Burnt hair effect – shatush. Video and photo recommendations
Previously, sun-bleached hair was considered a sign of a woman’s carelessness and indicated that she did not know how to take care of herself. Today, on the contrary, ladies are trying to achieve the effect of burnt hair shatush artificially. After all, he gives the lady a special charm and touchingness. Moreover, there are quite a lot of technologies on how to do this now.
Burnt-out hair effect “Shatush”
Asking to lighten strands of hair so that it looks like a lady has just returned from a Mediterranean resort, hairdressers are no longer surprised. “Natural” burnout is extremely popular today. Moreover, such a procedure is performed quite easily. And it is not too different from the banal highlighting of hair.
How to achieve the effect of sunburned hair
There are quite a few ways to achieve such a natural clarification, so you can choose whatever you like. So, for example, one of the methods popular today is to make a California highlight. Its plus is that the hair during such dyeing remains as healthy and natural as possible.
To carry out California highlighting you need a basic hairdresser’s set:
- gloves
- paint mixing plate
- paint brush
- paint (better than two shades) light color
To perform this type of highlighting, you need to divide the hair into strands of about 2 cm wide. Then you can start coloring in a checkerboard pattern. If the paint is too runny for you, add a thickener. This will greatly facilitate the process of applying the dye to the hair. It is necessary to dye the strands only from the outside, not going deep inside. Cover them with undyed hair and repeat the operation with the next layer.
Do not be afraid that the paint will mix and smear on your hair. On the contrary, the contrast will allow you to give even more natural color to the hairstyle.
Leave the dye on your hair for the time indicated in the instructions. Then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing conditioner to your hair. Dry your hair and see how your look has changed.
The strands can be simply lightened. To do this, divide your hair into small strands, comb each one after one or two or three. And then on the combed ones, apply a bleach.
In salons, craftsmen also often use this technique. It is called depigmentation. Just to achieve a natural effect, you need to choose the right shade: for dark – 2-3 tones lighter, for brown-haired people – up to 8 tones lighter
But the most popular today in the matter of highlighting strands is the shatush technique. It is also called color stretching effect. The advantage of this method is that no hats, no foil, no hair dividing into strands are needed. It’s just that when dyeing, the lightened strands are selected randomly. Moreover, paint is applied at some distance from the roots. The main rule in this method is no symmetry: the more chaotic, the better. Sometimes several different brighteners are used to give the hair a more natural look. Often they try to enhance the lightening effect by applying coloring tonics to the head.
They allow you to make your hair more natural.
Hair lightening with folk methods
There are also a huge number of folk methods, thanks to which you can achieve the effect of burnt hair. They are usually chosen by those who believe that this will be more beneficial for the hair than using professional dyes. One effective way to lighten strands is with a glycerin mask.
For its preparation you will need:
- chamomile – 50-60 g
- boiling water – 1 glass
- glycerin – 60 g
Pour boiling water over the chamomile and let it brew for 2 hours, then strain (if you use filter bags, you do not need it) and add glycerin to the broth. Apply the mask to the roots for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Honey is considered an excellent remedy for bleaching hair. Before applying it to your hair, wash it thoroughly with shampoo with 1/4 tsp added to it. soda. Heat the honey and apply to the hair along the entire length, wrap your head with a towel (preferably a terry towel) and leave the honey overnight.
You can also give your hair the effect of sunburned with the help of nettle-chamomile tincture.
To prepare it, take:
- chamomile – 1 tablespoon
- nettle – 1 tablespoon
- boiling water – 1 glass
Boil the herbs in boiling water and let them sit for a couple of hours. Then wash your hair and rinse your hair with infusion. Then wrap your hair with a towel for half an hour. When your hair is dry, dampen it with a chamomile solution.
For the preparation of which you will need:
- 1 tbsp chamomile
- 1 tbsp boiling water
Video about dyeing hair with a burnt-out effect: shatush, ombre, bronding
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