Bursitis of the hip joint in adults
Pain and difficulty in movement in the hip joint can be symptoms of bursitis – inflammation of the articular bag. Why does hip bursitis occur in adults and how dangerous it is, KP learned from specialists

What is bursitis

If you turn to the textbook of the Latin language, you can find out that the word “bursa” means a bag, and “it” means inflammation. Accordingly, bursitis is an inflammation of the mucous bag, which is located next to the joint, in our case, with the hip joint.

– This bag performs protective functions, they minimize the abrasion of the joints and increase their mobility, explains kinesiologist, expert in getting rid of pain in the spine and joints Anastasia Shagarova.

Causes of hip bursitis in adults

The most common causes of hip bursitis in adults include:

  • trauma;
  • overweight;
  • scoliosis;
  • displacement of the hip joint;
  • body asymmetry;
  • flat feet;
  • vascular weakness, etc.

In the vast majority of cases, bursitis is caused by trauma. Especially often the disease develops in old age, when tissues and mucous membranes are weakened, the body has accumulated toxins, and all inflammatory processes in the body develop more rapidly and more often. In elderly patients, bursitis can appear even after a seemingly frivolous fall, explains kinesiologist Anastasia Shagarova.

In addition to the elderly, athletes are at risk, as well as overweight people whose joints are under constant stress.

– Those who have the following problems are also at risk of suffering from bursitis: scoliosis, which weakens tissues, muscles and leads to an imbalance of the whole organism; displacement of the hip joint; different leg length and body asymmetry; flat feet; vascular weakness (often manifested in the formation of bruises even after a minor blow) and a violation of skin turgor, the specialist notes.

Symptoms of hip bursitis in adults

They are:

  • acute pain at the site of inflammation near the hip joint;
  • a clearly defined tumor on the outer or inner (inguinal) side of the pelvis, depending on which mucous bag is inflamed;
  • increased pain when moving the pelvis, raising the leg;
  • fever.

– This symptomatology is typical for acute bursitis. When the disease passes into the chronic stage, the pain dulls a little, but movements in the pelvic region remain difficult, says Anastasia Shagarova, kinesiologist.

Treatment of hip bursitis in adults

Treatment for hip bursitis depends on the nature of the inflammation. Bursitis can be of two types: aseptic (most common) and septic.

In the first case, inflammation occurs due to hemorrhage in the bursa or due to systemic diseases (gout or rheumatoid arthritis, less often – systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma). In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs and treatment of concomitant diseases are needed.

In septic bursitis, inflammation accompanies infection: bacteria or other microorganisms enter the bursa. Here you will have to resort to antibiotics.


Hip bursitis should be diagnosed by a specialist, as its symptoms sometimes resemble arthritis and other ailments.

An MRI is prescribed as a primary examination – the most revealing study that demonstrates the condition of the bone, tissues and synovial bag. An x-ray in this case is of little information, since it displays only the integrity or damage to the bone.
Anastasia ShagarovaDoctor-kinesiologist

A blood test will also help establish the diagnosis, it will show whether there is an inflammatory process in the body. However, a blood test for infection may not be indicative until a week after the injury. A more accurate result will give a puncture of the bag, that is, taking a liquid for analysis.

Modern treatments

If the inflammation is infectious, there is a purulent process in the tissues or bones, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of hip bursitis. The choice of medicine should be entrusted to a specialist, since it is he, on the basis of tests, who can conclude which bacteria provoke inflammation and which drug they will be most vulnerable to.

It is another matter if the inflammation is aseptic and there is no infection, in which case cold compresses and anti-inflammatory drugs will help to quickly cure hip bursitis. But the decision on such therapy should also be made only by a doctor. Sometimes, along with drug treatment of bursitis, autoplasma therapy is prescribed, in which the blood plasma of the patient himself is injected into the inflamed area.

– In the acute form of bursitis, bed rest and a state of rest for the pelvic joint are indicated. After the acute phase has passed, regular exercise therapy is useful. At this stage, the methods and practices of kinesiology are effective – the science of treating the musculoskeletal system and internal organs without pills. The doctor selects a set of therapeutic exercises for the patient to strengthen the muscles, ligaments, joints, correct the position of the bones, – says kinesiologist Anastasia Shagarova.

In rare cases, a patient with bursitis may need to be hospitalized. This is necessary in a situation where septic bursitis gets out of control, a high temperature rises, an abscess appears. In the case of aseptic bursitis, hospitalization may be indicated if there is no positive effect after two months of conservative treatment.

Prevention of hip bursitis in adults at home

The best prevention of hip bursitis will be to maintain the health of your musculoskeletal system: timely treatment of scoliosis, flat feet, body asymmetry.

In addition, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle – get rid of excess weight. If you like to play sports, try to minimize the risk of injury, as they are the main cause of hip bursitis.

Popular questions and answers

What are the complications of hip bursitis?

Typical complications are the destruction of the joint, the spread of infection in the tissue, inflammation in the blood. Very advanced cases of hip bursitis can lead to septic shock, which threatens with death and amputation of the leg. The fact is that in the pelvic area there are hip arteries, nerves and vessels that quickly spread the infection throughout the body.

When to call a doctor at home for hip bursitis?

Don’t hesitate to contact a specialist. You should not endure pain, drink painkillers, self-medicate and use folk remedies. All this can lead to an even greater exacerbation of pain, blood poisoning and tissue inflammation.

Is it possible to cure hip bursitis with folk remedies?

Bursitis is not treated with folk remedies, and professional laboratory and clinical studies are needed to determine the nature of inflammation and further therapy.

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