
What do you usually do: do you plan everything in advance or go with the flow and act according to the situation? Life is like a business, says coach and body therapist Steve Sisgold. And he offers to draw up a master management plan that will make your business successful.

Our life largely depends on whether we build it consciously or act impulsively. Breathe in and ask, “Am I living proactively and making my own decisions, or reactively and letting circumstances guide me?” What will be the answer? How will the body respond to this question?

I have advised directors of large corporations. Working with them taught me that structure and planning are important if you want your business to thrive.

When I left my job as a sales manager many years ago, I decided that I would use the process map in my new life. And I appointed myself CEO of Sisgold Unlimited as a sign that I myself am responsible for all areas of my life. I called them divisions, as in business.

A good leader knows that no department or product can be ignored, because success depends on attention to all elements of the company’s activities. In my case, these are parts of life related to intelligence, creativity, relationships, physical and spiritual states.

I added a feature to my master plan: before making a final decision, I always listen to how the body reacts. But otherwise, is the business called life so different from other enterprises?

Prioritize and make a plan of action, and you will confidently move towards what you want.

Without a long-term vision or plan, you run the risk of ignoring important aspects of life or making an impulsive decision. You will constantly try to restore order in this chaos and still you will not be in time for anything. If you have formulated a list of desires and requests, set priorities and made an action plan, you will confidently move towards what you really want.

I once reviewed the divisions and areas that are necessary for the success of the My Life enterprise. Then I created a detailed plan for each area, listening carefully to what the body was saying.

Divisions are all important areas of life: health, career, relationships, recreation, entertainment, personal growth, and so on. Each has departments. This must be taken into account when drawing up your master plan.

How to make a life management plan

Step 1. Imagine that family and friends are shareholders in your company. They depend on you, and you are accountable to them for all actions and results. Keep them in mind when you make a commitment and make a conscious choice: give up or complete the task 100%. Think about who you would like to see on the board of directors of your company.

Step 2. Draw a circle and place it inside your business unit. Under the name of each, write what and when you plan to do. Here are a few questions to help identify and act for each unit. When answering them, watch the reaction of the body.

1. Career

What do you want to achieve in work and business?

2. Finance

What are your income, investment and savings goals?

3. Education

What knowledge, skills and experience would you like to acquire?

4. Community

What new professional contacts would you like to develop?

5. Organizations

Which companies would you like to join? What activities would you like to take part in?

6. Image

What impression would you like to make on others?

7. A family

What kind of relationships do you want to build with your partner, children and relatives?

8. House

What should be the place where you would like to live?

9. Health

What will help you stay healthy and fit? What will help you relax and maintain peace of mind?

10. Hobby

What are you interesting in? What hobbies would you like to devote more time to?

10. Personal growth

In what directions do you need to develop personally and spiritually?

11. Entertainment

What will help you fill your life with joy and humor?

It’s not that hard to manage your life. The main thing is to create a detailed long-term plan that will help you act consciously and achieve your goals.

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