Bunions – causes, prevention, treatment. Bunion surgery

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The bunion promises to be a purely aesthetic inconvenience, because the stepped thumb ungratefully bends towards the other fingers. With time, however, it turns out that the bunions make it difficult, or even impossible, to move around.

Haluksy – what is it?

Bunions are both a degenerative and civilization disease. It is a disease that affects the foot area and causes changes in its biomechanics. The big toe, under the influence of excessive load, changes position. As a result, it starts to rotate towards the other fingers and often climbs onto them. Deformation causes the metatarsal bone to protrude more. Because of this, there are visible changes, inflammation of the affected joint and pain.

Bunions most often occur in women, not only because of the tendency to wear not necessarily healthy footwear, but also because women in general have a weaker muscle-ligament structure of the foot than men. However, gentlemen also suffer from bunions. Body weight and work mode are an important factor – people who stand for many hours are particularly vulnerable.

The bending of the big toe causes the large bone at its base, namely the head of the first metatarsal, to move and emphasize it outwards. This shape of the foot is already pathological, and the contact of the bone head with the footwear, which normally should not cause any discomfort in this place, additionally leads to the formation of a painful lump – hallux; sometimes this growth is really big. And in the metatarsophalangeal joint, the synovial bursa may become inflamed.

Bunions – causes

Contrary to popular belief, the main cause of bunions are not only poorly chosen shoes. Nevertheless, they have a great influence on the development of the disease. High-heeled shoes and those with narrow toes are particularly harmful. The causes of bunions are also flat feet, improper structure of one of the metatarsal bones and general weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot. These are also the causes of bunions in children.

Bunions can happen in families that haven’t had this problem before. Interestingly, they do not have to occur, despite the circumstances, they are ideally suited to their development. Factors increasing the probability of their occurrence are: a very long toe, mechanical injuries, systemic diseases, e.g. rheumatism. These are the main causes of bunions. To sum up – genetic tendency and incorrect footwear are mutually complementary factors.

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Are bunions genetically determined?

Genes have a great influence on the formation of bunions. Both the shape of the foot and the bone structure are hereditary. Therefore, not everyone who wears shoes with narrow toes is at risk of developing this condition. Bunions develop the fastest when a person with such a genetic predisposition wears narrow shoes. In 70% of cases, the bunion runs in a family, especially in women.

Dr. Zbigniew Jackowiak, an orthopedic specialist and traumatologist, head of the One-Day Surgery Department at NZOZ MED-LUX in Przeźmierowo near Poznań, commented on whether halluxes in men and women are genetically determined. The specialist said: To resolve the dilemma of whether a genetic predisposition is necessary for the development of halluxes, which is only slightly helped by non-physiological footwear, or whether you can wear narrow toes all your life, and if you do not have halluxes in your genes, you do not have to worry about them, it is like considering what was the first: the chicken or the egg.

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Bunion surgery – what is it?

The bunion surgery corrects the joint and modifies the part of the bone that is not properly positioned. Surgeons use a variety of techniques, but the most common starting point is incising the head of the metatarsal bone. Then they fix it with titanium screws. The skin is cut about 4-5 cm deep. During bunion surgery, the remaining fingers are sometimes corrected as well.

The surgery for bunions takes approximately 2 hours. During the procedure, the patient hardly feels any pain, as he receives anesthesia earlier. However, pain may occur, for example, several days after bunion surgery. The swelling, on the other hand, often lasts for several months. The patient should take into account the fact that he will spend 2 days in the hospital after the surgery.

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Bunions – surgery and its methods

The standard of bunion surgery has improved significantly. Until now, they had an extremely bad reputation, being referred to as painful operations and as a grounding operation for weeks at home, in a sitting position. Currently, the entire procedure takes place very quickly and is not as stressful as it used to be. There are the following methods of treating bunions:

  1. wedge and hemispherical osteotomies – performed in the event of a bunion. During the procedure, the bone wedge is cut out in the vicinity of the bones, it can also be removed or moved to another place in order to correct the bunion;
  2. metoda Scarf – a method based on a stable fixation of the fragments allowing for non-plaster treatment. People after bunion surgery, shortly after the surgery (2-3 days), may put a strain on the foot using special shoes. After about six weeks, patients return to walking in everyday shoes.

Dr. Zbigniew Jackowiak says that nowhere in the world are plaster dressings used after bunion surgery. Kirschner wires to stiffen a joint can do more harm than good:

– They are the cause of a high percentage of postoperative complications. The immobilized joint stiffens, which is not beneficial, and the wire passes through the articular surface, damaging it.

Bunion surgeries are more and more often wireless and non-plaster. The methods of surgery are selected on a case-by-case basis. The most effective and comfortable are the anastomotic treatments with the use of special titanium plates. Thanks to them, it is possible to correctly position the bones. If necessary, it is also possible to adjust the rest of the foot. It is worth remembering about this possibility, because the foot is a sensitive counterpart of connected vessels.

Both the hallux surgery and the other activities related to it have their own specific plan. Already on the second day after the procedure, the patient is put on a special shoe. Thanks to it, the patient does not have to wear a cast for two months. However, not only the method of surgery is selected individually for him. Anesthesia is also selected individually, depending on the degree of deformation of the big toe. You can choose between general, regional anesthesia and even local anesthesia.

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Bunions – other treatments

If the first symptoms of valgus big toe appear, don’t wait! Go to an orthopedic doctor and together choose the best treatment for bunions before surgery is required. Contrary to appearances, surgery can be avoided, as long as the disease is treated earlier. The most popular methods include:

  1. gel covers and patches for bunions – contain healing oils, soothing sore spots;
  2. interdigital separators – are designed to restore the correct position of the fingers, relieve pain and friction. Wedges are recommended especially in the case of bunions where the fingers overlap and corns between the fingers;
  3. pads, pads, gel half pads – prevent transverse flat feet, inhibit the development of bunions. They are used as cushions for high heels when treating bunions;
  4. silicone metatarsal inserts – dedicated to women with transverse flat feet and bunions. Thanks to the pelotte, the transverse arch of the foot is raised, which corrects the hallux;
  5. headband for bunions – the gel insert protects against abrasions and keeps the toe in the right position, it also affects the pressure distribution on the foot and prevents muscle weakness and bone deformation,
  6. day or night correction appliances – used in the prevention and treatment of bunions and in rehabilitation after surgery. This product relieves pain and inhibits the worsening of the hallux;
  7. hallufix – a splint, which is recommended in the prevention and dragging of bunions in the initial phase, with little deformation.

Products for bunions (apparatuses, bands, covers, wedges) can be found at Medonet Market at attractive prices. Check and choose the best help for you.

Treatment of bunions is sometimes problematic. In the case of acute pain accompanying bunions, your doctor may prescribe the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If pharmacological treatment and the above-mentioned methods are ineffective, surgery for bunions is recommended.

Removing bunions is quite an expensive procedure. In order to prevent the disease from developing, it is worth investing in comfortable shoes. It is definitely inadvisable to wear shoes with too narrow toes – too tight shoes are conducive to the formation of bunions. It is also worth exercising your toes, taking care of your form and avoiding excessive weight gain.

Treatment for bunions – when should it be performed?

Many people decide to perform it as soon as they notice the first symptoms of the disease. They include, among others inflammation around the bones and head of the metatarsus, exudative bursitis at the height of the metatarsophalangeal joint or subluxation of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Symptoms are often accompanied by severe discomfort. Treatment for bunions is then the only way to effectively relieve pain.

The treatment for bunions is worth performing when we notice even slight changes in the position of the fingers. Then it is worth at least starting to wear orthopedic insoles or separators between the fingers, which will force the fingers in the correct position. If we do not want to go to the bunion treatment right away, we should at least put on patches and gel covers.

Bunions after surgery – what is worth knowing about them?

There is a myth that bunions grow back after surgery. However, when the operation is performed correctly, it is a guarantee that the big toe will move properly. For this to happen, the bunion must be operated on using implants and the correct method. Bunions after surgery that grow back are the result of improperly performed surgery.

After bunion surgery, patients will recover. Its time will depend on the method of surgery used by the surgeon. Thanks to modern techniques of removing bunions, the patient can start walking as early as 3 days after the procedure. However, in most cases it is not possible until the 6th or 8th week. After surgery for bunions, it is worth getting ready for rehabilitation and exercises such as dorsal flexion of the foot and exercises on the treadmill.

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Bunions — home treatments

People struggling with bunions are also looking for other ways to deal with this problem. Home remedies for bunions are popular, although in many cases only surgery will be an effective treatment.

Massage for bunions

One of the most effective home treatments for bunions is massage. In order for it to bring the right result, you should use appropriate oils, such as e.g. lavender oil. Rubbing it on your feet every night will reduce the pain caused by the disease. What’s more, the inflammation of the deformed joint will also be alleviated. You can also use lilac oil for massage.

Iodine treatment for bunions

Iodine treatment is the main non-surgical treatment for bunions. Iodine mixed with aspirin should be applied to the diseased joint. We can achieve similar effects by combining iodine with, for example, lemon juice. This home treatment for bunions is not complicated. We do not need specialized equipment or expensive medicines to carry it out.

Bay leaves for bunions

Home treatment of bunions with bay leaves gives a good result, as it allows you to fight the disease both from the inside and the outside. Usually, the entire treatment should not last longer than 2 months. Its advantage is quickly visible effects, visible after two weeks.

Prepare an infusion with 300 ml of water and one teaspoon of bay leaf powder. The solution should be poured into a thermos and left overnight. In the morning, it is enough to strain it through a strainer, for example. The infusion should be taken with small sips throughout the day. It is recommended to drink it 3 days in a row. After this time, it is worth taking a week off.

Baths for bunions

Healing baths, for example with the addition of routine, will also bring relief. The plant has analgesic properties and is helpful in soothing the effects of rheumatism. It is worth using it when treating arthritis. Additionally, you can add eucalyptus or rosemary oil to the bath.

Regardless of which methods we use, remember that they are not able to fully reverse the disease. Home remedies for bunions are primarily used to relieve symptoms. While they will relieve and reduce pain, they will not be as effective as surgery. This applies to conditions that are at an advanced stage.

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Chevron osteotomy – what is worth knowing?

Chevron’s ostetomy is another technique of surgical removal of bunions. It is recommended for people whose degree of deformation remains at an average level. The method is used to make a mild correction. Moreover, it is also a frequently chosen surgical procedure for the treatment of bunions in children.

The technique consists in making a characteristic V-shaped incision. It takes place in the metatarsal area. Thanks to the Chevron ostetomy technique, it is possible to shift the bone fragment laterally. Once the bone is cut, it is fixed with a titanium screw or seam. It also enables the reduction of excess bone on the inside of the foot.

After the Chevron ostetotomy, the patient must undergo proper regeneration. Usually, after the operation is over, he is given a surgical shoe that will relieve the front part of the foot. Then excessive activity is inadvisable, which may not lead to growth. The recovery period is approximately 6 weeks. After this time, patients can usually wear normal footwear, and after 3 months the foot will recover.

Haluks – threats

Bunions are both a degenerative and civilization disease. It is a disease that affects the foot area and causes changes in its biomechanics. The big toe, under the influence of excessive load, changes position. As a result, it starts to rotate towards the other fingers and often overlaps them. Deformation causes the metatarsal bone to protrude more. Because of this, there are visible changes, inflammation of the affected joint and pain.

Bunions not only hurt and make walking difficult, but can also be a pebble that drives an avalanche, which differs from other avalanches in that it travels up and up the legs. A slight valgus of the big toe actually affects only the closest areas of the foot, however, more serious deformations have a greater field of impact and may cause pain resulting, for example, from incorrect body posture, which adjusts to the defective foot structure.

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Haluksy – prophylaxis

A proven way to prevent bunions is to invest in comfortable footwear. If we have a genetic predisposition to this disease, it is worth resigning from wearing shoes with narrow tips. Both people suffering from bunions and those who want to prevent them should start exercising their toes. It is also worth exercising regularly, even recreationally. In this way, we will prevent excess weight, which can also contribute to the development of the disease.

Another way to get bunions is vigilance. If we start to feel discomfort while walking because of them, we will not be able to choose shoes, and the slightest changes in the position of the fingers will cause discomfort – we should intervene immediately. Sometimes it is enough to change into physiological shoes and choose the right orthopedic insoles or separators. An orthopedic doctor will certainly be helpful in finding a way to get bunions.

In order to limit the development of the disease or prevent it, it is especially worth remembering about the purchase of insoles. This is a proven way to get bunions. The inserts are so important that bunions are often accompanied by transverse flat feetwhich may be one of the factors causing valgus hallux valgus: with this flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is lowered and the front, or toe, part of the foot widens.

Orthopedic insoles for FootWave bunions are available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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