Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Bush dill and dill grown for greens differ in terms of ripening and cultivation conditions. There are greenhouse varieties that can be grown on the windowsill at room conditions and varieties for open ground.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

What is the difference between bush dill

Bush dill (pictured) is an annual herbaceous plant grown as a spicy-aromatic seasoning. Leaves are used in cooking, inflorescences are used for conservation. Bush dill is a frost-resistant plant that does not respond to a decrease in temperature at night. The drought resistance of the culture is low, with insufficient air humidity and lack of irrigation, the vegetation slows down. The optimal condition for growth in an open area is a periodically shaded place, the air temperature is not higher than +22 0C.

A feature of bush dill is the late flowering time, arrows are formed at the end of summer. In areas with a short summer, seeds of the crop cannot be collected, because they do not have time to ripen before frost.

External characteristics of bush dill:

  1. The height of the plant depends on the variety, on average it reaches 1,5 m in an open area. Varieties intended for greenhouses – up to 2,5-3 m.
  2. The plant is sprawling, the appearance of the bush is created by additional leafy shoots that form from the axils of the main leaves.
  3. In the lower part of the internodes are located tightly, form a rosette, the leaves are large, openwork, together with the cuttings reach 45 cm, the indicator is conditional, the length depends on the variety.
  4. Forms 3-4 branched to the top, upright, hollow stems. The surface is finely furrowed with a bluish wax coating, glossy, without edging, of a dark green hue.
  5. The leaves are pinnate, a tone darker than the color of the stems.
  6. Inflorescences are umbellate, ray, flowers are small, dark yellow color.
  7. Seeds are ovoid, up to 4 mm long, dark gray or light brown.
Important! Outwardly, bush dill looks like fennel, but these are completely different cultures.

Benefits of growing bush dill

The main advantage of bush dill is its intensive foliage, unlike the usual one, its productivity is much higher. The flowering period is long, so the green mass persists until late autumn. The leaves of ordinary dill are cut young, the plant quickly forms stems and inflorescences, after flowering the leaves turn yellow and lose their economic value. In a bush plant, stem formation is slow, the concentration of essential oils is higher, they gradually accumulate over a long growing season. Therefore, judging by the reviews of those who sowed bush dill, the aroma of the leaves is richer.

The yield of bush dill

Common dill planted on the greens is harvested from the root, the next batch is sown in the vacant place. The process is laborious, the consumption of planting material is high. Bush dill saves seeds and gives no less yield.

The plant forms young shoots with leaves throughout the growing season. A few inflorescences are left on the seeds, the rest are removed as they grow. The plant consumes nutrients on the leaves. For a family of 5, 13 dill bushes are enough to have greens in the diet until autumn. Bush culture yield from 1 m2 is approximately 2,5-8,5 kg, depending on the variety.

The best varieties of bush dill for greens

The culture has several varieties with different ripening periods, bush height and degree of foliage. The varieties differ in the way they are grown, some of them are intended for an open area, special varieties of dill are bred for a temperate climate, they are cultivated only in a greenhouse. A description of the best varieties of bush dill will help determine the choice of planting material.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Early varieties

According to gardeners, it is better to plant an early variety of bush dill before winter, then in early spring the plant is ready for cutting. Varieties quickly form leaves and an arrow with an inflorescence. The material is used to obtain the first greens, by the middle of summer the dill is ready to be used for conservation.


The dill variety Gourmet is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures as low as -2 0C. Designed for protected cultivation in Central Our Country. In the South, dill is cultivated in open areas. Gourmet – a representative of a variety of undersized bush dill. The height of the plant is 30-35 cm. The foliage is intense, the leaf plate grows up to 20 cm in length. It grows quickly, the first greens are cut in early May. The productivity of the culture can be extended by the timely removal of inflorescences. This is one of the few bush varieties that are sown several times during the season.

green fir tree

Dill Green herringbone reaches economic suitability for 25-30 days after germination. Seeds are sown before winter or early spring, in early May the plant gives the first greenery.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The culture is high-yielding, densely leafy, reaches a height of 50-75 cm. The leaves are long, light green, juicy, do not turn yellow at low humidity. Grow the Green Christmas tree for greenery and spicy seasoning. You can sow throughout the summer with an interval of 15 days. The variety is suitable for commercial cultivation in greenhouse structures and in the open field.

Medium-ripening varieties

Young shoots of mid-season varieties reach economic suitability in 30-45 days, before the flowering period 65-70. Dill slowly forms stems and forms inflorescences. The collection of green mass takes much longer than that of early-ripening varieties.


Buyan dill is suitable for growing in any way. A high-yielding low-growing culture reaches a height of 60 cm. The leaves are long, coarsely dissected, dark green with a wax coating.

Forms young shoots with leaves throughout the season. Cultivated for greenery. The yield of the variety is up to 5 kg from 1 m2, green mass of one bush – 250 g. The plant tolerates dense planting, partial shade, and lower temperatures. Suitable for greens.


According to the reviews of gardeners and the description of the variety, Amazon dill is the most frost-resistant and undemanding representative of the culture. The plant is planted on an unprotected bed in early spring after the snow melts. In early June and until the end of September they harvest. They are sown in the greenhouse before winter.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The bush grows up to 1 m, during the summer it intensively forms numerous shoots from leaf axils. Productivity – 4,5 kg per 1 m2. The plant is universal in use, goes to the greens, lends itself well to freezing and drying. Inflorescences form in early September, they are used for marinade.


Dill Bush Goblin, according to those who planted the plant, is a productive variety of culture. A sprawling, tall bush constantly forms new shoots, grows up to 2 m in an open garden, and up to 3,5 m in a greenhouse. High yields are ensured by good foliage. For the season from 1m2 cut up to 9 kg of greens.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The leaves of the plant are large, dark green, juicy, with a high content of essential oils. The first cut is carried out in early June from the lower leaves, the last in mid-September. In the North-Western regions, the culture does not have time to form inflorescences.


Bush dill Herringbone, according to gardeners, belongs to a short, but quite productive variety. The growing season is about forty days. The short stature of the shrub compensates for the density of foliage, due to the shortened internode.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The yield is 2,5-3 kg per 1 m2. The leaves are large, finely dissected, dark green with a gray bloom. Cutting is carried out from the lower leaves. The plant is demanding on soil fertility and constant watering. Harvesting is carried out from June to August.

Varieties with late ripening

Late varieties of bush dill are grown for greenery in greenhouses and in an unprotected area. A distinctive feature of the plant is the slow formation of inflorescences. Many of them do not have time to form umbrellas before the onset of frost, so they are mistakenly classified as umbrellaless species.

Bush Miracle

Dill Bush miracle is intended for cultivation in a zone of a temperate climate.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The plant is bred in seedlings, both in the greenhouse and in the open garden. Description:

  • height – up to 1,1 m, volume – 50 cm;
  • leaves are dark green, strongly dissected, with a high concentration of essential substances;
  • stem erect, intensely leafy;
  • has a high immunity;
  • productivity – 5,5 kg / 1 m2.
Important! Arrow formation later, the bush does not produce inflorescences.


Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Description of the variety of dill Fireworks:

  • the bush is formed by four shoots growing from the rosette node, height – 70-95 cm;
  • green ripening period 35-40 days;
  • before the formation of umbrellas – 60 days;
  • leaves are dark green with a waxy coating;
  • foliage is high.

Greenery cutting is carried out from June to August. Productivity – 2,5-3 kg per 1 m2.


According to gardeners, the strength of size bush dill is a high concentration of spicy substances. The foliage of the bush is good, but you can’t call it high.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

Plant height – 90 cm, in the greenhouse -1,1 m, yield – 3 kg / 1 m2. The culture is photophilous, demanding for watering. The socket is powerful, branched. Leaves are small, finely dissected. The culture of universal use is grown in an open garden and in a greenhouse.


Dill Moravan (pictured) is the most sought after in temperate climates. The plant is frost-resistant, does not require special lighting, can grow in partial shade. Dill is intended only for greenhouse cultivation. The plant is tall – up to 1,5 m, intensely leafy.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

The leaves are large with a high concentration of essential oils, dark green with a blue tint. Grown only for greenery, collection period from June to August. Productivity – 4 kg from 1 m2.


Grow a variety only for greenery. According to gardeners, Tetra dill is a high-yielding plant.

Bush dill: varieties with photos and descriptions, reviews

It grows up to 60 cm, the bush is dense, compact, the rosette is powerful, dill is formed by 4-5 stems. The leaves are large, strongly spicy, green, without a wax coating. Grown in a greenhouse, in an unprotected area, on a windowsill at room conditions. The collection of leaves is long from May to September. Vegetation period 115 days. Arrow formation later, flowering in open ground does not occur. Productivity – 2,5-3 kg / 1 m2.

Features of growing bush dill

According to gardeners, in order to obtain a high yield, bush dill is sown before winter. The culture is more whimsical to care for than ordinary varieties. For growing in a greenhouse, care must be taken to install additional lighting so that the daylight hours are at least 13 hours.


  1. The soils for the plant are neutral or slightly alkaline, light, pre-enriched with micronutrients.
  2. After germination, the plant is thinned out, a distance of 30 cm is left between the culture.
  3. They are fed with organic matter at intervals of 25 days, urea is added.
  4. Remove inflorescences.
  5. Watering is carried out 2 times a week – 7 liters per 1 m2.
  6. Do not place tomatoes, carrots, fennel next to dill, in the latter cases, the crops are pollinated, the seeds lose their varietal qualities.
Important! When bush dill grows up to 15 cm, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against a fungal infection.


Bush dill relatively recently appeared on the seed market. This is a high-yielding crop with a high content of essential oils in the chemical composition. The plant is represented by numerous varieties with different ripening times and rosette heights.

Bush dill / Reusable cut crop from a bush


Irina Starovoitova, 32 years old, Moscow region
I have a bush miracle in my favorites, I grow a seedling culture in an open garden. The plant is unpretentious, except for frequent watering does not require special agricultural technology. Productivity is high, from June to the end of September I cut greens. In our climate, dill does not have time to bloom.
Zinaida Suzdaleva, 48 years old, Saratov region
I plant dill on the plot with different growing seasons. From May until the onset of frost, it is provided with fresh greenery. I dry medium varieties and collect spicy seeds, umbrellas. I cut off the later ones, shred them, pack them in bags and freeze them. When frozen, the leaves retain their aroma, greenery is enough for the whole winter.

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