
Copper12 mg
Iodine9 μg
Zinc0,4 mg
Hardware0,07 mg
Sulfur29 mg
Chlorine110 mg
Phosphorus90 mg
potassium146 mg
Sodium50 mg
Magnesium14 mg
Calcium120 mg

100 grams contains only 33 kcal, and a high concentration of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body have made it almost indispensable for a healthy diet in many countries.

The lecithin contained in buttermilk is especially useful for children and pregnant women who need the normal development of the body. It is invaluable for the elderly, as most of them digest dairy products very poorly. In turn, it is very easily digested, simultaneously relieving problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful Properties

The substances contained in buttermilk improve the protective functions of cells, prolonging their life and saving them from premature destruction. In addition, it helps the liver remove toxins, while protecting the cells of the liver itself from destruction. That is why it is very often attributed to those people who underwent surgery with general anesthesia or after treatment with aggressive drugs.

Buttermilk is used to prevent atherosclerosis, due to the fact that it cleanses the vessels of cholesterol. Thus, it provides prevention against heart attacks and strokes with regular use. It contains a lot of calcium, which is invaluable for our bones and teeth. Due to its easy absorption, buttermilk is recommended for strengthening bones, including for the elderly.

It also helps those who suffer from constipation, as it is an absolutely natural product that normalizes bowel activity. If you suffer from constipation, consume buttermilk regularly to avoid medications, as this product has no side effects and at the same time supports intestinal motility.

It is useful for:

  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • teeth and bones;
  • liver.

It is especially useful to consume buttermilk in the summer heat, as a drink or in dishes. As a drink, it perfectly quenches thirst, saturates the body with the moisture it needs and at the same time is very easy to digest. In addition, in the heat it can be used instead of some dishes, since it is digested much faster and can satisfy hunger without overloading the stomach and without leading to problems with the body due to the high ambient temperature. It can be used even by diabetics in almost unlimited quantities, as well as people with heart disease or those who want to lose weight.

Application of buttermilk

Buttermilk has a refreshing, sour taste. You can simply drink it as you wish, preferably before meals or with meals. It is great as a fasting day product when you are looking for a natural, natural and harmless product that can be consumed at any age and for almost any condition every day.

Very often this fermented milk product is used in baking, it is considered an indispensable ingredient if you want to make real Irish bread, since it is very actively used in Ireland. In any case, when using buttermilk, pastries are airy and very tender, so do not neglect this fermented milk product. Also, if you are on a diet or watching your diet, you can use buttermilk instead of sour cream, adding it to various dishes, including salads, instead of dressing. It’s much lower in fat and calories than sour cream, so it’s just a great substitute.

Cooking application

If you are using buttermilk to make baked goods, it is important to remember that it loses all of its beneficial properties when heated to 80 degrees. That is why buttermilk is best paired either with ready-made products as a base for sauces or dressings, or used in baked goods that cook quickly.

If you need buttermilk for a recipe, you can make your own by taking a glass of milk and adding vinegar or lemon juice to it. One tablespoon is enough for the milk, if it is natural, to quickly curdle. It is better to use lemon juice for this, of course, as it is more natural. Let the mixture stand for 5 minutes at room temperature: the homemade buttermilk will be ready.

Buttermilk is even used to make cottage cheese, which contains a higher concentration of protein and lecithin. Such a product will be an excellent diet ingredient for people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. The fact is that cottage cheese contains lactose, which helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines, provides prevention from putrefactive processes in it and saves from flatulence.

Use in cosmetology

Due to its wide range of useful properties, buttermilk is used even in cosmetology. In particular, it is used to create whitening masks, which also have anti-aging properties. If you need to care for the skin of the whole body, you can add buttermilk to the bath. For hair care, buttermilk is usually used as a natural rinse: just wash your hair with shampoo, then dilute the buttermilk with water and rinse your hair. Buttermilk is even used in the cosmetology industry, it is added to shampoos and hair conditioners, due to its beneficial properties.

Buttermilk can be used in place of your regular toner if you have oily, acne-prone skin. The fact is that this fermented milk product helps to simultaneously remove excess fat from the skin, while not overdrying it and stimulating the rapid resolution of inflammation.


Due to the fact that buttermilk is a dairy product, it is not recommended for people who are allergic to dairy products.

It is usually well tolerated by such people due to its low casein content and high lactic acid content, but if you have a severe allergy, it is best to consult your doctor first.

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