Name of the breed | Burmese cat, sacred Burmese |
Country of origin | Burma (modern Myanmar) |
The time of the birth of the breed | XVIII century, official recognition in 1950 |
A type | Semi-longhair breed |
The weight | Cats – about 4 kg, cats – 5 – 6 kg |
Growth | About 30 cm at the withers |
Lifespan | 12 – 15 years |
Price of kittens | From 40000 to 100000 rubles |
Most popular nicknames | Aza, Zara, Zaire, Indira, Osman, Kaira, Kama, Leila, Mirta, Ratmir, Tagir, Khalif |
History of origin
The history of these amazing cats goes back to the ancient myths of Burma (modern Myanmar), where they lived at temples for centuries. The monks considered Burmese cats to be sacred, and this definition was later fixed in the name of the breed – sacred Burmese. According to one of the legends, earlier Burmese cats were completely white, but one day robbers attacked the temple. The abbot of the temple died protecting the sacred statue of the goddess, and his soul moved into his beloved cat. With his help, the enemies were defeated, and all the cats that lived at the temple received a golden color and bright blue eyes – exactly like the statue of the goddess, made of gold and sapphires.
At the beginning of the 1950th century, Burmese cats were brought to France, where breeders began breeding them. However, all the painstaking work was almost destroyed by world wars, during which the Burmese cats were almost completely exterminated. To prevent the breed from disappearing, the remaining cats were crossed with Siamese and Persians. In 80, the breed received its official name, and in the XNUMXs, the first exhibition of Burmese cats took place in Italy. Now these graceful animals with white paws and aristocratic manners are very popular all over the world.
Breed description
The Burmese cat is not large in size, however, it has a strong body with well-developed muscles. Males are much larger than females. The body is slightly elongated, the paws are small and round, and the tail is of medium length and very fluffy. The head of the Burmese cat is round, the ears are medium in size, straight, slightly rounded at the tips. The eyes are round and always bright blue. When kittens are just born, at first their eyes brighten a little, but then they again become a rich aquamarine hue.
The visiting card of the Burmese cat is its luxurious coat: silky, not tangled and practically without undercoat. On the chest, the cat has a fluffy collar, and on the stomach, the hair is slightly curly. The most popular colors among the Burmese are blue point (rich gray with blue), seal point (brown), as well as chocolate, cream and lilac. Stripes or white spots are not allowed. On the belly, the coat is noticeably lighter, and the most important detail is the white symmetrical “socks” on the paws (they form a “spur” on the hind legs). It is also worth remembering that the Burmese are born absolutely white, and only after a few months they acquire their “signature” color.
Even in ancient myths and legends, the Burmese cat was described as the personification of Asian wisdom and imperturbable calm. They do not like noise and fuss, preferring outdoor games to contemplate what is happening from the side. If the Burma is angry, then she will not hiss or scratch, but simply leave, proudly raising her tail.
The Burmese cat is very attached to its owner and loves to receive affection from him, however, it will not allow familiarity towards itself. As for the relationship with young children, here the opinions of breeders differ. Someone claims that the Burmese get along wonderfully with the younger members of the family and willingly take part in their games. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that the Burmese cat is completely unsuitable for families with small children. With other pets – cats and dogs – they get along calmly, not regarding them as competitors to their “royal person”. But small rodents and birds can be hunted, so keep cages with small animals locked and away.
Also, problems with character can occur in non-neutered and non-neutered animals. For example, a non-neutered Burmese may strongly mark territory and try to dominate, while a non-neutered cat may scream at night during estrus.
Care and maintenance
Before you bring a kitten home, arrange a personal space for him. The temple altar, of course, will be superfluous, but you should take care of a comfortable bed. Remember, the Burmese cat does not like heights and is afraid of cold and drafts, so choose a place away from doors and windows. Food and water bowls should be stable and wide for the cat to eat comfortably. The tray should also be spacious, with high sides. Most importantly, do not forget to wash it often and thoroughly and change the filler, because Burmese cats are very clean and picky. To eliminate odors and fight cat “marks”, use a special deodorant from a veterinary pharmacy, which will keep the house fresh.
And although the Burmese have a long and fluffy coat, it does not require complex care, because it does not roll into tangles. Use a wide-toothed comb to brush your cat once a week, and every day during shedding season. It is enough to bathe the Burmese every six months with a special shampoo and dry the coat thoroughly, otherwise the cat may catch a cold. As for cutting the nails, this procedure should be done every two to three weeks with a nail cutter, but very carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels, but it is better to contact the professionals in the grooming salon. Although if your pet likes a scratching post, then he will not need a “manicure”. Ears and eyes are cleaned a couple of times a week with a moistened cotton swab, and teeth with a special toothbrush to prevent the formation of tartar.
Burmese cats are unpretentious in food. They have a modest appetite, and therefore you don’t have to worry about obesity. If you are leaving for a long time, then you can leave food in reserve for the cat, she still won’t eat too much, or buy an automatic feeder.
Breeders advise feeding the Burmese with premium and super-premium professional food, but natural food is also not forbidden. Low-fat meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal), sea fish, sour-milk products, offal, cereals (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal), occasionally quail eggs and germinated cereals – this is the main diet of Burmese cats. Consult with a veterinarian who will select a vitamin and mineral complex for your cat.
Health and disease
Burmese cats have good health, but are not immune from a number of genetic diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the walls of the ventricles of the heart) or pathologies of the vestibular apparatus. Another disease that Burmese often suffer from is corneal dermoids (tumors on the cornea of the eyes). However, a course of antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian in time will help to avoid serious consequences. Also, cats catch cold easily, and due to improper nutrition, an upset of the digestive tract occurs.
Burmese must be vaccinated in a timely manner, starting at the age of three months, and regularly prevent helminthiasis. As for the breeding of Burmese, the main rule is that interbreed mating is strictly prohibited. If you do not plan to breed kittens, sterilize or castrate the animal, this will save him from many health and character problems.
Popular questions and answers
We talked about keeping Burmese cats with zoo engineer, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.