Bulgur: benefits and harms to the body
Bulgur is a cereal made from boiled and dried wheat. It has a golden color and a nutty taste.

History of bulgur 

The historical homeland of bulgur is the Middle East. In Turkey, India and the countries of the Balkan region, wheat was treated with boiling water, dried in the sun, and then sieved in the wind through a sieve. Depending on the size of the sieve, coarse, medium and fine bulgur were obtained. 

For example, dolma, pilaf were prepared from large grains, burgur was added when stuffing meat or vegetables. A medium-ground burgur has traditionally been used in salads. But small bulgur is great for soups, cereals and so on. 

Interestingly, the villagers accompanied the process of manual production of cereals with various traditions and rituals. For example, while sifting or brewing wheat, people sang songs or gave bulgur to children. 

Benefits of Bulgur 

Bulgur is useful because it contains coarse dietary fiber, which is not digested by the human body. They absorb excess fluid in the body and capture toxins and toxins, thereby bringing them out. That is, bulgur is a kind of brush for the stomach.

Groats have a low glycemic index, so bulgur is an ideal product for people with diabetes. It is also recommended for the detection of gallstones and Alzheimer’s disease.

B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve irritability and stress. Vitamins E improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Manganese is involved in the formation of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Therefore, a portion of bulgur always improves mood. 

Complex carbohydrates give the body a lot of energy and suppress hunger for a long time. Bulgur also has anti-inflammatory properties, so cereals from this cereal are especially useful during a cold. 

Caloric content for 100 grams342 kcal
Proteins12,3 grams
Fats1,3 grams
Carbohydrates57,6 grams

Harm of bulgur

Bulgur is contraindicated in people who have been diagnosed with allergies to cereals and gluten. Also, do not get carried away with this cereal for those who have gastritis or a weak stomach. The body can simply not cope with a large amount of fiber. 

The use of bulgur in medicine 

– This cereal retains almost all the beneficial properties of whole grains. It is made from durum wheat. The glycemic index is low, which allows it to be used in diabetes, insulin dependence and weight loss. Although it is quite high in calories. Bulgur goes well with vegetables, cereals saturate our body for a long time. It contains B vitamins, fiber, which helps to remove excess cholesterol, cleanses the intestines, and prevents constipation. But cereals contain gluten. People with gluten intolerance should avoid bulgur, says nutritionist Elena Solomatina, candidate of medical sciences. 

Cooking application 

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the bulgur for half an hour in boiling water. After that, it is better to boil or fry it. Groats go well with meat and vegetable dishes. 

Bulgur with fried onion 

A variant of a simple and tasty side dish for fish and seafood. The dish is hearty and unusually spicy. Onion gives a pleasant taste and aroma. And splashing lemon juice on top of the bulgur will only whet your appetite. 

Bulgur1 glass
Water2 glasses
Onions1 head
Vegetable oil for frying2 tablespoons
Saltto taste 

Cut and fry the onion until golden brown in vegetable oil. Then add bulgur to the fry, mix thoroughly and pour water. Cover with a lid and simmer for about 25 minutes. The dish is ready!

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fruit bulgur 

A sweet bulgur dessert is more like a full-fledged side dish than a light treat after the main meal. Thyme decoction completely soaks the bulgur, so the dish seems unusually tart and rich.

Bulgur1 glass
Water2 glasses
dried thyme1 teaspoon
Dried80 grams
Dried cherries50 grams
Salt1 pinch
Butter80 grams
Honey4 tablespoons 

Boil water, add dried thyme to it. After five minutes, turn off the heat and let the broth brew. Then strain it through a sieve. Melt the butter in another saucepan, add the bulgur and a pinch of salt. Fry the cereal in oil for 5-7 minutes, add chopped dried fruits. After that, you need to pour the mixture with thyme tincture and cook for about 20 minutes more, until the bulgur thickens. Put the dishes on a plate, add honey and cherries.

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How to choose and store bulgur 

When choosing bulugur, evaluate the appearance of the cereal. It should be dry and crumbly, without lumps and caking. Also, there should be no impurities and litter. 

Check the tightness of the package. If it is damaged, then moisture has got into the bulgur and, most likely, the product is already spoiled. 

For pilaf, it is better to take coarse bulgur, and for porridge – with small grains. 

Storage conditions. Keep burgur in a closed glass container in a dark, dry place. The shelf life of cereals is up to one and a half years. 

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