Bupropion – action, contraindications. Preparation for depressive states

One of the most important civilization diseases of the human population in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is depression. Patient’s mental well-being is the cause of a large proportion of suicides. They are related both to the loosening of ties linking individuals with each other and to the tensions caused by contemporary reality.

Bupropion – for the sake of mental health

The salvation for people suffering from depression is, according to current medical knowledge, an appropriate compilation of pharmacological agents and psychotherapeutic help. One of the substances used in depression is bupropion. This organic chemical has relatively few side effects and is well tolerated by most patients, which is of great importance for people who are not feeling well. Bupropion is recommended in the case of neurosis, depression or nicotine addiction.

Bupropion – the history of substances

In 1969, the substance was synthesized for the first time by Nariman Mehta, an Indian-born American specialist in organic chemistry and pharmacy, dealing with neuropsychopharmacology on behalf of Burroughs Wellcome (today part of the huge GlaxoSmithKline concern). Bupropion does not occur in nature, it was designed and obtained through appropriate chemical processes initiated by Meht. Burroughs Wellcome patented the invention in 1974 as an antidepressant and a drug to combat nicotine addiction. In 1985, after obtaining all the necessary approvals, bupropion was popularized on the pharmaceutical market under the name Wellbutrin.

The dose of the preparation originally recommended by the distributor turned out to be too strong and a year later the drug was withdrawn. Further work on bupropion showed a correlation between the concentration of the substance and the reported seizure reactions. In 1989, bupropion was returned to the market with the recommended lower daily dose of the drug. In the 90s, a formulation with a sustained release time was developed, making bupropion more stable in the treatment of depression. Preparations of bupropion with different trade names are currently used in the treatment of depression, seasonal depression and nicotine addiction.

Bupropion – contraindications and possible side effects

Medicines used in psychotherapy are used strictly according to medical recommendations – never take them on your own. These are substances that have an active effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the reactions taking place in the brain, therefore the dosage requires skilful control. Bupropion is not available over the counter. It is highly reactive, which means that it reacts with various other agents. In order to minimize the risk of bupropion therapy, it is necessary to indicate the medications taken so far in the history and honestly answer questions about the occurrence of specific symptoms, conditions and diseases asked by the doctor during the interview.

The main factor preventing the inclusion of bupropion preparations in the therapy is hypersensitivity to any of the components of such a drug and the use of another agent containing bupropion. Giving too much bupropion can cause seizures or fits. Also, diagnosed forms of epilepsy and other diseases that lower the threshold of convulsive excitability constitute a contraindication to the use of bupropion preparations, as are severe forms of liver cirrhosis and diseases associated with an eating disorder (bulimia, anorexia). Bupropion should not be used in parallel with slimming preparations. It cannot be combined with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) – there should be a minimum two-week break in stopping treatment with irreversible MAO inhibitors and at least one day in the case of therapy with a reversible form of MAO inhibitors.

An increased risk of seizures as an undesirable effect also occurs when bupropion is combined with oral hypoglycemic drugs used in the treatment of diabetes – similar to insulin. Bupropion should not be used in therapy in pregnant women, and high caution is also recommended in patients with cardiovascular diseases or renal or hepatic dysfunction. The use of bupropion by such persons should be under strict medical supervision.

The signal to stop using the bupropion preparation is any associated allergic reactions, as well as the occurrence of an alarming increase in blood pressure, especially in the case of nicotine addiction therapy.

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