Burnet is a lovely ornamental plant that will not have any worries. She is not capricious and frost-resistant. It is easy to propagate it, but it is necessary to protect the site from self-seeding.
The plant has a long history. In Russia, it was called bloodsucker, bloodsucker, hernia and other speaking names. It has been used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
Red spikelets of burnet turn brown by autumn
This perennial of the middle zone grows in flood meadows, in clearings and near rivers. It is found in the USA and Europe, the cool climate of East Asia. In gardens, it is grown as an unpretentious decorative perennial.
The bloodsucker has a thick rhizome covered with a brown crust. It stretches along the surface for a length of up to 12 cm. A high stem can reach 150 cm. Leaves are pinnate. The number of leaves is from 7 to 25 pieces. Flowers are small, dark red. They are collected in dense spikelets 1-3 cm long. Hernia blooms from July to August.
You can grow a hernia with seeds. To do this, you need to prepare a site with fertile, well-drained soil. There should be a lot of sun on it. You need to plant seeds in the fall:
- Make holes in the ground and plant seeds.
- Sprinkle the planting with soil or peat 5-10 mm.
- Pour water over the wells.
The plant will take root and will sprout in the spring. The sprouts do not need any care. They will live until autumn, after which they must be transplanted with a lump of earth to a permanent place. The distance between the seedlings is 50-60 cm. It will bloom in the 2nd or 3rd year.
You can also plant the root of the plant. To do this, you need to dig out the rhizome and divide it into parts so that each fragment has a growth point. All operations must be carried out carefully so as not to harm the plant.
This operation can be carried out in May-June, and the age of the mother plant must be at least 5 years. The roots must be divided with a clean, sharp knife, and the cuts must be dipped in ash or charcoal before planting.
In terms of its hardiness, the plant competes with weeds, but grows better if its basic needs are met. The hernier cannot do without regular watering, as he gravitates towards moist soils. He will also like fertilizing with fertilizers. The first thaw is a signal for the introduction of complex fertilizers. During the season, you need to feed the flower 2-3 more times, first with organic matter, and then with a mineral complex.
After watering, the soil must be loosened and weeds destroyed. Tall flowers can be damaged by the wind, so they need to be planted under the protection of shrubs or artificial supports. Winter frosts are not terrible for the bloodsucker, so there is no need to cover it. But if the seed boxes are not cut off in time, then the flowers will sow the entire adjacent space.
Diseases and pests almost do not affect the flower, but in the case of fungal diseases, it can be treated with fungicides
The adorable perennial looks good as an ornamental plant. At the same time, it has a rich composition like a drug. It is easy to grow it and it doesn’t take long to take care of it.