The famous writer Daria Dontsova will tell the residents of Nizhny Novgorod how to defeat one of the main misfortunes of our time – breast cancer.
It’s hard to believe that this smiling woman was a patient of an oncological dispensary
Daria was “lucky” to hear this diagnosis at the age of 44. Her daughter was then only ten years old, her son a little over twenty. She learned the doctors’ verdict at the end of 1998. But she could have done earlier – then there would have been less fears. But Dontsova postponed the visit to the doctor for a long time, although she had felt that something was wrong for a long time. Many women are familiar with this fear of hearing what they do not want to hear at all. So there is a glimmer of hope: maybe it’s okay, it will suddenly dissipate by itself? Thus, Daria calmed herself for a long time, but the doctors’ diagnosis justified the worst of her fears: the tumor is malignant, large, neglected, the treatment will be difficult and long. But at the same time, the doctors tuned the frightened patient to an optimistic mood: do not give up, follow all the instructions – and everything will be fine.
Self-examination is good, but a visit to the doctor is safer.
That’s right – “Everything will be fine!” – is called an open free lecture by a famous writer, with which she will speak to the residents of Nizhny Novgorod on September 13 in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nesterova st., 31). The lecture starts at 18:00. Daria has the moral right to such performances, because in the fight against advanced oncology, she emerged victorious. By the way, it was in the hospital, trying not to dwell on the fear and suffering caused by chemotherapy sessions, that she began to write books. So creativity helped her to cope with a big trouble.
But after all, it was possible not to bring to this trouble! Oncologists do not get tired of repeating: cancer detected on time is successfully cured, and the woman lives on a normal, full-fledged life. This is why it is so important to get tested regularly. Regularly – this is annually, and if it is enough for young girls and women to have an ultrasound scan, then for women of an elegant age mammography is much more informative.
All residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region will be able to undergo a mammogram free of charge and receive qualified advice from a mammologist, who will take part in the large-scale action “Bust-Bridge-13” on September 2016. On this day, from 12:00 to 18:00, a mobile diagnostic center will be located on the territory of the Chamber of Commerce, where every woman can undergo an ultrasound examination and receive advice from the best mammologists of the region. Use this opportunity! Even if something alarms the doctors, the main thing is that it is done on time. Then everything will be fine in the end!