Burn spots: how to get rid of. Video
The nature of the occurrence of burns can be varied, ranging from the abuse of the sun’s rays and ending with household negligence. As a result of injury to the skin, traces may remain on it that spoil the appearance, but this is not a reason for the disorder. Burn spots can be removed, since there are many methods for this.
How to get rid of burn stains: video recipe
What you need to know about burns
In order not to subsequently have to worry about hyperpigmentation of the skin at the sites of past burns, they should initially be treated correctly. And in this situation, it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about chemical burns or ordinary sunburn. In any case, vegetable oil should not be used to soften the skin, as can be seen in a number of folk recipes. The burn site must breathe, and then cell regeneration will be carried out quite quickly, and therefore there may simply not be any traces of burns left. Also, you should not open the blisters formed on the skin with thermal burns, as this is a direct path to the subsequent formation of scars.
The lighter the burn and the more competent the treatment, the more chances that later you will not have to think about how to remove the remaining traces
How to get rid of burn spots with folk remedies
There are a variety of recipes that can be used to lighten the skin at the site of a burn spot, regardless of where it is located. These funds are equally successfully used both for the face and for other parts of the body. And without differentiation of the cause of the appearance of spots. The simplest recipe is to lubricate the darkened skin with a cut of fresh potatoes at least twice a day. The results in this case depend on the depth of the skin lesion, but with regular use, the effect of such lightening should become noticeable after a couple of weeks.
The skin is whitened at the site of old burns with masks from a mixture of fresh cucumber and parsley juice. They need to be applied to the skin daily for at least a quarter of an hour.
You can simply lubricate the skin with the juice of these plants, but then this should be repeated several times.
Another folk remedy that not only helps lighten burn spots, but also accelerate cell regeneration is aloe. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to cut off the leaf, put it in the refrigerator for at least a day and wipe the burn marks with aloe juice.
Aloe compresses are recommended not only as a means to destroy traces, but also to treat burns without the appearance of scars from them. But in the latter case, prior consultation with a medical professional is required.
Other ways to remove burn marks
Folk remedies are not the only ones in the line of those that help restore the skin to its former smoothness. There are special ointments that help to remove skin defects, among which are “Contractubex”, “Sintomycin”, “Solcoseryl” and not only. But it will take several months to apply creams and ointments to the affected area. If the burn marks penetrate the skin deep enough, it makes sense to try the laser resurfacing procedure. It removes not only blemishes, but also scars, renewing the top layer of the skin.
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