Burdock: medicinal and beneficial properties. Video

Burdock: medicinal and beneficial properties. Video

Burdock is a very popular plant in the field of folk and traditional medicine and cosmetology, which has a whole range of useful properties. This “folk healer” can be found in the pharmacy, in the field, and in the forest.

Burdock: beneficial properties

Burdock is a truly popular favorite, since today it is very actively used in folk medicine, and in cosmetology, and even in cooking. It was used many thousands of years ago, and this good tradition has survived to this day. This is due to the fact that this plant has a lot of useful properties and qualities, which has been proven by not a single study.

It is known that burdock was used in Ancient Russia, and in Ancient China, America and European countries. If we take Japan, in this country the leaves of this plant are actively used in the preparation of many salads, and the burdock root is used for baking cakes, bread, as well as making cutlets and even soups.

Where can you usually see this plant? It should be said that burdock grows almost everywhere: in the forest, and in the fields, and near rivers. Now it becomes clear why people paid attention to the beneficial property of this plant. What does burdock look like? If on the way there is something like a small bush with wide leaves, long and powerful roots, as well as ball-shaped thorny balls – do not hesitate, this is a burdock!

Scientifically speaking, burdock is often called Arctium. It is a plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family. Its stem is particularly powerful and can reach a height of two to three meters. As for the root, it also has an impressive size.

By the way, burdock root can grow up to 15 meters deep.

Of course, many herbalists use the leaves and flowers of this plant for medicinal purposes, but its root is still especially popular. A decoction or tincture from this part of the Arctium can help solve many health problems. First of all, burdock can heal the gastrointestinal tract as well as relieve skin, hair and joint problems.

Why is this plant so popular in folk medicine and cosmetology? The secret is that Arctium is a treasure trove of nutrients. Moreover, only some of them have been studied, and many may not even imagine about the other properties of burdock. In this regard, to this day, tests are being carried out, the purpose of which is to obtain more information about the medicinal qualities of such a plant.

The use of burdock can help regulate water-salt metabolism. In other words, decoctions and tinctures of this plant will help remove salt deposits from the kidneys, joints, and also the bladder. In addition, burdock has an excellent diaphoretic and diuretic effect, thereby helping to cleanse the circulatory and urinary system.

Many medical specialists also pay attention to the pain relieving effect of burdock. In addition, this plant can also help with the appearance of inflammation of diseased joints, with gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis and other similar diseases.

It should be noted that the benefits of using Arctium are also manifested in a cleansing effect on the skin, due to which it is actively used in the event of abscesses, acne, boils, as well as with the manifestation of other skin diseases or allergic reactions.

It is worth noting that it is this part of the plant that has especially useful properties, therefore it is often used in the treatment of most diseases. For example, if skin problems occur, Arctium root can be taken orally.

Especially burdock root treatment will be effective for dermatitis and itching, for which it is best to use compresses

Also, burdock root is often taken to improve appetite, as it is bitter. Due to the fact that this plant boasts a large amount of mucous substances, it can have an enveloping effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about infusions of burdock root, the most popular are the recipes based on the use of almond, olive, and sunflower oil. Often a similar infusion can be found in a pharmacy under the name “burdock” or “burdock oil”. This remedy is very common for hair problems.

  • For the treatment of urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism or hemorrhoids, you need to take 100 grams of crushed burdock root, steam them with half a liter of water, add honey and drink three tablespoons of decoction three to four times a day;
  • for the treatment of ulcers, wounds, bedsores and burns, squeeze juice from young shoots of burdock, mix them with finely ground leaves of this plant and apply to sore spots;
  • to treat skin diseases and improve hair growth, pour 200 grams of oil 75 grams of young Arctium root, let the mixture brew for a day, then boil for 15 minutes over low heat, filter, cool and apply to the scalp or sore skin.

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