Burnout? You won’t get L4 for that

Constant fatigue, problems with concentration and memory, sleep disorders, decreased immunity. In addition, mood swings, a sense of nonsense and using stimulants. If the doctor hears such ailments, he will probably think that it is related to the patient’s occupational burnout.

  1. The process of occupational burnout is divided into several phases that may interpenetrate or occur in a different order
  2. You do not need to work for a long time for professional burnout. When young people want to make a career quickly, earn some extra money, and not being able to achieve it quickly, they feel bad
  3. L4 for professional burnout will be available no earlier than 2024.
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

From January 1, 2022, the World Health Organization treats burnout as a disease entity, and “professional burnout” is on the list of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems. However, Polish doctors will not be able to issue L4 in the near future. While the problem exists, it is serious and will continue to worsen.

Burnout syndromes

You are not satisfied with your current job. You are dissatisfied with your professional activity. You feel physically and mentally exhausted, and the job satisfaction and motivation to act are zero. You feel constantly tired and suffer from a lack of energy. If you see yourself in this description, you may be suffering from burnout. It is the body’s specific response to stress in the workplace.

  1. See also: The first signs of burnout. This is how the body tells you that you have enough work

The concept of burnout was introduced by the American psychiatrist Herbert J. Freudenberg, who in the 70s was the first to describe the symptoms of this ailment.

Nowadays, the process of occupational burnout can be divided into several phases, which may interpenetrate or occur in a different order.

As a rule, the first thing you need to do is prove to yourself that you have to cope with each task. Over time, you feel the urge to give even more, and then neglect your own needs. When the process of realizing the problem occurs, so does denial. The consequence is disappointment, fatigue and discouragement. So it is the turn to change the system of values, and with it a sense of nonsense and denial.

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Burnout. Nervousness, apathy, panic attacks

With time, the falsification of reality appears, and hence it is only a step to the next stage: withdrawal. This is where problems with concentration arise, as well as diseases caused by reduced immunity. Excessive fatigue and a sense of emotional exhaustion result in constant tension and irritability. There are somatic changes: headaches, insomnia, gastric disorders. Behind all this are changes in behavior: decreased activity and lack of creativity. Distrust, suspicion, withdrawal and isolation are growing. Social contacts are kept to a minimum.

A serious stage in the development of burnout syndrome is depersonalization, when a person is incapable of making decisions and acts like an automaton. It is accompanied by indefinite fear, nervousness, apathy, panic attacks.

Burnout in representatives of various professions

Although initially the symptoms of “professional burnout” were associated only with people professionally involved in providing help or support, today we know that burnout is diagnosed in representatives of all professions. Especially when emotional involvement is required of them.

– And contrary to appearances, a long work experience is not necessary for professional burnout. Nowadays, young people want to make a career quickly and earn some extra money. Not being able to achieve it right away, they often feel bad – emphasizes psychologist Michał Murgrabia, president of the board of the ePsycholodzy.pl platform. However, doctors will not be able to expose L4 because of burnout as a disease entity.

Burnout. Necessary changes in the law

The Ministry of Health is not planning any legislative work in this matter in the near future. This is because the recognition of burnout as a disease requires changes in the applicable law, and work on the implementation of ICD-11 is still ongoing.

ICD-11 is nothing more than the eleventh version of the International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems prepared by the WHO. The difference between the previous ICD and the newest one lies in the formula of complex coding of individual disease entities.

It is worth knowing that while the ICD-10 contained 14 thousand. 400 items, the current one is already 55 thousand. diseases, including burnout.

– According to the data of the Ministry of Health, the translation into Polish of the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems will be made as part of the project “Improving the quality of medical information thanks to an increase in the competence, knowledge and skills of employees of medical entities in the correct use of the ICD-11 classification” . It is to last until June 30, 2023 – comments Michał Pajdak, mental health market expert, member of the management board of the ePsycholodzy.pl platform. According to the expert, they could enter into force no earlier than 2024.

This delay does not mean that you will not be able to get an L4 from your doctor. However, it will apply to other work-related medical conditions.

Burnout starts slowly

– So far, in many cases mental illnesses have been indicated as a consequence of exhaustion, increasing stress and other difficulties in the professional sphere. From the entrepreneur’s perspective, the employee’s health is part of the organization’s human capital. Therefore, it should be a subject of special care and preventive measures, explains Dr. Antoni Kolek, president of the Pension Institute and an expert of Employers of the Republic of Poland.

  1. Are you feeling tired? Try an ashwagandha supplement to help with stress and sleep problems

Because although the beginning of the burnout process is difficult to precisely define, it is Psychologists emphasize that “professional burnout” begins slowly and imperceptibly. Instead, it reveals itself suddenly and with great force. And it causes significant havoc in the psyche, including depression. Therefore, professional burnout poses a serious threat to employers and the economy.

It is up to the doctor to decide what kind of sick leave the patient needs and what disease code to enter. It does not change the fact that each such certificate may be inspected by the Social Insurance Institution, regardless of the given reason.

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