Burning calories while walking. Video

Burning calories while walking. Video

Recently, a great interest among those who want to lose weight is the question of how to combine this process with physical activity that increases the effectiveness of any diet, since not everyone has time to visit gyms. It turned out that you can burn calories and pump up muscles at the same time while walking, and you can always find time for it, at least on the way to work or back. But how effective is this method?

How to lose weight while walking

How many calories can you burn when walking

Any movement of a person requires physical effort and muscle tension, therefore walking, during which the muscles of the legs and core are also involved, requires a certain amount of energy, accompanied by the burning of calories. When walking, not only many muscle groups work actively, but also the work of the heart muscle and lungs is activated, the blood is saturated with oxygen and, thanks to this, oxygen in large quantities enters the tissues of the internal organs and the brain, activating the thought processes.

There are several formulas for calculating the number of calories burned when walking, the most accurate of them take into account many factors on which the result of any walk depends:

  • duration of walking
  • distance covered
  • human weight
  • his height
  • leg length
  • individual characteristics of metabolism
  • gender and age
  • general health
  • way of walking
  • local conditions
  • Times of Day

According to these calculations, with an average pace of walking, you can burn about 1 calories in 200 hour, but if you move slowly, during the same time you will burn only 100 calories. It is not for nothing that brisk walking is considered a physical aerobic exercise – during it the number of calories is burned unevenly – very little of them is lost in the first 30-45 minutes, but if your workout-walk continues at a fast pace for another half hour, you can lose about 500 calories during this time …

How to increase the number of calories you burn

There are some simple ways to improve your walking performance so that you can burn as many calories as possible in as little time as possible. The most effective is to increase the speed of movement by forcing the muscles to contract more intensively. But do not drive yourself to shortness of breath, your heart to an accelerated rhythm, and your muscles to fatigue. Increase your endurance gradually, and you should enjoy walking.

In cold weather, energy consumption increases due to the cost of “heating” the body, so do not postpone a walk under this reason, but, on the contrary, use it to burn more calories

Increase your walking speed not by increasing stride length, but by increasing their number. So, for example, if one of your steps burns 1 kcal, and per unit of time you take 100 steps, increasing the number of steps taken during this period of time by 20, you will also increase the total number of calories burned by 20%.

Interval loads in varying rhythm with different durations allow to increase the efficiency of walking

Engage as many muscle groups as possible while walking. In so-called Nordic walking, when you use ski poles to help yourself along the way, your energy expenditure increases by 50%. You can try the lighter version and add intense arm flaps to the walk.

It is also interesting to read: how to lose weight in three months.

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