Bulimia: causes, symptoms and treatment

What is bulimia?

Bulimia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bulimia is a psychopathological syndrome characterized by an increase in hunger and low satiety: a sick person cannot feel full, even eating a large amount of food, so the feeling of hunger becomes constant for him. Usually this form occurs due to damage to receptors located in the hypothalamus. It is these receptors that send a signal to the brain that a sufficient amount of carbohydrates has accumulated in the blood – this is the feeling of satiety. When the functioning of the receptors is disturbed for any reason, a person constantly feels hungry.

Another form of bulimia is associated with low blood sugar levels. But it is characterized by the fact that a person who suddenly feels a strong hunger can satisfy him by taking the first portion of food.

Psychologists classify bulimia as demonstrative, masochistic, obsessive, and sex appeal oriented.

Causes of bulimia

Bulimia has three groups of causes, among which are organic, social and psychogenic.

The organic causes of bulimia include various metabolic pathologies, diabetes mellitus, tumor or toxic brain lesions affecting the hypothalamus. Genetic factors also affect the disease: some congenital diseases can affect the structure of the brain.

Social causes include the attitude of the society in which a person lives to body weight. For example, in countries where weight is a significant criterion for assessing a person, the number of bulimics is increasing. If a woman constantly adheres to a strict diet, being afraid to gain extra pounds, she thereby increases the risk of developing bulimia, because the constant fear of getting better causes stress, which is most easily removed by food.

The psychogenic group of causes includes various psychological traumas or depression, which is most easily removed by a simple pleasure – food. The psychogenic cause can be low self-esteem, a negative attitude towards life, and so on. Often people suffering from bulimia, fearing obesity, artificially induce vomiting after eating.

Bulimia Symptoms

Bulimia: causes, symptoms and treatment

The main symptom of bulimia can be considered a constant feeling of hunger. A person is very strongly drawn to food, and he cannot overcome this feeling. Absorbing a large amount of food, he does not feel full. Bulimic patients are predominantly depressed. Their mood rises only when they eat, and if they are deprived of the opportunity to eat, they can become depressed, become irritable, their mental capabilities and performance decrease.

Another characteristic symptom of bulimia is being overweight. But this does not apply to all bulimics: the constant fear of gaining excess weight can cause them to starve, artificially induce vomiting, take laxatives, or play hard sports. Thus, one more characteristic symptom of bulimia can be identified – a special behavioral model.

Bulimia, like any other disease, has its stages. Usually the initial stage is characterized by rare uncontrollable bouts of craving for food. In a month, there are no more than one or two episodes when the disease makes itself felt. But bulimia can also become chronic.

As a result, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, blood vessels and, most importantly, the psyche suffer. A person becomes emotionally unstable, anxious, hysterical and insecure, which only aggravates the disease.

Bulimia causes depression, obesity and can become one of the main symptoms of anorexia.

[Video] TUT.BY – Uncomfortable questions for a girl with bulimia:

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