- Botanical description of the plant
- The composition and value of the plant
- Healing properties of hemorrhagic
- What helps the herb burnet
- How to brew and insist burnet
- Feature of application
- How to take bloodworm
- Limitations and contraindications
- Collection and procurement of raw materials
- Which is better: burnet or Smecta
- Conclusion
- Reviews on the use of burnet in gynecology
A perennial herbaceous plant, medicinal burnet is a culture that has long been used for medicinal purposes. It has a strong astringent and hemostatic effect. In reference books of pharmaceutical plants, you can find the Latin name of the burnet officinalis – Sanguisorba officinalis. The herb is included in the domestic and European pharmacopoeias. As a medicinal raw material, a rhizome with processes is harvested, less often – a green, ground part of the culture.
Botanical description of the plant
Photos and descriptions of burnet officinalis are contained in each reference book of medicinal plants. It is a herb consisting of a single, branched stem. It is hollow inside, ribbed outside, its height varies from 0,5 m to 90 cm.
The stem is covered with oblong-ovate leaves, their edges are sharply serrate. Closer to the root, the leaf plate becomes larger, attached to long petioles, it is smooth, dark green above, rough, brown below.

Only burnet roots have special medicinal value, and leaves and stems are used to make tea or vitamin salads.
The flowers are oblong, spike-shaped red-purple heads, up to 3 cm long, they are located at the ends of thin erect peduncles.
The fruits are single-seeded nuts in the form of a tetrahedron, their length does not exceed 3,5 mm.
The root is located horizontally in the soil, its length does not exceed 12 cm. It is thick, woody, has many thin fibrous processes.
The medicinal culture grows in meadows (upland and flood), in the steppes, in sparse forests. It can be found in glades and along the edges, along the edges of cliffs, in dense shrubbery, on river banks and swamps.
Why is the bloodworm so called?
The Latin name of the culture can be translated as “absorbing blood.” This is due to the ability of meadow grass to stop bleeding. This characteristic is due to the presence of a large amount of tannins in the rhizome of the burnet.

In the wild, the pharmacy burnet is common throughout almost the entire territory of Our Country.
The composition and value of the plant
The roots of the culture contain tannins, up to a quarter of the total composition, 30% starch, essential oils, saponins.

Dried, crushed burnet root after cooking will help with a variety of gastric and gynecological diseases
The green part of the plant contains flavonoids, tannins, acids (ursolic, tormentic, chlorogenic). Ascorbic acid was found in the leaves.

A meadow plant in many countries is listed in the Red Book, it can be easily cultivated in your own garden
Healing properties of hemorrhagic
Burnet officinalis is highly astringent, hemostatic, analgesic properties. The herb has a bactericidal effect against Escherichia coli, organisms of the dysentery and paratyphoid groups.
Burnet officinalis can reduce intestinal motility, narrow blood vessels, and increase uterine contraction. The plant has a slight anticonvulsant and antiemetic effect. Justified the use of burnet officinalis and diarrhea.

The herbal remedy has practically no contraindications, suitable for long-term courses
What helps the herb burnet
Decoctions and tinctures of the root of the burnet drug are taken for the following diseases: cholecystitis, colitis, convulsions, gastric and intestinal ulcers, it is effective for helminthic invasions.
Burnet has indications for use in children:
- with inflammation of the gums;
- stomatitis;
- acute tonsillitis;
- inflammation of the tonsils;
- diarrhea.
Effective and external use of drugs from burnet. They are used to heal ulcers, wounds, cuts and abrasions, bruises, bruises and inflammatory diseases of the skin.
It is given to adults as an adjuvant for tuberculosis (with hemoptysis). The rhizome of the plant is used to prepare hemostatic drugs. They are effective for gastric and uterine hemorrhages, heavy menstruation.
There are data on the medical use and therapeutic efficacy of a decoction of the plant root for cholecystitis, colpitis, profuse discharge, chronic dysentery, as well as for various intestinal pathologies accompanied by bloating.
In addition to medicinal properties, burnet herb also has a number of contraindications: constipation, pregnancy, lactation, increased blood clotting, thromboembolism, individual intolerance.

Depending on the disease, various forms of preparations based on burnet are shown.
How to brew and insist burnet
Depending on the type of medicine and the disease, the method of brewing burnet officinalis varies. Before using each, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
To prepare the composition, enameled dishes are used. In a small container put 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed burnet roots, pour a glass of boiling water. The pan is put on a slow fire, the contents are simmered for half an hour.
The decoction is not contraindicated even for small children, it is given to infants with diarrhea in the form of drops, for older children ½ tsp.
Such a drug is prepared in a cold way. In a small container, mix 3 tsp. dry grass and two glasses of settled or filtered water. The liquid is infused for eight hours, then drunk as directed by a doctor.
Such a drug is prepared with the use of alcohol. In a glass, dark container, put a part of the dry roots of the burnet officinalis. They are poured with five parts of 40% alcohol. The mixture is infused for a week.
2 tsp herbs pour a glass of cold water. The mixture is brought to a boil, set aside. Tea insist 10 minutes, filter, drink two cups a day.
Feature of application
In folk medicine, a decoction of the drug burnet is used for diarrhea, hemoptysis, bleeding. Outwardly, the agent is used as a lotion for purulent wounds, ulcers, bedsores.
The use of medicinal burnet in gynecology
Meadow grass remedies are often used in folk medicine for “women’s diseases”. The herb is effective for uterine bleeding, heavy periods, endometriosis.
For uterine bleeding
Burnet herb has shown its medicinal properties in gynecology. In folk medicine, a decoction of the root with processes is used for uterine bleeding. The product is prepared as described in the recipe above, filtered, applied 1 tbsp. l. six times a day before meals.
With heavy periods
According to reviews on women’s forums, burnet has proven itself well for uterine bleeding during menstruation. With this ailment, hot tea is prepared: 2 tsp. dry roots are poured with a glass of boiling water, allowed to stand for ten minutes, cooled. The remedy is taken in half a glass four times a day.
After cleansing endometriosis
One of the indications for the use of burnet in gynecology is the postoperative period. At this time, it is recommended to drink a strong decoction from the rhizome of the herb. It is prepared like this: ½ tsp. raw materials are poured with a glass of cold water, insisted for eight hours. After the remedy is boiled, filtered. It is taken warm for 2-3 tbsp. l. every time after a meal.

The medicinal herb has a symptomatic effect, and it also quite successfully affects endometrial atrophy.
With inflammations
In gynecology, the drug burnet is used for trichomonas inflammation of the vagina, profuse leucorrhoea. Prepare a strong broth with a volume of 1,5 liters, cool it. Douching is carried out with a warm remedy at night.
In fibromyoma
In this case, you can use an alcohol tincture of burnet officinalis. Before use, it is diluted with warm water in the ratio: 1 tbsp. l. medicinal product per 250 ml of liquid. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. drug three times a day after meals.
For skin lesions and diseases
A decoction of the herb burnet officinalis is also effective for external use. Lotions, compresses, wet wipes are made from it. The product is effective in the form of heat. They impregnate a clean cloth or gauze folded in several layers with it, then apply it to the affected area. Applications are carried out twice a day.
For eczema, Korean doctors recommend making an ointment from the roots of burnet. The underground part of the plant is roasted on a fire to the state of coals. Then ground into powder, mixed with vaseline in a ratio of 3:7. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated with the product twice a day for a week.
With hemorrhoids
During the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a decoction of burnet officinalis will also help. Prepare enough of it to fill the basin at least a third. The liquid should be slightly warm. Baths are taken in a sitting position at night.

Hot mixture for hemorrhoids can not be used, this leads to an exacerbation of the disease
With diarrhea
With intestinal disorders, a decoction of burnet officinalis will help. It is prepared according to the recipe described above. The cooled remedy is drunk 1 tbsp. l. six times a day 30 minutes before meals.
From lamblia
In this case, use a decoction of the rhizomes of the burnet officinalis. Treatment is carried out in courses of 3-8 times with a break of a month. 100 ml of fresh warm broth is poured through a duodenal probe once a day.
With bronchitis
In case of bronchial disease, tea from the herb burnet is prescribed. It is drunk three times a day after meals for a week.
From worms
To remove small helminths, tea from a mixture of rhizomes and herbs of burnet is recommended. 2 tsp collection is steamed with a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes. After taking a glass of funds twice a day before meals.
How to take bloodworm
In moderate doses, with short-term use (no more than two months), burnet does not have any negative effect on health. In rare cases, minor side effects can be observed: allergic reactions, upset of the digestive system.

Rarely, ingestion of herbal burnet infusions leads to the development of skin allergic reactions.
Indications for the use of medicinal burnet:
- acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea;
- profuse menstrual bleeding;
- minor bleeding during the postcoagulation period of cervical treatment.
Decoctions, infusions, teas are recommended to be prepared before each dose. Means must be drunk in a warm form, filtered and shaken.
Pharmaceutical filter bags with the collection of burnet are brewed strictly according to the instructions, used according to the doctor’s prescription.
Is it possible to give to children
The plant is not toxic, it can be soldered to children older than a year. Burnet officinalis in liquid form is prescribed for babies with diarrhea. Prepare a decoction: take 1 tsp. chilled product, give the child a drink twice a day before meals. You can gargle with a warm throat remedy for sore throats.
When treating a child with decoctions and teas with burnet, the age and weight of the baby are taken into account. Preliminary consultation of the attending pediatrician is necessary.
When treating babies, it is important not to exceed the recommended dosage of any herbal medicine.
Can I take during pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to take medicines based on burnet. All drugs are used only after consulting a doctor.
Limitations and contraindications
The root of the burnet has undoubted medicinal properties, but there are a number of contraindications to taking funds based on it.
You can not use decoctions with burnet for the treatment of such categories of people:
- pregnant women;
- nursing mothers;
- children up to a year;
- people suffering from constipation;
- allergy sufferers.
With caution, the drug is prescribed for increased blood clotting, thromboembolism (in history).
There are no categorical contraindications for the use of burnet.
In case of internal gastric or uterine bleeding, it is necessary to find out the cause of the phenomenon by consulting a doctor.
Collection and procurement of raw materials
You can find burnet grass in wet meadows, on the edges of forests, among bushes. In folk medicine, the rhizome of the burnet officinalis is used to treat various ailments. It is harvested at the end of August, at the beginning of September. You can dig up a healing root in the spring, if its exact location is known.

Roots are collected in ecologically safe areas, it is strictly forbidden to harvest raw materials from roads
The roots extracted from the soil are thoroughly cleaned, washed in running water, cut into bushes no longer than 20 cm. Then they are laid out in an even layer on a clean cloth. The raw materials are dried for several days in the shade.
To avoid mold, the roots are often turned over, drying on all sides. After preparatory measures outside, they become black-brown, yellow at the break.
You can harvest the rhizome of burnet officinalis and in thermal dryers. At the same time, the temperature in them should not exceed + 50 ᵒС. Ready dried raw materials are stored in cardboard boxes for five years.
In folk medicine, the ground part of the burnet officinalis is also used. Grass harvesting begins during the flowering period. It’s the middle of summer.
Which is better: burnet or Smecta
With diarrhea caused by a rotavirus intestinal infection, or banal food poisoning, Smektu is often prescribed as an adjuvant. The powder can be given to adults and children. A decoction of the burnet officinalis is also unlimited in the appointment of age limits.
Burnet quickly relieves symptoms, stops diarrhea, but it is drunk in courses. After that, the remedy can provoke constipation.
Smecta is a fast-acting antidiarrheal drug, it is not necessary to drink it in courses.

On the way or at work, it is convenient to use a small bag of Smecta, and burnet can only be used at home
In addition to its astringent properties, meadow grass also has hemostatic, bactericidal, antiseptic effects. The work of Smecta is aimed only at improving the chair.
Burnet officinalis is a meadow grass, known since ancient times for its beneficial properties. The villagers used the culture not only for medicinal purposes, but also for livestock feed, as a melliferous and tannic plant. Young fresh grass leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, in spring they can be used as a vitamin supplement in vegetable salads. Burnet is widely used as an antidiarrheal and hemostatic agent. Dried root sachets can be purchased at a pharmacy. The package contains detailed methods for the preparation and use of the drug for various diseases.