Burning feet: what to do?

If a person has burning feet, namely, the soles of the feet, you need to look for the causes of this symptom. It does not arise by itself, but is always the result of some kind of violation.

Reasons for burning feet

Burning feet: what to do?

With complaints that their feet are burning, people of all ages turn to doctors. Most often, this symptom bothers a person in the evening or at night. Unpleasant sensations can be spread throughout the foot or localized in one specific area.

Causes that can cause burning in the soles of the feet:

  • An allergic reaction that occurs in response to wearing synthetic tights or socks, or low-quality shoes. You may also be allergic to foot care products or medications. At the same time, in addition to burning in the soles of the feet, they can become covered with blisters or red spots, start to itch.

  • Vascular diseases of the lower extremities: varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  • Foot infections. A fungus of the skin of the feet and a fungus of the nails can lead to a feeling of heat in them.

  • Flat feet or wearing shoes that are not suitable from an orthopedic point of view leads to the fact that in the evenings a person will have a burning sensation in the feet. This is due to the fact that the legs experience increased stress. When their action ceases, the blood rushes to the feet, causing a sensation of heat in them.

  • Diabetes can lead to burning sensations in the feet. The appearance of burning and pain in the soles of the feet indicates that the patient has begun to develop complications of diabetes. If you ignore the first signs of a diabetic foot, this will lead to the formation of a trophic ulcer, gangrene and limb amputation.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B and calcium.

  • Hormonal changes in the body. Legs often burn in pregnant women and in women during menopause.

  • Excess body weight leads to the fact that the legs experience increased stress. By evening, this can be expressed in a feeling of heat in the feet and lower legs.

  • Physical inactivity can lead to a burning sensation in the feet. This is especially true for people whose profession involves prolonged sitting or standing.

  • Peripheral neuropathy with damage to the spinal nerves can lead to a burning sensation in the feet.

Sometimes the feet burn not because of any pathologies in the body. If such a symptom occurs rarely and worries only after a prolonged load on the lower extremities, then it can be attributed to “vascular play”. A sharp expansion of the veins of the lower extremities in the evening during the rest period is a normal phenomenon. However, constant overexertion of the veins should not be allowed, as this threatens the development of vascular pathologies.

The soles of the lower extremities can burn after emotional overstrain or against the background of prolonged stress.

[Video] Dr. Petrik M.V. – Burning feet can be a dangerous sign:

How to eliminate the burning sensation caused by overwork?

Burning feet: what to do?

If a person knows for sure that the burning sensation in the feet is the result of overwork and overstrain of the legs, then the following recommendations can be used:

  • Relieve fatigue from the legs and train the vessels contrast baths. To do this, the legs are alternately doused with either warm or cool water. The procedure should be comfortable for a person, so you should not use too hot or too cold liquid. You can just take a contrast shower. Such a procedure trains the vessels and over time will allow you to get rid of the burning sensation in the feet even after their overstrain. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

  • You can apply an ointment containing menthol to the skin of the feet. This will cool them down and relieve discomfort.

  • To improve the outflow of blood, you need to raise your legs above your head (in the supine position) for 10-15 minutes.

  • You can do some simple exercises. For example, bend and unbend your toes, twist your feet clockwise and counterclockwise. This will normalize blood flow and get rid of the burning sensation in the legs.

  • Well in the fight against burning sensation in the feet massage helps. To perform it, you can use a roller massager or stretch the soles of your feet yourself. You can walk barefoot on pebbles, pebbles, buckwheat or peas.

Burning sensation in the feet is a symptom that can indicate a pathology or be a sign of a banal overwork of the legs. To clarify the cause of burning in the soles, you need to analyze your own condition, and if necessary, contact a specialist.

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