Bulgarian pepper: benefits and harms to the body
According to the content of vitamin C, Bulgarian pepper is a champion among vegetables. And this is not its only advantage. We tell you how it is useful, and whether it can harm human health

Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They are part of the diet, complementing the main dishes, or act as a full-fledged snack. Bulgarian pepper, although it consists of more than 90 percent water, has record highs among other vegetables in terms of the content of nutrients. When used correctly, it improves immunity, has a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems.

The history of the appearance of bell pepper in nutrition

The birthplace of bell pepper is not Bulgaria at all, as one might logically assume. In Our Country, the vegetable received this name because it was brought to our country by immigrants from this Balkan state.

Bulgarian pepper is a relative of hot pepper, which was actively grown in the southern parts of the Old World: Italy and Spain. Gradually, this culture began to move north to colder regions. The less sun, the less spicy vegetables became: the substance capsaicin, which gives peppers a burning sensation, accumulates under the influence of sunlight. This is how sweeter, “northern” fruits appeared, which subsequently spread throughout the world.

The composition and calorie content of bell pepper

Bell pepper contains a large amount of water. It forms its basis, and everything else is carbohydrates that give the vegetable a sweet taste. But there are very few fats and proteins in pepper. In addition to vitamins A and C, which are important for the human body, sweet pepper contains vitamins B6 and B9, vitamin E, which “supports” the nervous system in working condition. Red and green peppers are champions in the amount of antioxidants. These antioxidant substances help protect the body from negative compounds. Due to the content of antioxidants, bell pepper not only protects tissues, but also helps them recover many times faster.

Caloric value on 100 g26 kcal
Proteins0,99 g
Fats0,3 g
Carbohydrates6,2 g

The benefits of bell pepper

It is because of the high content of vitamins that Bulgarian pepper is involved in protecting the body from diseases of the immune system. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system: it calms, and in the long run it can help in the fight against insomnia.

Sweet peppers are included in the diet of those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency negatively affects the general condition of the body, a person loses strength and cannot function in the same way. Pepper can also be used to prevent anemia. Iron is better absorbed with vitamin C. Bell pepper contains it to the fullest, and therefore is a universal addition to the diet of those who suffer from this disease.

A positive effect on the nervous system is achieved due to the content of vitamin B6. It helps serotonin to be produced many times more actively, and the presence of the “hormone of happiness” has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person.

The benefits of bell pepper for women

It is worth taking a closer look at bell pepper and including it in the diet of pregnant women. In addition to iron, the vegetable contains a lot of folic acid. It is necessary for the formation and development of the fetus, it has a good effect on the course of pregnancy.

– A sufficient amount of fiber, which we consume from bell pepper, allows us to improve intestinal motility: this helps to improve the stool and make it regular. Girls after 30 years, especially after childbirth, may face such a problem: a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet will have a positive effect on the digestive system, explains dietitian Alexandra Maksimkina.

The benefits of bell pepper for men

Due to the high content of potassium, bell pepper helps to maintain male physical activity. And the substance lycopene in the composition of this healthy vegetable makes it an assistant in the prevention of prostate diseases.

The benefits of bell pepper for children

“For children, vitamin C, derived from peppers, is an assistant in protecting against colds,” says Alexandra Maksimkina. – It is only worth remembering that absolutely kids should not drastically introduce this vegetable into the diet. You need to do this gradually, monitor the reaction of the body.

The harm of bell pepper

Despite the large number of positive substances, bell pepper can harm the human body.

The harm of bell pepper for men and women

It is worth limiting the use of bell pepper or completely eliminating it from the diet if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidney disease. It is not recommended to eat Bulgarian pepper for people with an acute allergic reaction.

Harm of bell pepper for children

Babies under three years old should be given this vegetable with caution and introduced into the diet gradually.

The use of bell pepper in cooking

Sweet peppers are used to prepare hot dishes, appetizers, salads, casseroles and much more: the flight of fancy is really big. During heat treatment, bell pepper loses more than 75% of its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is more beneficial for health to choose those recipes where the vegetable is used raw.

Stuffed peppers

Their preparation will take no more than 40 minutes, but the result will exceed expectations: the peppers are soft and juicy

For five medium-sized peppers you need:

Chopped meat  350 g
Carrots  1 piece.
rice  100 g
Bow  1 piece.
Vegetable oil  Art. a spoon
A tomato  1 piece.
Salt, pepper, paprika  to taste

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, and cut the onion into small pieces. Fry the mixture in vegetable oil until tender. At the end, add finely chopped tomato and simmer for a couple more minutes. Let the fry cool down while you cook the rice.

Rice should be cooked until half cooked. If you cook it “to the fullest”, later the groats will soften in peppers and turn into porridge. After the rice and frying have cooled, add the minced meat to them. Pepper the filling, salt and put in a large container so that it is convenient to stuff the peppers.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and fill the vegetables with the prepared stuffing. Put them in a deep saucepan, add water or sauce from tomatoes and herbs so that the tops of the peppers are visible. After the liquid boils, cook the peppers for another 40-50 minutes.

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Panzanella is native to Tuscany. There are many variations of cooking, we suggest choosing the classic version

For a salad of vegetables and bread originally from Italy, you will need:

Ciabatta  300 g
Avocado  1 piece.
Olive oil  2 tsp
Bell pepper (regular and canned)  2 piece.
A tomato  1 piece.
Greens  bundle
Lemon juice  to taste
Vinegar  1 hours. Spoon

Break the bread into medium slices, add vinegar, olive oil and herbs to it. Cut the avocado into small pieces, cut the pepper into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add tomato to pepper and avocado.

To assemble the salad, put the bread on the bottom in a deep plate, and the vegetable mixture on top.

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How to choose and store bell pepper

When choosing a pepper, pay attention to the presence of light spots: if they are, the fruit is not ripe. You can take it, but it will affect the taste of the dish. It is better to choose glossy vegetables that have an even color, without cracks and “beaten” places. You should also look at the leg: it should not be dry and black.

Store bell peppers in the refrigerator. If the vegetables are not quite ripe, you can let them sit at room temperature for a couple of days to ripen. But then immediately transfer to the refrigerator.

For longer storage, peppers can be frozen. Cut it into slices, put it in special freezer bags and place it in the freezer.

Popular questions and answers

Answered frequently asked questions Alexandra Maksimkina, practicing dietitian, lecturer at the Academy of Health Industry Specialists, director of the School of a Beautiful Figure:

Is it possible to eat bell pepper every day?

Bulgarian pepper can be eaten every day: there are no special contraindications. But in everything, measure is important, as with any other product. This vegetable is high in vitamin C and fiber. An excess of the latter, especially if we are considering raw bell peppers, can cause cramps and an unpleasant sensation in the stomach. And too much vitamin C can cause an allergic reaction. 100 grams of bell pepper contains 200 percent of the daily requirement of this vitamin. Even if you eat two bell peppers a day, nothing bad will happen. But the diversity of the diet is very important, so in addition to bell peppers, it is worth including as many colored vegetables as possible.

Can you eat raw bell peppers?

The main rule is to thoroughly wash the Bulgarian pepper before eating it. After that, the vegetable can be eaten raw. Bulgarian pepper without heat treatment contains much more benefits. If it is affected by temperature, more than half of its useful properties are lost.

What is the difference between bell pepper and paprika?

Bulgarian pepper, hot pepper, paprika – these are all different names for the same plant species. In total, there are more than 600 similar vegetables of this type, each of them has its own characteristics and, of course, a different taste. For the manufacture of paprika, a mixture of different peppers is used: both sweet – Bulgarian and spicy varieties are used. They make a fine powder, which is then used in cooking as a seasoning. Paprika tastes spicy, spicy and even sweet. It all depends on the types of peppers from which the mixture is made.

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