The Italian cheese industry has given the world many favorite dairy products like mozzarella, ricotta and gorgonzola. But the real pearl of the Italian cheese collection was the burrata variety. This is a fresh cheese, which is prepared on the basis of buffalo milk and heavy cream. The peculiarity of cheese is in its form. They are made in the form of a neat bag, the internal cavity of which is filled with a delicate creamy mass. Most often, the burrat is served wrapped in large banana leaves.
Burrata goes well with light white wine, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and base sections. Why is the appetizer so popular and will it be able to interest a sophisticated cheese gourmet?
General product characteristics
Burrata is a fresh cheese from Italy. It is prepared on the basis of cream and buffalo milk (it is permissible to use cow’s milk). Burrata is part of the Mozzarella cheese family, but its taste is radically different from the familiar product.
A Brief Historical Reference
The first cooking of burrata was recorded in 1920 in a suburb of Italy near the town of Andria. The owner of the Bianchini farm has been involved in milk processing for a long time. The best Italian cheeses came out of the hands of the farmer, but he wanted to create something unique and completely new. The farmer wanted an amazing combination of innovative form and unique taste. Thus, burrata cheese was created.
The product is made in the form of a round, perfectly flat bag. The external data of the cheese is very similar to the familiar mozzarella, but the main difference lies inside. Dense crust hides a soft creamy mass, which is much softer than the sides. How do manufacturers achieve this effect? Hot cheese mass (burrata inside) is collected in special bags that are lined with mozzarella plates. Hot mass is poured into a mozzarella bag, then poured with panna fat cream. To make the cheese ripen and not to break up, the bags are wrapped in dense sheets of a banana tree. These sheets also additionally emphasize the high cost and delicious taste of the cheese product.
Delicate cheese palette immediately fell in love with the Italians and within a short period of time became literally a national treasure. In every tavern and in every house they know how to cook a burrat. Some craftsmen, trying to bring a touch of diversity in the taste, create new unique combinations, but the majority of the population keeps the faith of the classic version.
Modern production of a grade is adjusted in such Italian regions: Campania, Apulia, Basilicata.
Today, burrata is considered a real delicacy. But cheese has a significant drawback – the minimum period of implementation. Previously, the product was recommended to be consumed within 48 hours. Today, this problem has been partially solved: manufacturers put cheese in vacuum packaging, which extends its life by 1-2 weeks.
Best of all the product is combined with such components:
- ripe fresh tomatoes;
- olive oil;
- freshly ground black pepper;
- liquid honey with a slight floral flavor.
Traditional burrata contains at least 60% fat (often the percentage is much higher) in the dry residue. Caloric value of the product is on average 330 kcal / 100 grams.
Useful properties of the product
Sodium (Na)
100 grams of Italian cheese contains 90 milligrams of sodium. The element regulates heat, water and salt metabolism inside the body, neutralizes the action of dangerous acids and is responsible for harmonious osmotic pressure. Sodium is responsible for regulating blood pressure and supporting the muscle corset. Also, the element supports the functionality of the digestive system, increases the elasticity of tissues and their ability to restore as quickly as possible.
Calcium (K)
100 grams of product contains 150 milligrams of calcium. The need of the human body for an element is determined by an age indicator. In adolescence, the component affects the normal growth and development of the skeleton. Deficiency of the component leads to the development of osteoporosis and often causes infant rickets. An excess of calcium also does not bode well, therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the intake of the substance in the body and not exceed 2500 milligrams per day for adults from 19 to 50 years old, 1300 milligrams for children from 9 to 18 and 1000 for babies from 4 to 8 years.
Calcium is responsible for:
- biochemical processes in cells;
- human physiological health;
- normal blood clotting;
- muscle contraction;
- secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters.
Retinol (vitamin A)
100 grams of burrata contains 36 micrograms of retinol. Vitamin has a pronounced antioxidant effect and affects health:
- bones;
- skin;
- hair;
- organs of vision;
- immune system.
Retinol is involved in redox processes inside the body, is responsible for the synthesis of protein compounds. Retinol is called the vitamin of youth, as it is responsible for the intracellular metabolism and function of subcellular membranes. The longer our cells are protected, healthy and saturated with liquid, the younger our face and body will look. Scientists believe that maintaining the level of vitamin A helps to slow down the aging process (the component stimulates the production of new cells).
Retinol also fights fat deposits throughout the body.
The component helps the body to endure the attack of viruses, infections and pathogens. The use of retinol (exclusively prescribed by a doctor) will help strengthen the hair, teeth, nails, restore the skin after acne / burns / mechanical damage and increase the production of both female and male sex hormones.
Use in cooking
Cheese has become the main gastronomic attraction of Italy. It makes a lot of money the owners of authentic institutions, and tourists are ready to give the last pennies to enjoy the real cheese flavor.
The most important thing in burrata is a spectacular appearance. After the dense bag is cut, a barely dense fragrant mass should flow out of its insides. If such a dazzling gastronomic effect did not occur, then there are only 3 options:
- the cheese has long expired;
- they gave you not a real burrat, but a fake of a local chef;
- you have been given the wrong cheese (poor quality storage, storage at too low temperatures).
Asparagus recipe with burrata and sweet sauce
Caloric value | 439 kCal |
Proteins | 3,5 g |
Fats | 43,4 g |
Carbohydrates | 6,4 g |
We need:
- fresh green asparagus – 300 g;
- shallots – 2 pcs;
- fresh mushrooms (it is best to use champignons) – 150 g;
- burrata – 1 pc;
- sherry vinegar – 25 ml;
- vegetable oil to taste;
- favorite kind of honey – 1 tablespoon;
- Spices to taste.
Prepare a large deep container: beat in it sherry vinegar, honey and vegetable oil. Mix vinegar and honey immediately in any convenient way. The oil must be gradually poured into the container with a thin stream, and then vigorously mixed with other components. It is important that the oil soaks every component of the sauce. Add your favorite spices to the bowl, mix thoroughly again, and then leave for several minutes.
Cut the shallots into small rings, sprinkle with cooked sauce and leave to marinate. Boil the asparagus until cooked. It is recommended to add your favorite spices to the water for cooking asparagus so that the vegetable is immediately saturated with spicy aromas. Cooking asparagus is exactly 3 minutes. Do not overdo the vegetable, otherwise you will get a digested product with an unpleasant taste and loose consistency. Cool the prepared asparagus under a stream of ice water or send to an ice container.
Serving: Put burrata pouch on the plate, pour honey sherry sauce on top gently. Next, place the spicy asparagus, and the top of the marinated shallots and sliced raw mushrooms.
Burrata caprese recipe
This is a new version of the traditional caprese salad. Instead of mozzarella (which is used in the original recipe), slices of Burrath are added to the salad. The taste of this dish becomes more sustained, bright and cheesy, and the caloric content increases by more than 100 points.
Caloric value | 372 kCal |
Proteins | 0,5 g |
Fats | 39 g |
Carbohydrates | 2 g |
We need:
- burrata – 1 pc;
- cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs;
- oregano (dried) – 1 teaspoon;
- basil – 20-50 g;
- olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
- Spices to taste.
Cut the tomatoes into small slices and transfer them to a convenient container. Sprinkle the chopped cherry with spices and leave to marinate. Rub the leaves of oregano with your fingers. Such a simple manipulation will help strengthen the aroma of the spice and make the taste of the salad more vivid and multi-component. In a container with tomatoes, send the crushed chopped basil and olive oil. Stir the contents thoroughly and monitor the integrity of the cherry tomatoes. Leave the mixture to marinate for 60 minutes at room temperature.
Serving: In the center of the plate put sliced burrata cheese. Around the neatly arrange the circles of tomatoes. Pour the cheese dressing, which remained in the container with the tomatoes, put a few basil leaves on top and serve to the table.
What is the danger of fatty cheeses
Scientists say that there is not a single fermented milk product, which would not have contraindications and harmful side effects. This is due to the specificity of milk, from which produce cheese products.
Scientists note that the use of cheese can be compared with the use of drugs. A meal is never limited to 1 small slice of cheese product. One portion is imperceptibly followed by a second, a third, and so on. This phenomenon was studied back in the 80s of the last century. The study was conducted by Welcome Research Laboratories Research Triangle Park. Scientists analyzed several samples of cheese products and came to a disappointing conclusion. All samples contained a specific chemical compound, the composition of which was very similar to that of morphine. This begs the question – where did the drug come from in the cheese?
The answer is simple – from the liver of cattle. The liver produces morphine and codeine, which enters the milk, and then “sneaks” into its derivative products. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to break away from the attractive cheese slices. Excessive consumption of cheese leads to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, an increase in the risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Do not forget about the high calorie cheese products. In addition to health problems, you can get not just extra inches at the waist, but also obesity.
50 grams of cheese contains from 50 to 70% of the daily fat intake. The exact percentage is indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging and depends on the specific variety of cheese product.
Another important aspect is heat treatment. Burrata, like most fatty cheeses, does not undergo heat treatment, which is fraught with additional troubles. Listeria monocyotogenes (Listerine) can develop in such cheese products.
This component is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Listerine can cause a miscarriage or a deterioration in the development of the unborn baby. Another good reason to limit cheese is the amino acid tryptophan. Excessive accumulation of tryptophan in the body leads to insomnia, frequent headaches and migraines. The allowable daily intake of tryptophan is 250 milligrams.
There is no need to deny yourself the pleasure of eating a piece of burrata, the main thing is to read the composition, know the required dosage and successfully combine products with each other. Eat scientifically so you can enjoy your favorite cheese products in a healthy way.