Bunting, sir!

A bowl of cooked oats is a very good source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, provides energy and makes you feel full.

The nutritional value of oats includes antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids, a large amount of minerals (magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, etc.), as well as vitamins.  

Benefit for health

Reduces bad cholesterol levels while maintaining good cholesterol levels.

Prevents blockage of arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, so oats are suitable for diabetics.

Helps lower high blood pressure.

Drink plenty of water while eating oats – this will improve digestion and prevent constipation. Regular bowel movements reduce the risk of developing colon diseases.

Detoxing gives the skin a perfect look.

Helps to satisfy appetite, useful for weight loss, prevents obesity in children.

Improves metabolism and provides energy for sports activities.

Essential fatty acids help improve mental health.

Season cooked oatmeal with yogurt, honey, or maple syrup for flavor, and garnish with fruit, dried fruit, and nuts. This can be a nutritious and delicious meal for the whole family!

Avoid eating oatmeal if you are allergic to grains, gluten, wheat, and oats.

Types of oats

There are several types of oats. Which one to choose is a matter of personal preference.

Hercules – oatmeal, steamed from oatmeal. This process stabilizes the healthy fats in the oats so they stay fresh longer, and helps speed up the cooking of the oats by creating more surface area.

Chopped oats are cut into pieces and take less time to cook than whole oats.

Instant Oats – They are ready to eat as soon as you add hot or warm water to them.

Oat bran is the skin that has been separated from the core of the oats. They are high in fiber and lower in carbs (and calories) than whole oats. They also have a richer structure. It is preferable to consume this type of oats.  


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