Bulleit Bourbon: Taste and Brand Review

Bourbon Bulleit – a famous alcoholic brand created according to a secret family recipe. Thanks to her, the manufacturing company has become one of the most famous and successful in the production of high-quality alcoholic beverages. The composition of bourbon was formed over a hundred years ago, and to this day remains unchanged.

History of the drink Bulleit

The idea for the Bulleit bourbon recipe dates back to the middle of the 1830th century. In the XNUMXs, US alcohol producers were making strong drinks from a wide variety of grains. Mixtures were made up of herbal supplements in various proportions. The disadvantage of the alcohol business in those days was the heterogeneity of taste: no one monitored the quality of production, there were no special recipes. In this regard, several drinks of the same brand could differ greatly in strength.

August Bullet, an American entrepreneur who owned a small tavern in Louisville, Kentucky, took up the solution to this problem. The quality of the spirit that August sold to customers left much to be desired – this inspired the entrepreneur to create a unique bourbon recipe. A few years later, after hundreds of unsuccessful experiments, Augustus discovered the formula for the amazing taste of whiskey, which had no analogues in the world.

While transporting another batch of drinks to New Orleans, Augustus Bullet disappeared. What happened to the alcohol distiller is still unknown. Admirers of Bulleit bourbon claimed that the recipe for the drink was lost or stolen, but this turned out to be untrue.

The alcohol business of Augustus was continued by his descendants. August’s grandson, Tom, resumed the family production of Bulleit bourbon, patented the old “grandfather’s” recipe and contributed to the rapid development of the company. To date, Bullet bourbon continues to be made according to family traditions, and the secret of its composition is still not disclosed.

The subtleties of the production of Bulleit bourbon

In the manufacture of bourbon, a large amount of rye is used, thanks to which the strong drink has acquired a spicy character with a soft, tart texture. Current producers focus the attention of bourbon gourmets on a yeast variety and limestone filtered water. They are of great importance in the formation of alcohol strength.

The drink is aged for 6-8 years in burnt wooden containers. Modern Bulleit is bottled in original glass products that look like medical jars. Thus, the brutal and laconic design of the brand is more attractive to the male population of the planet.

Flavors of Bulleit Bourbon

The Bulleit brand has become famous for the complexity and sophistication of the taste, which forms the right ratio of rye, corn and barley in the composition. Experienced alcohol tasters characterize the taste of Bullet as: dryish, clean, concentrated, with barely noticeable vanilla, toffee honey notes. The aftertaste gives off aromatic spices and smoke, for quite a long time.

Bourbon has a soft amber color, and the aroma is rich, refined, with woody and “smoky” shades.

Bulleit Bourbon can be enjoyed neat, on ice cubes, or diluted with water.

Relevance: 14.04.2018

Metki: Whiskey and bourbon, Marki bourbon

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