Butterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushroomsButter dish is the most popular representative of the mushroom “kingdom”. These mushrooms are easy to “hunt” because they grow in whole families.

The butterflies got their name for their interesting features: the cap of the mushroom is covered with a mucous, sticky skin, which is difficult to remove, especially if it gets wet. Another characteristic feature of some representatives of this species is the presence of rings on the leg. Are there butterflies with a “skirt”, and can they be eaten?

Edible butter mushrooms with a “skirt”

Butterfish with a “skirt” – edible mushrooms, with a semicircular chestnut-brown hat. In mature individuals, the cap has the shape of a cone with the edges lowered down. Sometimes the usual color of the cap of an adult mushroom becomes dark red. The leg is buttered white with brown spots at the base. Sometimes their height reaches 12 cm, and the thickness is 3 cm. In an adult butter dish with a “skirt”, the color of the film covering the leg acquires a grayish-violet hue.

Butterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushroomsButterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushrooms

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A fairly common type of mushroom oiled with a “skirt” are considered “late” or “real”. The legs of such mushrooms are covered with a white film, which looks like a “skirt”. Although they are called “late”, they actually appear, like all other mushrooms: in early June, when the weather is favorable for growth.

Latin name: A yellow pig;

Sort by: tubular oiler;

Type: butter dish ordinary;

Family: Pain;

Doubles: Siberian mushroom, yellow-brown, peppery.

Description of the mushroom

Butterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushroomsButterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushrooms

Hat: diameter – 3 – 15 cm, sticky to the touch, covered with mucus, from lemon yellow to dark brown, the upper slippery layer is poorly removed. Under the cap is a tubular structure similar to a sponge.

Leg: height 4 – 12 cm, thickness up to 3 cm, curved or club-shaped, granular on top, with a “skirt” of white or grayish color, above the ring a leg of the same color as a hat.

Pulp: soft, juicy, lemon-yellow, does not change on the cut, in mature mushrooms it turns pink or reddens on the cut;

Edibility: tasty, edible, belong to the II category of nutritional value;

Spread: pine and mixed forests of Our Country, Ukraine, Belarus.

The difference between false oil with a “skirt” from edible ones

There are also other edible representatives of this genus.

Butterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushroomsButterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushrooms

For example, the oil can “ruby”, growing only in oak forests and very common in Europe. Butter “larch”, which is usually found in cedar forests and places where larches grow. The “American” butterdish is often found in thickets of elfin cedar in Chukotka.

However, if butterflies have so many varieties, then are there false butterflies with a “skirt”, and what are their differences?

Butterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushroomsButterfish with a skirt: edible and false mushrooms

Often amateur mushroom pickers can confuse a real butter dish with its counterpart – a pepper mushroom. Although this representative is not poisonous, it tastes bitter and can lead to indigestion. False butterflies do not have a white “skirt” on the leg. Although the leg of the false oiler is decorated with a purple ring, with further growth it dries up and disappears, becoming almost invisible.

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