Burdock juice

The modest burdock plant, also known as burdock, does not really complain about gardeners – it is considered a weed, because, falling within the boundaries of a well-kept garden or garden, it begins to grow aggressively and suppress neighboring plants. It does not need any special care conditions, burdock is unpretentious: it will settle and sprout where there is moisture in the soil, often it literally grows underfoot within settlements. However, doctors and representatives of alternative medicine are well aware of the healing properties of burdock and juice from it. Leaves and roots of the plant are used to obtain valuable juice.

Burdock juice: composition, benefits and harm to the body

The young leaves of burdock, which are harvested in May-June, as well as the roots of plants no older than a year, contain a huge supply of vitamin C. In addition, they contain carotene, tannins, essential oils, organic acids, fiber and protein, resins, micro – and macronutrients: zinc, iron, titanium, copper, manganese.

The plant and products extracted from it have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic, antiseptic properties. Burdock juice enhances cell regeneration processes and is used for wound healing. Burdock contains special bitter substances that reduce the intensity of food fermentation processes in the intestines, activate the production of pancreatic enzymes, and stimulate the secretion of bile.

In addition to superficial wounds, the remedy helps in the treatment of various skin diseases: furunculosis, eczema, allergic dermatitis, lichen, acne. With insect bites, it relieves itching and swelling, reduces inflammation.

Burdock contains the polysaccharide inulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, the use of juice reduces cholesterol levels. Thanks to the intake of burdock juice, metabolism is normalized, toxins and toxic substances, salts of heavy metals are removed from the body.

A special property of burdock and juice from it – the substance phytosterol in its composition slows down the growth of neoplasms and tumors. For women, the remedy is indicated for the treatment of mastopathy and menstrual irregularities.

As for the harm from the use and use of plant juice, they can manifest themselves in the form of individual intolerance. In addition, it must be remembered that burdock collected from contaminated soil near roads, factories, landfills or nuclear power plants can accumulate harmful substances from the waste with which it interacts in the environment. It is better to refuse such a “medicine” so as not to harm yourself.

The list of contraindications to the use of burdock juice includes pregnancy, lactation, allergies and individual intolerance in any other manifestation. With caution, this remedy should be taken by people who have problems with the pancreas: it can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Use of the product in medicine and cosmetology

Burdock juice is sold in pharmacies in a concentrated form – it contains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Folk and traditional medicine recommends the use of this product for the treatment of such diseases:

  1. Infertility, mastopathy, ovarian cyst: the juice can be taken orally, and the leaves applied to the chest. Juice is also used to normalize the disturbed cycle and during the onset of menopause.
  2. Hepatitis: juice is taken 15 ml three times a day half an hour before meals, for a month. Next, you need to give the body a month to rest, and after 30 days repeat the next course.
  3. Neurodermatitis, furunculosis, acne, pruritus: for 2-3 months, drink 30 ml of juice every day before meals.
  4. Trophic ulcers: in this case, external application in the form of compresses is indicated.
  5. Cholecystitis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract: the course of treatment is 7 days, in total it is necessary to repeat 3 courses. The interval between them is a week. 1 tablespoon of juice is taken three times a day before meals.
  6. Colds, flu, bronchitis: the remedy should be mixed with honey in proportions of 1/1. The total amount of the mixture is about 50 g per dose. There are 3-5 doses per day before meals.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Oncological diseases: every 2 hours during the day, take 2 teaspoons of the remedy. A month later, an examination is carried out, if there are positive changes according to its results, a week-long break is made, after which the juice intake is resumed.
  9. Hangover syndrome and alcohol intoxication. Every person has suffered from these “diseases” at least once in their life. Thanks to the bitter substances in the composition, the juice will quickly remove all unpleasant symptoms.
  10. Arthritis and arthrosis, gout: the product is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 2/1. The resulting suspension is used to apply compresses to the affected joints.

As for internal use, there are some features that relate to the initial period of use of the remedy. In order for the body to get used to it, and the reactions of individual intolerance, if any, do not appear too strongly, it is necessary to start with one teaspoon of juice per day. Approximately within 2-4 days, you need to gradually increase the dose of the drug, bringing them to the prescribed.

The therapeutic effect of burdock juice is also used in cosmetology: for dandruff, itching and dryness of the scalp, hair loss, the remedy is recommended to be applied to the scalp daily for a month. A noticeable result appears after about 10-14 days: the hair becomes thicker, shiny and smooth.

For the face, you can prepare masks using burdock juice. Regular use helps restore skin firmness, shrink enlarged pores and reduce signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and age spots. Lotion of pure water and concentrated burdock juice is recommended for oily skin, as well as to combat acne and boils. With the addition of burdock juice, ice cubes are prepared for morning face massage.

How to prepare and store burdock juice

Despite the fact that the remedy is available in pharmacies, some still prefer to prepare burdock juice at home on their own. This is easy to explain: the most useful juice is freshly squeezed, which can be stored for no more than three days.

The juice is prepared from the leaves and roots of the plant. Leaves for harvesting are usually harvested in May and June, when the plant has not yet acquired the strongest bitterness. Roots for juice can be dug in spring or autumn until the first frost. However, the roots of only young, one-year-old plants are suitable for extracting juice.

It is important to collect the plant in an uncontaminated area, away from roads, factories and other sources of dirt and emissions. It is not recommended to use burdock growing near fields where cultivated plants are planted – they are most often treated for weeds and parasites, and plants nearby also get a dose of chemicals.

To prepare the product, fresh leaves or roots are taken, they are pre-soaked in clean water for 3-5 hours, after which they are passed through a meat grinder.

From the resulting porridge, wrapped in gauze, juice is extracted using a press or rolling pin. The resulting liquid is stored for several days, after which it will lose most of its useful properties. To preserve it for longer use, 20% alcohol is added to the juice in a ratio of 5/1. Such a mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, but it can only be used for external use.

Another version of the tincture is with honey. For 500 g of juice, take 100 ml of alcohol and 500 g of honey. The finished mixture is infused for two days at room temperature. Then it can be stored in a cool dry place for a year, and applied externally or internally.

For those who do not accept alcohol, it is proposed to preserve the juice only with honey, in proportions of 1/1. The product is poured into a clean jar, tightly closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. Such a tincture prepared for the winter will help you survive the cold season without thinking about colds and coughs.

How to take juice for prevention

It is not necessary to wait until the body begins to signal the presence of health problems. Prophylactic intake of burdock juice will help to avoid diseases and spur the body’s natural defense system.

Before using, you should consult your doctor about possible contraindications and intolerance to the product.

Experts recommend a preventive course once a year.

Scheme providing for the month of admission:

  • 1 day: 1 teaspoon of juice;
  • 2 day 1 teaspoon of juice 2 times a day;
  • 3-4 days: 1 teaspoon three times a day;
  • from 5 to 30 days inclusive: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Reception is more useful to carry out before meals, or an hour and a half after. At the end of 30 days, a break is made for a month, after which the course is repeated. If during this period unpleasant sensations and symptoms appear (nausea, heartburn), you need to reduce the daily dose and continue to use the juice for another 1-2 days. If there is no relief, you should stop using the remedy and consult a doctor.

For those who are not the first time faced with the use of burdock juice, another scheme is proposed: 1-2 tablespoons three times a day, for 7-10 days. Next, you need a break, also no more than 7-10 days. The total duration of the entire course, including breaks, is 5-6 weeks.

You can’t eat or drink juice with anything, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the product has a very bitter taste – this is one of the components of its usefulness. If discomfort and nausea cannot be overcome, it is allowed to seize the aftertaste with half a teaspoon of honey.

Burdock juice is a well-known remedy that is used both independently and in combination with medicines and medicinal substances. Its benefits and value for the body are confirmed by doctors and people who, with the help of this drug, got rid of a number of health problems. Reviews of those who suffered from oncological diseases, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, intestines, suggest that taking the product also helps to prevent relapses.

As a medicinal composition for external and internal use, the juice is used to get rid of skin problems, disorders in the genitourinary and reproductive systems, oncological diseases and tumors, inflammatory and viral processes in the body, as a means to cleanse the body, normalize digestion, stimulate the immune system, improving the condition of the skin of the face and head, treating weak, dull and falling hair, dandruff, itching and dryness.

The tool is available in pharmacies, in addition, you can prepare it yourself, because burdock, like a weed, grows almost everywhere where there is free space for it. A preparation preserved with alcohol or honey perfectly retains all the beneficial properties of fresh juice, so the product is squeezed for future use in order to have access to a powerful drug of natural origin and a wide spectrum of action throughout the year.

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