Bumps on the skin or under the skin are considered by many to be just an unpleasant cosmetic defect, until the formation hurts. But in fact, a solid bulge in a person often indicates the beginning of the development of a serious pathology.
Regardless of whether a problematic bump has appeared on the neck, legs, back, abdomen, immediately after detecting such a seal, you should immediately consult a doctor. This rush is explained by the high probability that the formation on the wrist, hand, fingers, elbow, and other parts of the body may be of an oncological nature.
Underlying Causes of Bud Growth
Regardless of the location of the incomprehensible neoplasm, you first need to figure out what specific type of compaction is taking place.
To do this, you need to make an appointment with a specialized doctor, to whom the therapist or family doctor will refer.
Most often, people have to deal with a relatively simple manifestation of skin defects – a lipoma, but not all the inhabitants know what it is. Outwardly, this type of formation has a not too high protruding part above the rest of the skin surface, and to the touch it is soft, almost never painful, mobile, rolling. This is explained by the fact that it consists of adipose tissue enclosed in a capsule, representing a sample of a classic benign tumor.
Usually it does not differ in color from healthy skin, having clear boundaries. The cause of its occurrence is considered to be various violations of metabolic processes in the body. If you seek qualified help in a timely manner, then it will be possible to cope with such a pathology quickly. An experienced doctor will explain how to treat the neoplasm, as well as avoid possible risks of recurrence in the future.
It is believed that the fairer sex is more prone to lesions with lipomas. They find them on:
- forehead
- cheeks;
- armpits;
- neck;
- head.
When a tumor is found on any part of the body covered with hair, this may indicate atheroma. This is the name of the subcutaneous cyst of the sebaceous gland, which is formed due to blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland.
Regardless of the specific cause, atheroma, representing a superficially located densely elastic formation with clear contours, mobile, consisting of sebum, stretches the sebaceous gland due to the ability to quickly accumulate sebum.
The characteristic features of such a common cone format are called:
- clear boundaries;
- dense content that cannot be compressed;
- blue skin;
- the skin over the formation is not folded
In the middle of the bluish skin area, a dot is clearly visible. So the clogged excretory duct of the sebaceous gland makes itself felt. Usually this kind of cyst does not grow very large, reaching approximately 3-5 cm. And although the formation does not itch or hurt, it is better to remove it, regardless of whether it is located on the buttock, or on the shoulder blade or head. From a small spherical formation, atheroma, opening with the top layer into the dermis, can turn into an ulcer. Or it may be encysted by a dense connective capsule and remain as a hard, painless, spherical tumor. In rare cases, atheroma can transform into a malignant neoplasm.
Suppuration of atheroma is also possible, when pain, redness, swelling, fever, fluctuation appear. In this case, immediate treatment is required, since pus forms in the free cavity. For help, you should contact a surgeon who will perform an excision using a radical method, and then tell you what to do next. Although atheroma can break out on its own, pus with greasy contents is released.
The third common type of formation is hygroma, which is an accumulation of serous fluid mixed with mucus or fibrin in the tendon sheath or serous sac; often characterized by small sizes, rarely reaching large ones. The skin above it is elastic, mobile, painless, shifts to a limited extent, soldered only at the base, has a soft-elastic consistency.
In the formation of hygroma, the fundamental point is the superficial location of the tendon sheath or synovial bag in combination with their chronic mechanical damage. It occurs mainly in:
- palms;
- wrists;
- hands;
- wrist joint.
Small neoplasms, even if there are a lot of them on the outside of the palm, rarely bring discomfort. Unless with active physical work. As the hygroma grows, a dull aching pain appears, and with compression of the neurovascular bundles, a violation of sensitivity, a feeling of numbness, and venous congestion may appear. If there is no inflammation in the synovial bag, its palpation is painless.
Bumps as a symptom of a serious illness
No less often, articular nodules form in people. They indicate pathologies of varying severity, among which the most common are:
- arthritis;
- osteoarthritis;
- arthrosis
With such ailments, the patient has immovable subcutaneous tubercles growing in the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe joint. If a bump jumped up on the big toe, then it is also classified as a variety of this kind of ailment. As soon as the bone begins to increase in size, it deforms the finger. When walking, a person experiences pain, red marks remain on the skin, it becomes difficult to find suitable shoes.
Separately, situations are considered when the inhabitants call the lymph nodes bumps, which in the normal state are usually not palpable and not felt. As soon as a person is struck by some kind of infection, the lymph nodes immediately react by increasing in size, which can cause anxiety in patients.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes may be due to:
- sore throats;
- otitis media;
- various viral infections;
- lymphadenitis.
The last ailment is a purulent inflammation of the lymph node. Along with redness, a person suffers from acute soreness. Only complex treatment with antibiotics, or surgical removal of the affected part, will help here. No folk remedies, the recipes of which are posted on thematic forums, are strictly forbidden to practice on yourself. The longer you delay contacting a medical facility, the larger the affected lymph node can become.
When not to delay a visit to the doctor
Quite often, warts or papillomas are taken for bumps on the chin, near the lips, along the spine, or in the groin. Despite the stereotype that such growths, even on the pubic part, supposedly do not pose a significant danger, this is not so.
In most cases, the prerequisites for the fact that a relatively painless papilloma has formed in an unexpected place is hormonal failure, or infection. For many people, such growths are only an aesthetic flaw, especially if they form under the eye, on the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, in the area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe eyelid.
But in clinical practice, cases are increasingly being recorded when people, ignoring such an anomaly, missed the initial stage of skin cancer. It is impossible to independently distinguish a benign formation, which is simply temporary, from a malignant tumor. Diagnosis should be carried out only by an experienced dermatologist who will examine the whole body, because only a professional can consider some anomalies on the back of the head, labia, or recognize a deviation on a healed suture.
Malignant tumors are relatively rare.
They can be divided into three broad categories:
- melanoma, which is reborn from ordinary moles;
- liposarcoma, which affects fat cells;
- lymphoma that occurs at the site of a lymph node.
Liposarcoma mainly affects the lower extremities, forming on the hips, under the knee.
The clinical picture in all three cases is somewhat similar. First, the patient feels a skin seal, which quickly increases in size. An alarming clue is also called the fact that the tumor is immobile, or soldered to the epidermis.
Another specific type of formations are hernias that form on the abdomen after surgery. The catalysts for the occurrence of a hernia are:
- postoperative scars;
- lifting heavy weights.
Internal organs cannot cope with unnatural loads on them, which leads to their loss. To eliminate the pathology, surgery will be required, healing after which, subject to medical recommendations, takes place quite quickly.
You should not experiment with the use of traditional medicine recipes if the affected area is the area between the legs. Most often, provocateurs of many small cones, or one big one, become:
- viruses;
- bacteria;
- blockage of glands;
- blockage of hair follicles.
Immediately after the discovery of an abnormal tumor on the penis after circumcision, or simply on the penis without external trauma, on the testicle, in the bikini area, at the anus, you need to consult a doctor. Moreover, it does not matter at all what color this formation is: black with blood on the genitals or round brown on the anus.
Very rarely, cases are recorded when a bruise forms first on the forearm, collarbone, foot, heel, and other parts of the body, and then hard edges are felt. This indicates the ingress of a foreign body like a fragment, which was not pulled out in time.
Diagnosis and treatment methods
So that a small pimple does not develop into a huge problem in a couple of weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor after discovering a suspicious formation, primarily a therapist. He collects an anamnesis, conducts an examination, gives directions for tests, if necessary.
Depending on the results obtained and the presumptive diagnosis, the patient will be referred further to a specialized doctor: a dermatologist, a traumatologist, an oncologist. Sometimes just going to a beautician is enough if the formations turned out to be some kind of cosmetic defects.
To compile a complete clinical picture, the specialist will definitely take into account the results of a laboratory blood test, x-rays, and a CT scan. If oncology is suspected, a biopsy of problematic tissues will not do without.
If during the study it turns out that the tumor has an infectious genesis, then the patient must build a therapy regimen with the addition of antibiotics.
When cysts, lipomas, atheromas are found, surgical removal is more often resorted to.
Modern technologies provide the ability to prevent the transformation of papillomas, moles and other formations into malignant ones by excising them using a laser machine, a radio wave knife, and liquid nitrogen.
If the bump is the result of direct mechanical impact during a bruise, impact, fall, then the first aid here is to apply a cold compress, which is still not recommended to hold for too long. It is designed to prevent the formation of edema, and not to “freeze” and dull pain. As soon as a person feels a little better, you need to see a traumatologist to eliminate the risks of hidden bone fractures, cracks and soft tissue bruises.
But even if the growth of the tumor did not occur suddenly, but gradually, it is better to undergo a diagnosis in a medical institution anyway, so as not to miss the moment of the transformation of the pathology into a malignant one.