The film «12 chairs»

We will explain elsewhere!

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Motivation plus, minus, organization of the situation.

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Film «Crew»

The slides are projected onto the ceiling, it’s not convenient to lift your head up, so you want to lie down on the bed. Yes?

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​​​​​​​Building a situation is not a stick or a carrot, not a bribe or coercion, but the alignment (organization) of the elements of the situation (time, place, environment, participants, roles and dispositions), when everything that happens should , happens by itself.

For example, speed bumps on the road — they do not persuade drivers and do not intimidate, but lie in such a way that the drivers themselves understand the situation and make the right decision themselves.

Building a situation is one of the methods of hidden influence and one of the most important elements of organizing life.

Elements of building a situation

The distance of communication and other moments are elements of the spatial organization of communication (proxemics).

Techniques for building a situation

Techniques are as varied as life itself. In particular, attention management, deception, involvement, and situation creation are widely used.

One should not think that the organization of a situation is some rare and exotic way of influencing people’s behavior. On the contrary, this method is ubiquitous and, perhaps, so familiar that in many cases we have already ceased to perceive it as a device.

It is necessary to cheerfully do exercises — they turned on peppy music.

Music does not force, music does not bribe, music creates a situation where it is easier to do exercises. Organization of an energizing situation.

They threw a thesis, there is no interest in accepting it, it is impossible to force it to be accepted — but this is not necessary if the thesis can be logically substantiated.

Good reasoning works on logical people simply because sound reasoning is accepted. Organization of a meaningful situation.

A one-year-old child is crawling in the wrong direction. Forbid? Interested? Dad twisted the child on the floor several times, like a top — the child sits, turns his head, lost his bearings. Dad turned it in the right direction — the old child had already weathered, he crawled in the right direction.

In the old dacha, all the amenities were on the street, the dacha was updated and repaired, a warm toilet appeared at home. But the old grandmother, by habit, still does not go to the toilet at home, but goes outside, although winter is cold. The son-in-law complains to his wife: “I don’t know what to do, I told her a thousand times!” The wife shrugged, «What’s the problem? I will decide.» I took and washed all my grandmother’s things, hung them outside to dry. Grandmother sat at home for three days, because there was nothing to go out into the street. In three days I rebuilt, I got used to going to a new toilet. All!

From the findings of our readers:

In order for my husband to take out the garbage, I put a bag under the door in the morning, if you don’t pick it up you will stumble and fall. Bottom line: garbage is taken out silently and regularly.

It was necessary to repair the cabinet in the bathroom, I asked and inspired for 3 months. Resolved the issue from a tactician position. To the mirror in the bathroom, at eye level, she hung a note: “Fix me. your locker.» The result — laughed and immediately did.

Rubbish had to be removed from the old house. I found garbage disposal at the most suitable price, ordered a container, called a friend and asked to control the execution. The garbage is taken out, the house is clean.

In the evening I take out either paints, or plasticine, or a designer and begin to study. The result — the child is connected, and we create beauty together.

A classic, elementary example: in one high ministry, where there were many women, there was constant dissatisfaction with the fact that the elevators had to wait a very long time. To force women not to be angry is stupid, to interest them not to be angry is nothing. However, as soon as beautiful mirrors were hung on the platform in front of the elevator, the discontent stopped.

The situation has changed — people have changed their attitude towards it. Naturally.

Italian Prime Minister, media mogul Silvio Berlusconi holds cabinet meetings in a hall without seats. All ministers are standing, and as a result, most issues in the Italian government are now resolved much faster. No one is interested in anyone, no one is forcing anyone: the situation is like this.

Very similar mechanisms are often used by leaders and executives of all ranks. For example, there is an exit seminar, psychological training, the leader of the day needs to gather participants for the next event. There is a ritual for this — everyone must count loudly: “Ten, nine, eight …” and so on until “Gathering!”, At this time, all latecomers run. Okay, that makes sense, but how exactly do you, as the leader of the day, organize all of this?

Imagine concretely and vividly: people are sitting next to you, you get up and tell them: “Let’s count!”? Well, you say … Well, perhaps they will even do it, although here they are sitting, and you tore them away from interesting conversations and make their throats tear. They are sitting, and you are standing in front of them. You are a hindrance to them, and there is no enthusiasm to support your seemingly reasonable initiative. Is it possible to do something very simple so that the situation suddenly changes and people begin to count with you, the leader of the day, cheerfully and enthusiastically? Can. Only one thing needs to change: people must stand up. It is necessary to make them count — not sitting, but standing. It is not difficult to do this, everyone easily rises to the request to rise, and then — what has changed next? Again, imagine concretely and vividly: here are people standing next to you, counting loudly …

By the way, standing up and counting loudly is much easier than sitting down — check it out!

You are united with them in a common circle, and they know that in fact they will sit down when everyone has gathered. And you want to sit down, so they will shout the score cheerfully and energetically, so that everyone gathers faster and so that they sit down faster!

All. All that was done was the organization of the situation.

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