Bulldog cheeks or wings: why appear how to get rid of at home
Brylya are called drooping folds from the lower jaw of the lips in dogs. Beauticians endowed this word with a completely different meaning, gently calling it bulldog cheeks.
This is the name for the sagging lower edge of the cheeks – one of the most common cosmetic defects. Owners of “dog cheeks” are in an eternal search for remedies to eliminate this problem. To their delight, today there are a lot of salon procedures and techniques for home use that struggle with the floating contour of the face. However, before solving the problem, you should understand its cause.
How bulldog cheeks come about
The process of the appearance of flaps on the face has long been studied. The main culprits of this misfortune are age, excess weight and heredity. Also, bulldog cheeks can appear due to smoking, long work at the computer and under the influence of the sun.
The main reason for any age-related changes: over the years, the percentage of elastin and collagen fibers in the cells decreases. In women after 30, subcutaneous fat does not hold on to the face, evenly distributed over soft tissues, and sags with ugly folds.
Excess weight
Often you can see bryl in young women who are overweight. Due to the large amount, fatty tissue cannot be held for a long time on the upper part of the face and gradually falls down in unpleasant folds.
Some people have a hereditary predisposition to bulldog cheeks. In this case, they can appear even at a very young age.
Another factor in favor of bulldog cheeks is nicotine. It impedes blood circulation, depriving the skin of nutrients, and damages collagen, which is responsible for elasticity.
London cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michael Prager is sure that people who work a lot at the computer are more likely to suffer from creeping facial contours and wrinkles. The same danger awaits those who like to read lying down. To avoid, you should hold the monitor or book so that you do not have to tilt down when you read.
If you like to expose your body to the hot sun, along with a tan you get the opportunity to get early bryl and wrinkles. Therefore, do not forget to use funds with SPF minimum 30 +.
The way to deal with bulldog cheeks directly depends on the reasons for their appearance. In some cases, ordinary cosmetics or even home remedies in combination with sports will help. Others will require professional help. In especially advanced cases, however, an attempt to correct the oval of the face on its own runs the risk of not bearing any fruit. If you want to get rid of flews – first consult with experts, and only then declare war on them.
Eliminate bulldog cheeks in the cabin
The effect of salon care is most often noticeable the first time, although several procedures still have to be done. The good news: they will help you at any age. True, the older you get, the less amazing the result can be.
Lymphatic drainage massage
Thanks to the lymphatic drainage massage, the lymph flow is accelerated and the cells are cleared of decay products and toxins. At the same time, they receive nutrients and oxygen. Also, thanks to the massage, swelling and excess fat are eliminated, and the face contour is tightened.
Thermolifting / RF-lifting
During thermofilling, the skin is exposed to heat rays. Old cells die off and are removed, promoting tissue renewal, collagen and elastin production. Microcirculation of lymph and blood, metabolism is accelerated. Flews disappear after just a few procedures. The procedure costs about 15 rubles.
Mesotherapy and lipolysis
Injection lipolysis and mesotarepia help to get rid of flews. Unfortunately, these procedures will not work if you are afraid of needles. Fat deposits are removed gradually and selectively, and the skin is saturated with useful substances, due to which it is tightened. The price tag for such a pleasure starts at 30 rubles.
Bioreinforcement / vector facelift
During bio-reinforcement, a bion thread, or the so-called biostimulator based on hyaluronic acid, is introduced into the deep layers of the dermis. The skin frame is strengthened, flews, ptosis and wrinkles go away, and the threads dissolve in about a month. Price – from 10 rubles.
We solve the problem at home
Be careful
When resorting to any serious methods, one should remember about the possibility of hematomas, tissue necrosis, allergic reactions and other complications. Choose dermatologists with extensive experience in beauty guidance.
You can get rid of bulldog cheeks at home using masks, doing gymnastics and self-massage. However, it will take much more time for a successful outcome. You will have to work not for a week, but for months. The main condition is everyday work.
To get rid of brylya, you will have to do gymnastics daily, and repeat each exercise 10 − 15 times. Exercises warm up and tone most of the muscles of the face. Good gymnastics and as a preventive measure. Here are some useful exercises.
1. Spread your fingers with a fan and fix on the nasolabial part the nameless, middle one at the upper point of the “apple”, and squeeze the tragus of the ear with your forefinger. Open your mouth wide and roll your lips on your teeth. Smile
2. Place your index fingers on top of your cheeks and firmly squeeze your skin. And smile again!
Self-massage is one of the most effective ways to fight flews. Apply a nourishing cream or oil to your skin before starting your session.
Start with light strokes. Bring index fingers to a hole under a chin. Press your fingers to it and make intense rewinding movements from the fossa to the earlobes.
Lightly pat the back of your hands on the bottom of the chin and on the cheeks.
Then intensively rub the skin from the middle of the chin to the tragus of the ears.
Dampen a towel with cold water, grab the ends and pat the lower jaw from the sides and bottom.
It is believed that compresses can do real miracles with bryly. In 400 ml of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt, moisten a clean towel and lay on face for a couple of minutes. Wash thoroughly afterwards and use a moisturizer. Repeat 2 − 3 once a week.
Contrast treatments
Contrasting procedures are one of the most effective methods of dealing with skin that has lost a cone. Apply towels soaked in hot and ice water to your face one at a time.
Laughter is truly the most enjoyable way to fight flews. It targets over 80 muscle groups, strengthening them and smoothing wrinkles.
Cosmetic masks
Use commercially available pharmacy and professional masks that shape the oval of the face. If you wish, you can make homemade masks. Purchased products must include kelp, sea grapes and brown algae, sea plankton, allantoin, lecithin and panthenol. Their domestic competitors are milk, lemons, eggs and cosmetic clay.
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at the TORI Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine ..
– The appearance of flews cannot be prevented with the help of cosmetics. With the help of cosmetics, we can only increase the turgor of the skin, strengthen and improve its quality. Products with an anti-age effect, which include retinol, vitamin C, peptides, will work well.
At the age of 30-35, good prevention of flea is the sculpting of the face with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Such injections are good because the effect of them lasts from a year to a year and a half. You can also do the Skin Tyte infrared thermal lifting procedure several times, which copes with the prolapse of soft tissues and ptosis of the skin with a sharp decrease in weight.
If the patient has a pronounced ptosis, a lot of subcutaneous adipose tissue or there is a large excess of skin, of course, in these cases, we recommend that he consult with a plastic surgeon. With such a clinical picture, cosmetologists, alas, cannot guarantee a 100% result of tightening the oval and getting rid of the wings.